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Validated Lead Expert

Generic Skills

B.1. Understanding of integrated and sustainable urban development: 
I have participated in numerous national and international projects related to sustainable urban development. As a professor, I completed a scientific project “Intellectual Capital of Polish Counties” where I conducted a survey (n=840) on Polish municipalities and 120 interviews related to IC aspects of public management (the ENG version of the website is available at: I was a leading author of the Poznan 2020+ strategy. My responsibility was to collect empirical material from workshops, statistical data and my knowledge of the city in form of an integrated strategic document. The process lasted 7 months and included numerous changes to the draft version of the document according to the comments submitted by different units of the City Hall, Local councillors, etc. The project lasted between 2014-2017. Some information on the project is available here: My publications include four books related strictly to sustainable urban development. Between 2014-2016 I was responsible for dissemination of knowledge and implementation of local currency schemes in the Countries of Central Europe (CCE) in the Digital Pay For Growth project developed in the Netherlands by Social Trade Organization ( which applies an innovative digital payment system, Cyclos, to showcase a solution for economies facing the detrimental
B.2. Understanding of exchange and learning processes at transnational level: 
My first transnational level experiences date back to the years 1995-1997, when I was a camp counselor at three different summer camps. I also travelled extensively across the USA and the UK, where I was able to practice my English. I have participated in approximately 30 international projects (see also section B1) such as Roboedukacja (E+), including partners from A, DK, FIN, D and PL. I also spoke in many international conferences and organized several international conferences including: international conference “Intellectual Capital & Innovations in Education” – Warsaw, 4-6.12.2014, and a series of conferences on innovations in education (Innowacyjne Zarządzanie,) with speakers from the UK. Other international projects include: 1) City-M: Creative, Innovative and Transferable Methods in the Training of Teachers and Training Staff, City-M; Quality assurance in higher education by developing and piloting the habilitation and auditing methodologies, Project ID: 123268, Places of project implementation: Bucharest, Romania. 2) Roboedukacja: 3) „Gen-Y City – Get into the swing of the City” (URBACT). I am currently involved in an URBACT project Gen-Y where the city of Poznan is the leader. I am responsible for preparing LAPs and collecting good practices from participating cities, participating in international project meetings.
B.3. Proficiency in English: 
I have been involved in international projects since 2002 (as a Marie Curie Fellow at the Centre for Social Innovation in Vienna) where I had to communicate and produce written materials in English. I was Senior Fulbright Scholar at SAM Houston State University. I speak publicly in English in conferences in Poland and abroad (e.g., in May 2017 I spoke at the National Liberal Club in London using the 2nd Global Teacher Education Knowledge Mobilisation Summit). Since 2004 I have been regularly teaching in English to Erasmus (+) students at the Poznan University of Economics and Business (approximately 2000 teaching hours since 2004), Konya University (Tr) and Karel de Groote School in Antwerp, BE. I have written over 50 different reports, books and articles in English, many of them in peer-reviewed journals. In 2011, I achieved 102/120 score on the TOEFL English test. I have many personal and professional relations abroad, including in the UK, Australia and the USA, which require constant use of English. I have been using English in informal situations, e.g. as a camp counselor in the USA (1995-1997) and workshops (e.g. eTwinning workshop: Leading 21st Century Schools, Hotel Holiday Inn, Berlin International Airport, Berlin, 10-12 Nov 2011). I was a member of organizing committees of numerous conferences where I was communicating with speakers and participants from different countries (e.g. 19th International Management Association Conference, Poznań 2011).

Expertise for the design and delivery of transnational exchange and learning activities:

Summary Expertise for the design and delivery of transnational exchange and learning activities: 
I have worked in international projects since 1995 when I started work at US summer camps as a boating counselor and a canoe trip director. I was Marie Curie Research Fellow at the Centre of Social Innovation in Vienna (2002-2003) and Fulbright Senior Scholar at Sam Houston Univ.(2006-2007). I participated in over 40 different projects many of them international. I spoke at international conferences and conducted workshops with international participants. Some of the recent EU projects incl. eGreen Jobs and DigiPayFor Growth. I am involved in the development of the project supported by UNESCO. I lectured at universities in Belgium, Turkey, Austria and the USA. I have been teaching Erasmus students each semester since 2004. In 2011-2016 I was Deputy Rector for R&D at the most internationalized PL university (Vistula University). I was part of the team of experts which created two concise reports on innovation in Poland: • Go Global! (2011) • Go Global Polish Pharma! (2012) ( ) have been leading the project bid preparations for six different calls (Erasmus+, Norway Grants) since 2012. My responsibility was to obtain input from project partners from different countries (including B, UK, ESP, DK, D, P) and submit the project proposal. The two most recent bids (2017) were evaluated at 75 and 65 points in the KA2 call/Erasmus Plus.

Thematic expertise:

Theme / Policy: 
Urban Strategic Planning
Theme / Policy: 
Research, Innovation and Knowledge Economy
Summary Thematic expertise: 
Between 2014-2016 I was responsible for dissemination of knowledge and implementation of local currency schemes in the Countries of Central Europe (CCE) in the Digital Pay For Growth project developed in the Netherlands by Social Trade Organization ( which applies an innovative digital payment system, Cyclos, to showcase a solution for economies facing the detrimental effects of the Eurozone crisis. Since 1998 I have been exposed to many international-level experiences including conferences abroad, transnational projects and hosting foreign scholars in Poland. I also participated in a few study visits. I have participated in approximately 30 international projects (see also section B1) such as Roboedukacja (E+), including partners from A, DK, FIN, D and PL. During the DP4G and e-Green Jobs projects (see sections B1), I was responsible for arranging webinars. DigiPay4Growth - I adopted the solutions and experiences developed during pilots in the UK, Sardinia and Spain to the realities of the Polish and CCE. For example, we made allowances for lower levels of institutional development and social capital in the region compared with Western Europe and Sardinia (which is by the way distinct from Sicily and the south of Italy). • I was responsible for preparing the framework for the quality standards of LLL in the Małopolskie region in Poland in 2009.
Theme / Policy: 
Employment, Human Capital and Labour Mobility
Summary Thematic expertise: 
Between 2014-2016 I was responsible for dissemination of knowledge and implementation of local currency schemes in the Countries of Central Europe (CCE) in the Digital Pay For Growth project developed in the Netherlands by Social Trade Organization ( which applies an innovative digital payment system, Cyclos, to showcase a solution for economies facing the detrimental effects of the Eurozone crisis. Since 1998 I have been exposed to many international-level experiences including conferences abroad, transnational projects and hosting foreign scholars in Poland. I also participated in a few study visits. I have participated in approximately 30 international projects (see also section B1) such as Roboedukacja (E+), including partners from A, DK, FIN, D and PL. During the DP4G and e-Green Jobs projects (see sections B1), I was responsible for arranging webinars. DigiPay4Growth - I adopted the solutions and experiences developed during pilots in the UK, Sardinia and Spain to the realities of the Polish and CCE. For example, we made allowances for lower levels of institutional development and social capital in the region compared with Western Europe and Sardinia (which is by the way distinct from Sicily and the south of Italy). • I was responsible for preparing the framework for the quality standards of LLL in the Małopolskie region in Poland in 2009.

Expertise support to local authorities and other stakeholders in designing & delivering integrated and participatory policies

E.1. Knowledge on participatory methods and tools for co-production and implementation of local polices : 
In the was e-Green Jobs (LdV) (2013-2016), where I prepared several reports, educational materials and white papers I was working with stakeholders from Portugal, It and PL and prepared a comprehensive labour report on green jobs in all participating countries. To gather information I had to negotiate and adjust the data format to local realities. In the DP4G project I had to adopt concept developed in Western EU countries to the realities of CCE region. I had to persuade the Dutch project leader that the solutions and tools working in Holland are not always appropriate for Poland. In the DP4G project I developed a simulation game to describe the functioning of local currency and used the model to disseminate knowledge. The game enabled the project participants to materialize the abstract concept of digital currency and the role of mutual credit in supporting the local development (using the Bristol Pound example). In the “Zawodowcy w Gorzowie” project (2016-2018) I organize the workshops for three groups of stakeholders: VET teachers, employers and students. Here, I created an innovative format for knowledge exchange (an abilities game). I developed an innovative tool for engaging employers and secondary VET school students (prepared all materials – see the materials on the table in the picture below; designed the scenarios; supervised the implementation): (2017).
E.2. Knowledge on integrated approach for the design, delivering, monitoring and evaluation of urban strategies/policies: 
In the “Innowacyjna i sprawna administracja źródłem sukcesu w gospodarce opartej na wiedzy” I was helping Polish counties and cities to improve their strategies. One of the project’s tasks was to help local government develop gender-sensitive budgets. I developed a monitoring tool which was used to evaluate the level of “gender-blindness” of the local government budget. Another tool used in the same project was an assessment sheet for soft-skills of employees in local governments. In the project “Intellectual Capital of Polish Counties”. I developed a monitor for IC in a county which included the results of my previous empirical studies.
E.3. Awareness of the main policy and funding schemes for sustainable urban development at EU and national level: 
I attend conferences (6-15 a year); regularly apply for EU funds and an experts which helps me keep up to date on recent developments in the area. I personally know EU funds experts in Poland and abroad and share knowledge with them. I read EU and OECD reports to keep up to date on recent priorities (e.g. Industry 4.0 etc.).
E.4. Ability to understand specific local situations and adapt tools and content to different local realities: 
I work with my international MA and PhD students which allows me to confront the situation of Polish system of education and local government with hands-on experience from Britain, Israel, South Korea, Japan, Denmark etc. My other international projects where I needed to get insights into the local situation include: Perspectives for the European Research Area (ERA)”, 2002-2004. (HPV1-CT-2001-50004) City-M: Creative, Innovative and Transferable Methods in the Training of Teachers and Training Staff, City-M; Quality assurance


Residence location:
Polish - Mother tongue
Foreign Languages level: 
Foreign languages: 
Foreign Languages level: 
Foreign languages: 

Area of expertise