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EUKN 2010 Conference: Effects of demographic change on urban structures

Edited on

21 June 2019
Read time: 1 minute

The third annual EUKN conference will feed into the High-level Conference on demographic change which will be organised by the Hungarian Presidency of the European Union.  EUKN's two- day conference will take place in Budapest on 13-14 September 2010. The event will give an overview of the different forms of demographic change, from ageing to migration, and the effects of both shrinking and rapid growth on cities and urban regions.

 />The conference brings together stakeholders, policy makers and experts (EU, national and regional) for an interactive exchange of strategies, experiences and hands-on knowledge. Interactive workshops and visits to projects in Budapest will give you a deeper insight in concrete instruments which might further strengthen the effectiveness of your own policy initiatives.  The conference will also offer many informal opportunities for knowledge exchange and networking, including a boat tour with dinner on the Danube river.<br />All over Europe, cities need to cope with the effects of demographic change. Aging and migration have a huge impact on the social, economic and environmental fabric of our cities. We need to act now to prepare ourselves for the rapidly changing future. Some cities have implemented successful strategies. Others still need to find their way. <br /><br />The first day will start with three keynote speeches: demographic change in the European, national and city context: <ul><li>Keynote speech 1 <br />Wladyslaw Piskorz - Head of Unit Urban Development - Territorial Cohesion, European Commission - Directorate-General for Regional Policy </li><li>Keynote speech 2 <br />Mr. Péter Szaló - Hungarian Deputy State Secretary responsible for Urban Affairs (to be confirmed) </li><li>Keynote speech 3 <br />Prof.dr. Thorsten Wiechmann - Spatial Planning, Director of the Geographic Institute TU Dresden </li></ul> After the plenary session interactive workshops will help you to discover what works and what does not work in practice. Different aspects of demographic change will be addressed. For a complete description of these workshops and conference programme click <a  data-cke-saved-href=here.  After these workshops a panel discussion with expert speakers and public will follow. The day will end with a nice sightseeing cruise on the Danube with dinner.

The second day continues with visits to projects in Budapest and give insights of certain approaches which might further strengthen the effectiveness of your own policy initiatives. During these 'onsite visits and debates' participants will travel to a project within the city of Budapest related to conference topics. For a detailed description of these projects, please read the conference outline on this link. In addition, at the onsite debates other European 'mirror projects' will be presented. In this way, participants gain insights and can compare different approaches followed by an interesting discussion. The 'mirror projects' will be announced in the next few weeks.

How to register?

To register for the conference, please read the terms and conditions and fill out the registration form. Fill in all required fields and submit it. Your application will be sent to the EUKN Secretariat. Once your registration form has been received, an e-mail will be sent with further payment details.

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