First Urbact Local Group Meeting in Udine. The start of a playful work together
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09 February 2022The first Urbact Local Group of Udine has started today with a virtual meeting. The first important step of a playful jurney.

Under the supervision of Bruno Grizzaffi, the Lead Project Manager and Massimo Salvador, Local Group Coordinator and game expert, the first ULG of the city of Udine was launched. After the presentations the Project has been illustrated to various schools and organizations working in the field of education, inclusion, health and urban regeneration. During the meeting the modalities for forming the tables of works linked to the four pillars of the project were set, with the aim of generating new ideas and new collaborations. The meeting has been closed with a funny game where all the participants were asked to fwrite much words possible, starting with the letter "c" looking at an image full of objects. Only one winner but a lot of fun for everybody.
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