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Fourth work meeting in Gijon, Spain

Edited on

20 June 2010
Read time: 1 minute
The 4th work meeting of FIN-URB-ACT took place on 15th and 16th of June 2010 in Gijon, Spain. This time the topic was:" Access to finance for SMEs- specific approache for the modernisation of shops and crafts in cities".

Many cities are facing with the issue of a weak inner city structure of small businesses and shops. The partners discussed the possibilities of cooeration and funding  for shops and crafti in inner cities and cometo the conclusion that city can play a coordination role in easing the accessto funding  for small shops and crafts in inner urban areas that are faced with strong competition with big shopping malls and retailers in suburban areas.

The 4th working meeting was accompanied by representatives from The URBACT Secretaraiat and fromthe Directorate of Commercial Policy of the Ministry of Industry, Tourism and Trade from Spain. More informatin about this meeting can be found under the section events. The thematic papers of the meeting in Gijon are available in the outputs section for download.