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European Week of Regions and Cities 2022

10 - 13 October 2022
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The 20th edition of this event takes place mainly online from 10 to 13 October 2022.



Register now for the URBACT sessions at the #EURegionsWeek!
As always, URBACT will be present in several online sessions. Find out more details about these sessions below and reserve your online seat now:




Get ready for the new URBACT call for Action Planning networks!
11 October, 16:00-17:00 (code: 11INFO22216), Infosession organised by the URBACT Secretariat

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The first URBACT IV call for Action Planning networks will be launched in January 2023.
If you represent a local or regional authority join this infosession to:

-Learn about the novelties of URBACT IV and upcoming activities.
-Understand what it means to be part of an Action Planning network.
-Understand what the results and benefits can be at local level, drawing on the experience of other cities involved in similar networks in the past. 
-Ask questions to members of the URBACT Secretariat.

Speakers: Adele Bucella, Head of Unit Projects and Programming
Moderator: Sally Kneeshaw, URBACT expert


How to transfer good practice from a city to another at national level? Takeaways from URBACT pilots
11 October 2021, 09:30 - 11:00 (code: 11WS22224) Workshop organised by the National Association of Italian Municipalities with the URBACT Secretariat

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Since June 2021, URBACT has been piloting five National Practice Transfer Initiatives in Czech Republic & Slovakia, Estonia, Ireland, Italy and Slovenia. Inspired by URBACT networks that allow the transfer of good practices from one EU city to another, the five initiatives aim to do the same in national languages with cities of the same country.

The workshop will allow discussions about the transfer method at national level and will give recommendations to national authorities wanting to set up similar schemes.

Speakers: Simone d’Antonio, Italian Association of Cities and Municipalities) – Coordinator National URBACT Point and National Practice Transfer Initiative, Italy; Leonora McConville, City of Sligo (Ireland); Jenny Koutsomarkou, Partnership Officer in the URBACT Secretariat, and coordinator of the National Practice Transfer Initiatives


Networking of cities and municipalities as a way to transfer knowledge and innovation
11 October, 16.30-18.00 CET (code: 11WS22313), Workshop co-organised by the Polish Ministry of Development Funds and Regional Policy and the Polish National URBACT Point

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Learn more about the advantages of networking at local, national and EU level! Has the Urban Agenda for the EU and URBACT Programme contributed to national networking and how? You will have a chance to hear practitioners working for and within national networks, such as the Partnership Cities Initiative in Poland and Circular city networks - InC2 in Portugal. We will also discuss the key factors of effective and efficient city networking and how we can improve it.

Speakers: Wiktoria Saganowska, Ministry of Funds and Regional Policy of Poland; Fernando Rosa, Portuguese Ministry of Environment and Climate Change; Monika Sasin, City of Malbork; Céline Ethuin, URBACT Secretariat;
Moderator: Aldo Vargas-Tetmajer


Unlocking Opportunities and Improving Cities: how CSR fosters sustainable urban development
12 October, 11.30-13.00 CET (code: 12WS22338), Workshop organised by the Cities4CSR URBACT Network

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Have you ever wondered what corporate social responsibility is all about? What about of the numerous opportunities that could emerge if you could only match citizens’ needs with the CSR potential in your city? If you answered 'yes', this is the workshop for you.

The Cities4CSR project has allowed 10 big and small cities across Europe to interact in surprising ways with the main local stakeholders through CSR. Get on board to see how cities work locally with CSR towards fruitful exchanges.

Speakers: Vitor Carvalho Marques, Municipality of Guimarães (PT); Antonio Gomariz Pastor, Municipality of Molina de Segura (ES); Chiara Minotti, Municipality of Milan (IT); Teodora Polimerova, Municipality of Sofia (BG); and Steffen Wetzstein.


Cooperation builds regions and cities resilient to crises
13 October, 9.30-11.00 CET (code: 13WS22342), Workshop co-organised by URBACT, Interact, Interreg Europe and ESPON

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How can regions and cities use the four interregional Interreg programmes to address the challenges of the successive crises of the 21st century? From green transition to employment and from migration to public health, territorial convergence is EU’s holy grail.

This session will offer concrete examples of cooperation in the framework of the four programmes that help local and regional authorities to build resilience and support their economies and their citizens.

Speakers:  Sabrina Abdi, URBACT Managing Authority;  Petra Masácová, Head of the Interact Managing Authority; Wiktor Szidarowski, ESPON Programme Director and Thiemo Eser, ESPON EGTC Managing Authority; Erwin Siweris, INTERREG EUROPE Programme Director
Moderator: Marta Roca, ESPON financial expert


Multilevel governance for urban sustainable development strategies NOP METRO PLUS and URBACT
11 October, 14.30-16.00 CET (code: 11WS22447), Workshop co-organised by Italian Agency for the Cohesion of Territories and the National Association of the Italian Municipalities (ANCI)

Register here

This workshop will look at the significance of a national programme addressed to cities. It will start from the experience of the Italian National Programme NP METRO 21-27, exploring the evolution of the governance structure of the multi-level programme with regard to the digital and ecological transition, social innovation and circularity challenges. The Italian asset of metropolitan and medium sized cities can bring added value to the EU agenda for urban policies in a multi-level dimension.



Stay connected for updates on social media @URBACT  @Euinmyregion @EU_CoR and #EURegionsWeek