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FIN-URB-ACT at the URBACT Annual Conference 2009

Edited on

02 December 2009
Read time: 1 minute
The URBACT Annual Conference 2009 took place in Stockholm (SE) from 25th to 26th of November, 2009. Beyond of the URBACT themes, the Annual Conference has focused on the challenges facing european cities today: the consequences of the world wide economic crisis and the impact of clima change.

The URBACT Annual Conference 2009  has been organised in four sessions: one plenary session at the beginning;  two series of five parallel workshops on the role of the Managing Authorities, Local Action Plans, Local Support Groups, the Leipziger Charter and the economic crisis; the European URBACT café and a final Round Table where non EU-cities where involved in an exchange about sustainable development and green growth.

The FIN-URB-ACT project was represented by Isabelle Pitre (Aachen (D), lead partner), Marcel Philipp (Mayor of Aachen), Dr. Lothar Blatt (Saving Banks), Patrick Fourguette (FIN-URB-ACT lead expert), and Costel Hanta (Municipality of Galati, RO, project partner). On this occasion the lead partner Aachen developed in co-operation with URBACT Secretariat a poster presenting the FIN-URB-ACT project at the Anual Conference in Stockholm. This poster are available for download.