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Validated Lead Expert

Generic Skills

B.1. Understanding of integrated and sustainable urban development: 
In addition to my professional experience,detailed here below, from an academic point of view, I have an in-depth knowledge on the topic thanks to a University Master Degree in “Analysis and Policies of local and regional development” at the University of Florence with a final dissertation on "European Union and urban policies. Lights and shadows of the URBACT program”. Since 2009 I have been gaining a sound and thorough experience in dealing with integrated and sustainable urban development approach by having carried out for CITTALIA and ANCI (National Association of Italian Municipalities), the management of several EU projects involving directly EU cities aiming at addressing different urban challenges mostly related to the local innovation and sustainability systems through an integrated approach. In example:"English, the Saint James Ways" LLLP – an educational project addressed to small and rural towns,“TIMBER” aimed at assisting EU local authorities in implementing green and sustainable procurement, BRODISE – Horizon2020 focused on contaminated brownfields regeneration through PCP,“ DERRIS” – Life focused on cities and SME's resilience to climate change. I have supported cities in the design of urban innovation strategies by contributing to the activities of the Italian National Observatory on Smart Cities. During the 4 last years I acquired a deeper knowledge of URBACT programme by cooperating with ANCI in its activities as National Point of URBACT in Italy.
B.2. Understanding of exchange and learning processes at transnational level: 
Throughout my experience, I contributed and led to the management of several EU projects.In these projects the exchange of practices and experiences between different organizations,be it public or private, large or small, was a very important activity, in some cases, at the very core of project. I have been dealing with very different target groups, acquiring a number of related skills (e.g. active listening, multicultural awareness and sensitivity) as well as a good flexibility in managing this kind of processes. For instance: Tourism suppliers of rural accommodation were the target groups in the “English,the Saint James Ways” project aimed at transferring a methodology for an innovative learning tool developed in a previous project to different targets.I facilitated the pilot test in Italy. Within GIS4Schools Project, I coordinate as Lead Project Manager the learning process among the partners (Secondary Schools,University and Organization from 5 EU MS) focused on the improvement of the STEAM knowledge of pupils thanks to the link between science, climate change and its impact at local level. Cities and SMEs were the main target groups of the learning process of the Life DERRIS project focused on climate local adaption strategies,meanwhile Catering operators are the main target groups of Life FOSTER, a project focused on food waste prevention in which I work as Project Manager dealing with the engagement of the Catering sector operators in specific training activities
B.3. Proficiency in English: 
Working on projects based on transnational partnerships and funded by the European Union, I have been using English as main language for most of my professional activities. I make use of English in writing reports, guidelines, narrative focus, articles as well as for the facilitation of events and webinars. I have attended several international meetings as well as international public conferences as speakers or as moderator. For instance, I facilitated the event: "Knowledge exchange platform on Cultural Heritage", a Peer-to-peer Event held on 7th December 2018, organized by the European Committee of the Regions. During the period I spent in Brussles (4 years) I used English as main working language and I have learnt basics of French. I also attended a Summer School organized by Institute for European Studies, Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence at the Vrije Universiteit and the Diplomatische Akademie in Wien using English as working language as well as some other University online courses.

Expertise for the design and delivery of transnational exchange and learning activities:

Summary Expertise for the design and delivery of transnational exchange and learning activities: 
I have a strong experience in design and delivery of transnational exchange of knowledge, of methods, and of good practices among different local contexts and also between private sector (i.e. SME’s, Industry, Innovation center) and public authorities. Within the EU Projects in which I have been involved, I have contributed to the transfer of methodologies for the learning process to different target groups by carrying out user needs analysis and by engaging potential users through the design and the organization of physical and online local events, some of them, involving elected representatives and city officers through different formats ( lab, good practices sharing lab). I have also experience in stakeholder’s engagement from the mapping to the identification and actively engagement in the project’s activities. I am used to assume leadership’s role, under a transformational style, by adopting different empowerment ‘strategies based on group motivation, strategic communication and problem solving. I developed multimedia communication products (i.e. video, podcasts), I drafted many reports on good practices based on the exchange took place during events as well as technical guidelines and handbooks. To better understand the dynamics of the learning processes and to positively manage the differences between individuals, organizations and cultures, I’m also completing a University Master on Psychology of change in Rome (IT).

Thematic expertise:

Theme / Policy: 
Local Governance
Summary Thematic expertise: 
The theme of local governance and in particular the subtheme “local governance of innovation” is at the basis of my academic education and also of my professional experience. I have investigated the topic in several EU projects such as BRODISE – Horizon 2020, Life DERRIS with a specific focus on the Public Private Partnership to enhance the cooperation between public institutions and private actors (Industry, SME’s) and on the Public Procurement as a crucial element in incorporating innovation into local development strategies. I have contributed, as co-author, to provide analysis on the topic of the governance of innovation in several reports, guidelines for policy makers and papers such as “ Vademecum per la città intelligente” – Osservatorio Nazionale Smart City 2013) elaborated in the framework of the Italian Smart City Observatory. In most of the European projects I managed, I have coordinated communication and dissemination activities on behalf of the Organization for which I worked. I have also developed a series of podcasts/videos “Fattid’Europa - Made of Europe” to disseminate EU projects experiences of cooperation. I am therefore very familiar with the definition of dissemination strategies and capitalization activities in order to enhance the impact of the project’s results and to foster the adoption of the policy recommendations.
Theme / Policy: 
Environmental Issues
Summary Thematic expertise: 
Thanks to my professional experience and my personal interests I have obtained a deep knowledge of environmental issues in particular in the following subtopics: climate change adaption and risk prevention, circular economy, utilisation of GIS technology. In addition to my University Master degree in Policies and Analysis of the Local and Regional Development,I developed my knowledge on the topic with an online course at Lund University in Circular Economy and material management and by working on several EU projects focused on environmental issues such as TIMBER, BRODISE – Horizon2020, Life DERRIS, Life FOSTER. Within Life DERRIS I have coordinated the drafting of the Guidelines for Policy Makers focused on climate adaption strategies for local authorities.The project DERRIS has been recently recognized as a good practice in the adaptation action for SME and it has been included as case study in the Climate Adapt EEA. For the Italian Foundation for Local Finance – IFEL, I produced a handbook focused on the European Union policies and funds addressed to the development of the Circular Economy. Currently I’m also the Lead Project Manager of the GIS4Schools project a Strategic Partnership for Innovation funded by Erasmus plus programme which creates a link between innovative technologies (GIS), climate change and its impact on local communities by developing innovative educational outputs. I also wrote and coordinated the GIS4Schools project proposal.

Expertise support to local authorities and other stakeholders in designing & delivering integrated and participatory policies


Residence location:
Italian - Mother tongue
Foreign Languages level: 
Foreign languages: 
Foreign Languages level: 
Foreign languages: 
Foreign Languages level: 
Foreign languages: 
Foreign Languages level: 
Foreign languages: 

Area of expertise