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Ad-Hoc Expert

Generic Skills

B.1. Understanding of integrated and sustainable urban development: 
Working with and promoting integrated and sustainable development is at the core of my approach within URBACT, since its inception in 2003, initially as one of the first team of three experts attached to the URBACT Secretariat, specialising in the field of transnational exchange and social inclusion, then as thematic expert (specialising in social inclusion and network animation) for the CTUR and USEAct networks. I trained and practiced as an architect, working in the field of social/cooperative housing and also as a community worker, in the formerly derelict and severely disadvantaged docklands area in the inner city of Dublin prior to the economic boom of the country. There I instigated an integrated structure, the Grand Canal Docks Development Trust, gathering the public, private and community sectors concerned with the development of the area. As Secretary General of Quartiers en Crise, a network of cites with disadvantaged neighbourhoods, promoting the integrated approach, I worked with cities across Europe, many of whom had pioneered the integrated approach arising from their involvement in the European Commission‘s Urban programme, as well as with pioneers in the matter, such as Claude Jacquier. At the time of my position of Communications director of Eurocities the question of the integrated approach was coming to the fore as a key issue for cities and member states alike, and part of the role of the communications department was to foster this approach.
B.2. Understanding of exchange and learning processes at transnational level: 
When I took up a freelance role as expert attached to the URBACT Secretariat, my experience of transnational networking was my ‘specialisation’ as one of the three ‘experts’ then attached to the programme secretariat (the others were specialised in urban development and participation respectively). In this context, along with my two colleagues, we drafted the first ‘URBACT guide to capitalisation’. I also followed and facilitated the setting up of a number of URBACT networks, and since then I have been Thematic Expert for two thematic networks: CTUR and USEAct, supporting the Lead Partner and Lead Expert. My experience of European transnational exchange and learning began in 1993 as development officer for the European Anti-Poverty Network in Brussels, a European network of national and local NGOs in Europe fighting poverty and social exclusion, facilitating exchange of experience between NGOs across Europe, organising and facilitating transnational training sessions, and representing the network in international fora and conferences. This was followed by 3 years as Secretary General of Quartiers en Crise, a network of European cities promoting an integrated approach to the revitalisation of disadvantaged neighbourhoods, facilitating exchange and discussion on common issues, often supported by participation in European transnational projects, which I also coordinated. I also worked with other exchange networks such as ENAR, the European Network Against Racism.
B.3. Proficiency in English: 
I am of English mother tongue, and as I have lived and worked in Brussels then in Paris since 1993, I therefore speak and write English and French fluently. Within the CTUR and USEAct URBACT networks, as the only English mother tongue member of the project team I have been responsible for ensuring clear and understandable documents, not only my own products but also for a considerable number of documents drafted by other experts and the Lead Partner team. I have drafted and edited all the thematic meeting reports, as well as contributing to and editing the thematic papers drawn up by the Lead Expert, the project newsletters and other project outcomes and deliverables. I have also drawn up numerous reports for the other networks and projects in which I have been involved. Throughout over 20 years of transnational experience I have been called upon on many occasions to speak at public events, mainly in English (also in French): amongst many other speaking engagements, for example, upon the request of the URBACT Secretariat, I prepared and presented a paper on URBACT’S work in the field of the fight against poverty to the ESPON conference in Greece in July 2014. Many times during 2010, the European Year for Combating Poverty, as coordinator of over 25 European networks of social NGOs I was called upon to speak at major European transnational events. Previously I have been called upon to speak at international events such as Metropolis, for example, in Rotterdam and Norway.

Expertise for the design and delivery of transnational exchange and learning activities:

Summary Expertise for the design and delivery of transnational exchange and learning activities: 
My knowledge and practice of tools and methods applied to exchange and learning processes in transnational cooperation contexts arises mainly from direct experience of facilitating and recording exchanges within transnational projects, in URBACT, Quartiers en Crise and Eurocities but also within the European NGO network field, i.e. with the European Anti-Poverty Network and numerous other networks and projects. Within these varied partnerships I have been called upon to draw upon my ability to listen, lead and animate lively discussion, respecting different cultural differences, leading to consensus between often different viewpoints. Within the URBACT programme, the Local Support Group toolkit has been a particularly useful tool. My good knowledge of English French and an understanding of Spanish has helped me bridge gaps of understanding across a wide range of cultures, and I have strongly encouraged a participatory process wherever the opportunity has arisen. I have produced numerous reports of exchanges at European level which have been appreciated by the partners, institutions and organisations concerned as being clear, comprehensive and timely.

Thematic expertise:

Theme / Policy: 
Active Inclusion of Target Groups
Summary Thematic expertise: 
My extensive experience in the field of social inclusion is based on my work at local level as architect and community worker in the inner city of Dublin, then at European level as Development officer with EAPN, the European Anti Poverty network, working with NGOs fighting poverty and social exclusion on the ground across Europe, and later with ENAR, the European network Against Racism and PICUM, the Platform for International Cooperation on Undocumented Migrants. This entailed facilitating exchange, information sharing and drafting policy recommendations. In 2010 I coordinated the European coalition of social NGOs during the European Year Against Poverty and contributed to the formation and implementation of the European Minimum Income Network, a major project funded by the European Commission involving all EU member states. I have focused on integrated urban development through European networks and projects: Quartiers en Crise, Eurocities and the URBACT programme, which I first joined as expert to the secretariat, supporting and facilitating the creation and development of new networks. As Thematic Expert to the URBACT CTUR and USEAct networks I have contributed knowledge and experience of social inclusion issues related to urban policy, as well as my experience in networking with and between NGOs and cities.


Residence location:
English - Mother tongue
Foreign Languages level: 
Foreign languages: 
Foreign Languages level: 
Foreign languages: 

Area of expertise