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Food Corridors presented at Expo Dubai 2020

Edited on

22 February 2022
Read time: 5 minutes

CIM Região de Coimbra, lead partner of Food Corridors was, for two days (16 and 17th February), at the Portugal Pavilion of Expo Dubai 2020, aiming to show its diversity to companies and stakeholders in the Middle East.

The delegation, composed of mayors and businessmen, was dedicated to disseminate information about business and investment, as well as sustainable food, with the presentation of the Urbact Action Planning Network Food Corridors, which has the following partner countries: Italy (Union of Municipalities of Bassa Romagna), Greece (Larissa), Slovenia (BSC Kranj and Gorenjska), Estonia (Tartu), Hungary (Szecseny) and Romania (Alba Iulia). 

Throughout the presentation, the audience could see the importance of this project, which shows that territorial food plans can be an effective tool to support local quality production based on multiple collaborations, promote socio-economic development by linking rural and urban areas, stimulate positioning among potential consumers and facilitate innovation through the creation of new products and experiences.

"Food Corridors" encourages the creation of a network of cities committed to developing food plans that extend from urban and peripheral areas along a corridor that facilitates an urban-rural connection.

This approach will enhance the creation of production and consumption environments based on a foundation of economic, social and environmental sustainability.