Electric Vehicles in Urban Europe (EVUE) focuses on the development of integrated, sustainable strategies and dynamic leadership techniques for cities to promote the use of electric vehicles. Urban initiatives to encourage the public and business to use EV's will contribute to EU clean air and car fleets targets, making cities more attractive and competitive. Between 2009 and 2013, nine citiesacross Europe: Beja, Katowice, Frankfurt, Lisbon, London, Madrid, Oslo, Stockholm, Suceava and Zografou, supported by the URBACT programme, worked together to share knowledge and experience of how EVs can be implemented in the urban environment under the EVUE project.
Further activity has been undertaken through Pilot Delivery Network funding to look at the outcomes from the Local Action Plan process. EVUE II concludes in March 2015.
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Integrated Action Plans
Within an Action Planning Network, the Integrated Action Plan is a local output, specific to each city. Thus, the local circumstances, as the concrete actions to be carried out in response to the network's sustainable development challenges, are defined by the URBACT Local Group. This core group is composed by a wide range of relevant stakeholders, who have a stake in the addressed challenge and who play an active role in co-designing the plan alongside the project partner. This document is the result of the interplay between the theme, each city's starting point and its individual URBACT journey. It highlights the positive learning experience cities have undertaken, both from a local and a transnational perspective.