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Validated Lead Expert

Generic Skills

B.1. Understanding of integrated and sustainable urban development: 
Cities are the places where the sustainability challenge is to be won or to be lost. During the last 5 years of my research I have extensively focused on urban sustainability domains, including research on urban water, urban energy and urban biodiversity also including social sustainability issues such as social cohesion, justice (considering accessibility and availability issues of urban services) and education for sustainability. How researchers, communities, and policy practitioners understand and envision sustainability has been at the heart of my work. Integrated urban development for sustainability is a co-benefit across domains (energy, water, biodiversity, mobility, housing) and across interests (economic, ecological and social). As thus, integrated urban sustainability means to create spaces that benefit simultaneously urban citizens economically, ecologically and socially.
B.2. Understanding of exchange and learning processes at transnational level: 
Learning is not a passive activity but rather an active engaging activity between different knowledge-holders. For learning processes at transnational level, it is important to consider practitioners and experts as equals, bringing different but equally valuable knowledge on the dialogue. With this in mind, we have designed a process methodology - transition management for cities - that we applied in the MUSIC project cities, with Aberdeen being one of the cities I collaborated with, to create new knowledge and learn together on how to seek out and recognize opportunities, take up and evaluate lessons from pilots and community initiatives so as to co-create transformative agendas for climate action at a city level, district level and community level. The MUSIC project included transnational learning meetings with 5 European city teams that brought together their new knowledge, expertise to the table to be inspired and also advance their tacit knowledge from exchanging, questioning and reflecting on own's and each other's experiences in drafting a transformative agenda for climate action. These learning exchange and advancing meetings were designed in a format of 'days of workshops' when city officers could work on small teams with other partner city officers and dialectically reflect on their practice and also learn from each other by open exchange of both failures (what did not work) and successes (what worked and what made it tip).
B.3. Proficiency in English: 
I have been working at a high academic level and in policy development at international level (Future Earth platform, UNEP) in English for the past 17 years. I have graduated my Master of Science, PHD in English, have published in top level academic journals in English, teach and supervise Master of Science and PhD students in English as well as hold a position as a visiting scholar at Cornell University in USA. I have also facilitated policy-science participatory work in Australia. I also have a Certificate for English Proficiency from Cambridge University, TOEFL and GRE certificates. During my employment at TU Delft I also followed courses of English for Academic Speaking and Writing, English for Education, English for Lecturers to non-native speakers (from 2008-2010).

Expertise for the design and delivery of transnational exchange and learning activities:

Summary Expertise for the design and delivery of transnational exchange and learning activities: 
I feel confident in leading, coordinating and facilitating knowledge co-production processes with policy practitioners, citizens, business representatives and scientists. My deep experience at the policy-science interface is confirming that it is a very much needed and also very exciting and fulfilling experience to work at actively bridging different knowledge holders together with the aim to advance their understanding of dynamics, creating common ground of knowledge and understanding as well as fostering actors' capacities to take action for sustainability. For such a task, not only the scientific expertise in the field of environmental governance that builds from sustainability, sustainability transitions and resilience thinking is important but also how to translate and enrich it with policy-science co-production are important; expertise that I have demonstrated both at the academic and policy fronts.

Thematic expertise:

Theme / Policy: 
Urban Strategic Planning
Summary Thematic expertise: 
It is very inspiring and hope-making to work on for urban sustainability together with city officers and practitioners. I feel that the 'translation' of the lessons learnt, common understandings and new co-produced knowledge is a task that needs to be done in a simple and concise way (producing reports, policy practice briefs and visual representations that capture the attention and imagination of participants and non-participants) as well as a scientific process, where the knowledge gained from this process needs to also feedback to the academic debates on governing sustainability transitions in cities. I feel confident and excited to take up this role in the URBACT III program.

Expertise support to local authorities and other stakeholders in designing & delivering integrated and participatory policies

E.1. Knowledge on participatory methods and tools for co-production and implementation of local polices : 
- MUSIC / Melbourne / Port Vila - Vanuatu and La Botija - Honduras projects: We employed transition management as an over-arching methodological approach that includes visioning process, backcasting and agenda setting. In the Port Vila, the method of Ecosystem services assessment was also incorporated for assessing environmental conflicts. - URBES project: Scenarion building and strategy building methods were employed in a participatory setting also including a narrative building work in a participatory setting based on ecosystem services framework (TEEB). - in Melbourne and in the IMPRESSIONS project we also include wildcards to trigger transformative thinking about establishing and fostering resilience on the short, medium and long term horizon. In the IMPRESSIONS project we also use fuzzy sets to gain knowledge and insight on the understanding of uncertainty for rates of change of social and environmental variables per case study. - I have an extensive knowledge on scenario and pathways building for strategic environmental planning using Transition Management, Normative Scenario, Backcasting and Resilience Planning methods, along with other techniques such as Meadows' leverage points ladder, Integrated Sustainability Assessment, SWOT analysis and participatory multi-criteria analysis using PROMETHEE model interfaces, as well as GIS tools participatory. I have also created causal loop diagrams for waterlands restoration in participatory settings.
E.2. Knowledge on integrated approach for the design, delivering, monitoring and evaluation of urban strategies/policies: 
I am knowledgeable on integrated methods and approaches: Strategic Environmental Impact Assessment, Integrated Sustainability Assessment, Transition Management and many others including actor-network analysis and participatory narrative inquiry. For evaluating urban policies as well as the institutional structures and politics around them, I am confident of using a 'armory' of methods given that I have been working on issues of environmental governance for the past 9 years (from my PhD research starting at 2006 until today).
E.3. Awareness of the main policy and funding schemes for sustainable urban development at EU and national level: 
I am knowledgeable about the urban development policies not only from the DG Regions but also from the policies and documents published from DG Environment (e.g. on Green Infrastructure), from DG Research and Development (e.g. on Nature-based solutions) and from Joint Program Initiative Urban Europe on urban transition to sustainability. I am aware of all the EU policy documents about urban environment and the environmental policy documents at the level that I have published on how policy integration at EU level can be fostered and improved. Not only European policy and funding schemes are on my radar, I am part of the Urban Cluster of the global research initiative Future Earth, having a fast-track program under the theme ‘ The Urban Planet – Pathways and solutions to the cities we want’. I also participate in scoping workshops of future funding schemes at European and Global level including the forthcoming Belmont Forum in USA in 2015. In September 2015 I will represent the European Commission in a bilateral collaboration with Brazil for establishing a platform and collaboration on sustainable urbanisation.
E.4. Ability to understand specific local situations and adapt tools and content to different local realities: 
I have integrated wildcards methods (as a way to incorporate resilience thinking) in Melbourne's transition management process, ecosystem services method with cards' and figures to Rotterdam's scenario and strategy formulation workshops with the URBES project, system analysis and perspectives workshop for envisioning in Aberdeen's transition management process with the MUSIC project, and ecosystem services as diagnostic in the La Botija transition management process in Honduras.
Summary Expertise: 
Working with local authorities to understand local dynamics as well as co-design processes of intervention and dialogue for urban sustainability is a very challenging and fulfilling experience. I am happy that I work in this field and for urban sustainability and resilience together with practitioners!


Residence location:
Greek - Mother tongue
Foreign Languages level: 
Foreign languages: 
Foreign Languages level: 
Foreign languages: 
Foreign Languages level: 
Foreign languages: 

Area of expertise