FIN-URB-ACT & Innovact exhibition
Edited on
26 March 2009
Read time: 1 minute
By invitation of the Region Champagne-Ardenne, the Municipality of Aachen and the Regional Development Agency of the Aachen Region (AGIT mbH) attended the international business exhibition "Innovact", whick took place in Reims on 24th and 25th of March 2009.

The Innovact exhipition is a European forum for innovative start-ups ang young technologie driven companies. More than 220 exhibitors and 2500 visitors came to the exhibition center of Reims. Besides the presentation of the regional competence in several technology fields by AGIT as member of the Local Support Group, FIN-URB-ACT was a central topic of conversation on the Aachen booth. Especial successful was also the meeting between the LSGs of Reims and Aachen - both identified several common key aspects of activity.
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