Final Conference in Graz
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07 April 2011The final conference of the CityRegion.Net will be held in Graz from the 6.-8. of April 2011 at the conference rooms at the airport Graz. The main goal will be to built a bridge between the cities and the hinterland.

The 7.April will be held in cooperation with the Province of Styria as a open confernce with participants from the URBACT project, Austrian cities and surroundings municipalities. During this confernce the main focus will be regional urban and rural development projects in the framework of the current programme planning period and new funding opportunities for urban and rual development after 2013 and the Local action plans as implemeted tools for new programme planning period.
Representatives from the URBACT secretariat, DG Regio, DG Agri, Styrian Provincal Goverment, City of Graz and URBACT CityRegion.Net partners, Austrian Association of Cities and towns, Austrian Association of Municipalities and Silesian Union of Municipalities and Districts....will come together for exchanging of experiences, discussing and networking.
On the 8.4. the final CityRegion.Net -Handbook "CityRegions in progress" will be presented and the Local actions plans regading next implementations steps.
For more information please have a look on the agenda for the URBACT conference.
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