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Fuster Morell


Fuster Morell

Validated Lead Expert

Generic Skills

B.1. Understanding of integrated and sustainable urban development: 
My background combines Academic and Research experience with professional experience in the field of digital innovation. I am specialised in the expansion of the collaborative economy and digital Commons and its public policy implications. I am the principal investigator at UOC as partner for the European project DECODE "Building the next generation of cooperative data platforms for digital sovereignty", where I develop a multidisciplinary framework for sharing economy, and the European project "PLUS on Platform Labour in Urban Spaces: Fairness, Welfare, and Development", where I analyse alternative models of collaborative economy. I was the Principal Investigator for the project partner at the Autonomous University of Barcelona of the Europea project P2Pvalue on the conditions that favor value creation in collaborative production and decentralize infrastructures. As an expert in public policies and collaborative economy, I am responsible of the experts group BarCola on collaborative economy and commons production at the Barcelona City Council, and I am co organising Procomuns: A forum for the cocreation of public policies for a commons oriented collaborative economy, which informed the european agenda of collaborative economy, and the Sharing Cities Summit, which involved 50 cities around the world. My sound expertize has allowed to advise and engage with major cities such as Amsterdam, Barcelona, and NYC.
B.2. Understanding of exchange and learning processes at transnational level: 
I have extensive experience in exchange and learning activities at transnational level. Following my academic studies abroad (at the European University Institute, Harvard, MIT, Stanford, and Berkeley), I taught in international master programs such as Erasmus Mundus for instance. I have been involved in several European projects as a PI or as a partner member of three projects funded by the ICT calls H2020 and FP7. I have been on the advisory board of two other European projects and a ERC Starting Grant Project in the fields of collaborative economy, digital social innovation and digital commons. I led research on the P2Pvalue FP7 European project judged to be Excellent by the relevant EC reviewers, and whose results have been transferred to SMEs and were the basis for the H2020 FoTRRIS and DECODE projects. All along my career, I also have organized a large amount of international scientific meetings among which, the Sharing Cities Summit at the Smart City World Congress Expo 2018 (World Wide larger smart technology congress) that I co-directed. This Summit is the basis of the URBACT project I am applying to be a Lead Expert for.
B.3. Proficiency in English: 
My wide experience in studying, teaching abroad, and leading European and international projects has allowed me to develop excellent Language skills in English. I wrote and defended my PhD in English. I wrote the book "Sharing Cities" in English. I have 10 years of professional experience in English.

Expertise for the design and delivery of transnational exchange and learning activities:

Summary Expertise for the design and delivery of transnational exchange and learning activities: 
As an expert of digital innovation, specialised in the expansion of the collaborative economy, I have extensive experience in designing and implementing European Projects and International scientific events. I am the main investigator for the theoretical WP of the H2020 projects DECODE, and PLUS. Thanks to my strong leadership skills and my ability to engage a wide range of stakeholders, I have been able to co-organize the Sharing Cities Summit along with the Barcelona City Council in 2018. This event gathered 50 City councils from all around the world. I actively participated in the design and the facilitation of this event. The facilitation and animation methods used during the events I have been part of are based on the principle of co-creation. The Procomuns MeetUp and the Agora of the Sharing cities stand in the Smart Cities World Congress both offered a high level of diversity of participants whom we wanted to get as involved in the activities as possible. My leading role in the organization of the Sharing Cities Summit proved my ability to gather a large amount of worldwide actors from both institutions and civil society.

Thematic expertise:

Theme / Policy: 
Local Economic Development
Summary Thematic expertise: 
My expertise in local economic development is characterized by my research and my experience in the field of social innovation. My expertise in digital innovation and collaborative economy is strongly recognized. I obtained my PhD in Social and Political Science from European University Institute (EUI), Italy. Since then, I have been conducting research in the field of digital innovation, specialised in the expansion of the collaborative economy and digital commons in connection to disruptive technologies (blockchain and artificial intelligence), as well as its public policy implications. I have been consulted and engaged by diverse European Union institutions regarding the European Collaborative Agenda (DG Growth, DG Connect, Joint Research Centre, Committee of Regions), and City administrations on collaborative policies (including Barcelona, Madrid, Amsterdam, Seoul and Milan, among others). I am the main organiser of the Sharing Cities Summit, a worldwide major cities gathering in 2018 on the policies of the sharing economy, with representatives from 50 cities across all continents, 12 of them which are vice-mayors of economic affairs.

Expertise support to local authorities and other stakeholders in designing & delivering integrated and participatory policies

E.1. Knowledge on participatory methods and tools for co-production and implementation of local polices : 
I have a strong experience in designing and delivering participatory methods and tools for co-production and implementation of local policies. The Research group I’m leading is working narrowly with the Barcelona City Council in the field of Collaborative economy. We’ve developed. Thus, I have impulsed and I have been coordinating since then Barcola, a multi disciplinary working group which purposes are o analyze and evaluate the situation of the commons-oriented model within the collaborative economy in the context of Barcelona; to map the collaborative economy cases and commons-oriented models within the context of Barcelona ; to elaborate recommendations towards the planning of public policies in that field; to enhance the dialogue between the social and solidarity economy and commons oriented production.
E.2. Knowledge on integrated approach for the design, delivering, monitoring and evaluation of urban strategies/policies: 
I’ve had a leading role in the facilitation of the co-creation process of “Procomuns”, “Commons Collaborative Economies: Policies, Technologies and City for the People” that is promoted by Dimmons (Digital Commons Research at the Internet Interdisciplinary Institute (IN3) of the Open University of Catalonia, BarCola (node on collaborative economy and commons production in Barcelona), as well as the Department of Alternative Economies and Proximity of Barcelona Activa-Barcelona City Council. The main objective of the Commons Collaborative Economies is to discuss the potential and the challenges of the collaborative economy, but also to define public policies that could help to promote the “Commons side” of the collaborative economy. Following the discussions at the first international event we organized on March 2016, which gathered more than 400 participants, we have been working together experts, citizens and sector representatives on a series of proposals and more than 120 policy recommendations for governments, ending in a joint statement of public policies for the collaborative economy. The measures (in Catalan) have been sent to the Barcelona City Council as concrete actions for the Municipal Action Plan of the City following a consultative online participatory process. The Declaration has been sent to other local authorities and the Government of Catalonia. This version of the Declaration in English has also been sent to the European Commission.
E.3. Awareness of the main policy and funding schemes for sustainable urban development at EU and national level: 
As a researcher specialized in the field of Collaborative economy and its impact on the cities and its gorvernance, I constantly keep aware and informed about sustainable urban development through my research and all the projects and evets I am involved in.
E.4. Ability to understand specific local situations and adapt tools and content to different local realities: 
The Procomuns meeting presents a wide range of actors and stakeholders. I have actively participated in its development as it is promoted by Dimmons, the Reasearch group I’m leading and Barcola, the working group of expert I’m coordinating. Our metodology is based on: - Creating a team of experts. - Open map methodology and production of tools addressed to the sector (directory). Collective generation of the map. - Co-creation methodologies for the elaboration of public policies in order to finalize the analysis and define the Barcelona public policy recommendations. - Workshops and seminars. - Materials with open source license and available online
Summary Expertise: 
My experience is supporting local authorities and other stakeholders in designing and delivering integrated and participatory policies is very broad. I am the author of several publications on this topic such as the Sharing Cities book for instance. Thus, I am the coordinator of Barcola, a multi disciplinary working group which purposes are o analyze and evaluate the situation of the commons-oriented model within the collaborative economy in the context of Barcelona; to map the collaborative economy cases and commons-oriented models within the context of Barcelona ; to elaborate recommendations towards the planning of public policies in that field; to enhance the dialogue between the social and solidarity economy and commons oriented production. Our methodology is based on co-creation for the elaboration of public policies in order to finalize the analysis and define the Barcelona public policy recommendations. Through my leading role in Barcola, I have impulsed the “Procomuns meeting” whose main objective is to discuss the potential and the challenges of the collaborative economy, but also to define public policies that could help to promote the “Commons side” of the collaborative economy.


Residence location:
Catalan - Mother tongue, Spanish - Mother tongue
Foreign Languages level: 
Foreign languages: 
Foreign Languages level: 
Foreign languages: 

Area of expertise