Final transnational activities of the KAIRÓS Project: a study visit to Malbork and Gdansk in Poland
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22 July 2022Generously hosted and very efficiently organised by the partner city of Malbork, our final international KAIRÓS exchange took place on 25 and 26 May 2022 and consisted of a study visit to Malbork and Gdansk. The KAIRÓS partners were given the opportunity to learn more about the heritage-based urban regeneration actions carried out in both cities.

On the first day, the partners got acquainted with the participatory urban regeneration strategy in Malbork and how it has contributed to the rehabilitation and adaptive reuse of historic spaces such as the Latin School and its conversion into the Centre for Culture and Education or the former Water Tower which was converted into a Civic and Youth Centre. In addition, Aldo Vargas the representative of the URBACT National Point in Poland presented the new developments of the URBACT programme for the period 2021 - 2027. The day included a stroll along Malbork’s key heritage inner-city venues and ended with a visit to the famous Teutonic Castle and a surprise dinner in disguise.
The second day was devoted to the experience of Gdansk, capital of the Pomeranian Region. It began with a visit to the imposing European Solidarity Centre where the partners had the opportunity to learn about the transformation of the iconic shipyard district. The visit culminated in an almost hour-long moving and thought provoking encounter with the legendary human rights activist, former Polish President and Nobel Prize winner Lech Walesa.
This was followed by a visit to the Dolna Brama Civic Centre where the KAIRÓS partners learned more about the region's actions in promoting the participation of municipalities in the URBACT programme, as well as the dissemination of the good practices generated. EU-funded projects have boosted civic empowerment in the city in these recent years.
The day concluded with an interview with Professor Piotr Lorens, the City Architect who presented the vision of the city and the projects promoted for urban regeneration supported by its heritage, followed by a walking tour through Gdansk’s splendid historic centre.
The partners thank Mayor Charzewski and the KAIRÓS team in Malbork for having turned this final study visit into an unforgettable ex perience.
Submitted by Dorothee Fischer on