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Validated Lead Expert

Generic Skills

B.1. Understanding of integrated and sustainable urban development: 
I have 15 of expertise, experience and research background in the sector of urban sustainable development, as former director of a European local authorities’ network, and as speaker/expert. 1/ Research : -Edition and publication of collective books, and in particular: “European and Asian Sustainable Towns: satellite cities and metropolitan governance”, Peter Lang, 2014, -Publication of articles such as “Green urbanization and sustainable cities in a comparative perspective”, in Society and Public welfare, March 2013, -Drafting of reports and papers. -Expert/associate researcher for the Global Relations Forum on the topic of sustainable urbanization 2015-1016. 2/ I have 13 years of experience in working with local authorities as director of the European New Towns and Pilot Cities Network ( . One of the main topics for exchange was urban sustainable development, and how to develop greener cities. I have designed, coordinated, and delivered transnational projects on sustainable urban development: EAST: European and Asian Sustainable Towns (Europaid 2011-2015), New Medina from pilot to sustainable towns (Ciudad 2010-2013), Euroscapes on sustainable landscapes (INTERREG IVC), Greenov on sustainable renovation (INTERREG IVB) and others. 3/ Contribution to events, trainings, panels of experts and jury panels: presentations on sustainable urban development, and contributions to trainings, panels and working groups as expert.
B.2. Understanding of exchange and learning processes at transnational level: 
I have been for 13 years Director of a local authorities network gathering 31 local authorities and 10 research centres in 11 different countries: the European New Towns and Pilot Cities Platform . The countries represented in the network were: the United Kingdom, France, the Netherlands, Belgium, Poland, Hungary, Sweden, Finland, Romania, Spain and Greece. My responsibilities have been : -To develop the network, the partnerships and to facilitate joint work and cooperation among the members -To coordinate and lead the network’s strategies together with the Board members, -To organize events and conferences at trans national level including drafting the content and contacts with the press, -To organize meeting groups, panels of experts and workshops, -To work as expert for the towns of the network (within projects), -To initiate, draft and deliver common trans national projects, -To write expert reports and publications about several themes. I have had the opportunity to work with city councils’ representatives, urban practitioners, and other stakeholders working on urban planning. European projects have been fuelling integration, exchange and European cooperation among the members. I have been coordinating around 15 transnational projects for European programs (INTERREG, Urbact). These projects were the cornerstone of transnational exchanges and mutual learning processes, both among local authorities, and with research centers.
B.3. Proficiency in English: 
I am used to work in a multi-lingual and multi-cultural environment, since the beginning of my career and in particular as former director of the European New Towns and Pilot Cities platform. English has been for me, the main working language, although not the only one. European exchanges require the use and understanding of other languages such as French (my mother tongue), Dutch, Spanish or German. Being able to exchange without external assistance both in oral and written communication is a must and inevitable (as speaker, moderator, facilitator, coordinator). For the publications though, proofreading/review from a native speaker, and preferably a professional peer or researcher may be a source of quality. Indeed, misunderstandings and false or incorrect interpretations can be stumbling blocks of transnational communication, even at a rather small scale such as transnational projects’ cooperation. In addition, a word lexicon of the topic’s main key words or local authorities’ decision making architecture in Europe is often appreciated, as well as the translation of acronyms.

Expertise for the design and delivery of transnational exchange and learning activities:

Summary Expertise for the design and delivery of transnational exchange and learning activities: 
Ms Pascaline Gaborit holds a PhD in political science and has been working for 15 years as expert, consultant and director of the European New Towns and pilot cities, Platform ( She has been coordinating projects, events, city to city cooperation and panel of experts on local policies, planning, culture, inclusion and governance. She has facilitated meetings, moderated workshops, drafted concise and thematic content reports. She managed EU co-financed projects and conducted research on urban planning and governance, including the different policies, actions, and roles of local authorities. She has been lead partner and content manager of European projects on strategic planning, local governance, urban sustainable development, culture and active inclusion. She contributed to local policy design and exchanges with policy recommendations, trainings and presentations. She edited collective books on culture and urban sustainable development. Her main skills are: • Drafting high quality experts reports • Animating networks, designing and moderating events, trainings and panel of experts • Working in a multi cultural environment and solving communication issues • Acting as animator, facilitator and designer of transnational projects and exchanges • Launching initiatives, cooperation • Working in a European environment, for and with local authorities • Mobilizing energies and creating synergies among partners.

Thematic expertise:

Theme / Policy: 
Urban Strategic Planning
Summary Thematic expertise: 
Ms Pascaline Gaborit holds a PhD in political science and has been working for 15 years as expert, consultant and director of the European New Towns and pilot cities, Platform ( . She has been coordinating projects, events, city to city cooperation and panel of experts on strategic urban planning. She has facilitated meetings, moderated workshops, drafted concise and thematic content reports. She has also managed EU co-financed projects and conducted research on urban sustainable development, including the different policies, actions and roles of local authorities. Recent projects include cooperation on urban sustainable development (EAST project, and projects on sustainable renovation (Greenov or sustainable management of landscapes (Euroscapes). She also edited (among others) the collective book “European and Asian Sustainable Towns: satellite cities and metropolitan governance”, Peter Lang 2014. She contributed to local policy design and exchanges with policy recommendations, trainings and key presentations.
Theme / Policy: 
Local Governance
Summary Thematic expertise: 
Ms Pascaline Gaborit holds a PhD in political science and has been working for 15 years as expert, consultant and director of the European New Towns and pilot cities, Platform ( She has been coordinating projects, events, city to city cooperation and panel of experts on urban policies and governance. She has facilitated meetings, moderated workshops, drafted concise and thematic content reports. She has managed EU co-financed projects and conducted research on urban policies and governance, including the different policies, actions and roles of local authorities. Recent projects include cooperation on urban sustainable development (EAST project, civic and citizens engagement (knowledge networks),cooperation with Southern Mediterranean towns (CIUDAD), and projects on sustainable renovation (Greenov or sustainable management of landscapes (Euroscapes). She edited (among others) the collective book “European and Asian Sustainable Towns: satellite cities and metropolitan governance”, Peter Lang 2014. She contributed to local policy design and exchanges with policy recommendations, trainings and presentations.
Theme / Policy: 
Active Inclusion of Target Groups
Summary Thematic expertise: 
Ms Pascaline Gaborit holds a PhD in political science and has been working for 15 years as expert, consultant and director of the European New Towns and pilot cities, Platform ( . She has been coordinating projects, events, city to city cooperation and panel of experts on urban policies, social inclusion and governance. She has facilitated meetings, moderated workshops, drafted concise and thematic content reports. Recent projects include cooperation on gender equality (PROM- Promotion of women at local level, Work Life Balance), Social inclusion of minorities (Labour plus project ), civic and citizens engagement (knowledge networks), and work with Roma communities (More Respect). She contributed to local policy design and exchanges with policy recommendations, trainings and presentations.
Theme / Policy: 
Arts and Culture
Summary Thematic expertise: 
Ms Pascaline Gaborit holds a PhD in political science and has been working for 15 years as expert, consultant and director of the European New Towns and pilot cities, Platform ( ). She has been coordinating projects, events, city to city cooperation and panel of experts on local urban and cultural policies in partnership with other cities networks such as “Les Rencontres” European network of regional and local authorities for culture. She has facilitated meetings, moderated workshops, drafted concise and thematic content reports. Recent projects include cooperation on culture and development: AWARD 2011-2014 (Awareness Raising and Education on Culture and Development): and ARCADE (promotion of culture as a tool for development), She has given lectures on European policies, culture and cultural industries at the MECIC ESC-Dijon between 2009 and 2014. She also edited (among others) the collective book The Strength of Culture for Development: Why culture matters in international cooperation, (2014), Brussels published by Peter Lang international. She contributed to local policy design and exchanges with policy recommendations, trainings and key presentations.

Expertise support to local authorities and other stakeholders in designing & delivering integrated and participatory policies

E.1. Knowledge on participatory methods and tools for co-production and implementation of local polices : 
I have used mainly three methodologies/instruments for the co-production and implementation of local policies: the urban local support groups, the creation of partnerships between local authorities and research centers, and the panels of experts. 1.The urban local support groups: have been set up in most of our cooperation projects, on the basis of the URBACT methodology (although not all projects were co-financed by URBACT). These groups enabled the co-production of policies, as a way to consult and engage the stakeholders, and for the implementation as a catalyzer for efficiency. 2.Another instrument, to support local authorities in their co-production of policies has been to involve research centers, universities, urban planners networks, think tanks and the private sector in the early debates, discussions, and strategies to be presented to local elected representatives 3.Finally I have designed and facilitated panels of experts. These panels gathered a dozen of experts to exchange on specific local policies, both for their design/production and implementation, while providing different views, outlooks and perspectives.
E.2. Knowledge on integrated approach for the design, delivering, monitoring and evaluation of urban strategies/policies: 
1/ Integrated approach on the Design of urban strategies policies. I have promoted an integrated or holistic approach by involving partners, experts, researchers on different topics, and in diverse areas such as urban design and planning, landscape architecture, economy, political science, governance, sociology, culture, gender and when possible by involving the target groups/population through representatives. 2/ Integrated approach on the delivery of urban strategies/policies The organization of multi-disciplinary panels of experts and local support groups, has promoted a multi-stakeholders’ approach in the delivery and implementation of local actions, strategies and policies. 3/Integrated approach for the monitoring and evaluation of urban strategies: I have contributed methodologies of evaluation, assessment and appraisal for urban strategies/policies for instance indicators (indicators of urban sustainable development, indicators on culture and development etc.).
E.3. Awareness of the main policy and funding schemes for sustainable urban development at EU and national level: 
I have dedicated my career to European projects and partnerships. I have followed the debates and evolution of the European urban agenda, the multi-level governance, but also the covenant of mayors’ initiative, the referential for sustainable cities, the urban sustainability documentation from the European Environment Agency, the works from JPI Urban Europe works from the DG Research I regularly participate in the DG REGIO open days, and in the programs’ capitalization events such as the ones organized by Europaid’s program “Local authorities in Development”, INTERREG, the urban intergroup of the European Parliament and so on.
E.4. Ability to understand specific local situations and adapt tools and content to different local realities: 
The organization of trans national events, the delivery of transnational projects and the organization of panels of experts require to understand specific local situations, and adapt the content to different local realities. 1/ the implementation of local transnational actions is illustrative of the difficulties to understand the specificities of the local context, in particular in terms of governance, and the necessities to adapt the content to different local realities (for instance in the Greenov project, each partner implemented a local action plan/action to support the energy efficiency of public buildings. 2/ Transnational events and in particular panels of experts: require the understanding of local situations (with the production of a background documentation several weeks in advance), and then a follow up to make sure that the experts' recommendation are adapted to the local realities in particular to the local decision making process, the staekholders' capacities etc.
Summary Expertise: 
Ms Pascaline Gaborit holds a PhD in political science and has been working for 15 years as expert, consultant and director of the European New Towns and pilot cities, Platform ( She has been coordinating projects, events, city to city cooperation and panel of experts on urban strategic planning, local policies, culture and governance. She has facilitated meetings, moderated workshops, drafted concise and thematic content reports. She managed EU co-financed projects and conducted research on urban policies and governance, including the different policies, actions and roles of local authorities. Recent projects include cooperation on urban sustainable development (EAST project, civic and citizens engagement (knowledge networks),cooperation with Southern Mediterranean towns (CIUDAD), and projects on sustainable renovation (Greenov, sustainable management of landscapes (Euroscapes) and culture ( She edited (among others) the collective book “European and Asian Sustainable Towns: satellite cities and metropolitan governance”, Peter Lang 2014. She contributed to local policy design and exchanges with policy recommendations, trainings and presentations.


Residence location:
French - Mother tongue
Foreign Languages level: 
Foreign languages: 
Foreign Languages level: 
Foreign languages: 
Foreign Languages level: 
Foreign languages: 
Foreign Languages level: 
Foreign languages: 
Foreign Languages level: 
Foreign languages: 

Area of expertise