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EUKN 2009 Conference "Young, Urban, Migrant – From Challenge to Chance"

Edited on

21 June 2019
Read time: 1 minute

EUKN 2009 Conference "Young, Urban, Migrant – From Challenge to Chance" will take place in Malmö in Sweden on December 14, 2009.

Europe has a long tradition of migration. Migration is often mentioned as the solution to dismantle Europe's demographic time bomb. This might be true, but only if migration is followed by successful social and economic integration, especially of young people. If Europe wants to have a shot at achieving the objectives of the Lisbon Strategy, it is not going to be without the active participation of our immigrant youth.

Much of the efforts to improve the performance of migrant youth are grounded in national employment and education policies. However, cities do have an important part to play, by providing educational support, developing local labour markets, through local housing policies and by offering opportunities for civic participation.

At the EUKN 2009 Conference, speakers and participants will identify what works and does not work in local integration policies, look for answers on how to improve the social participation of immigrant youth and develop insight in the state of the field in Europe's cities.

Next to a very good theoretical approach to the subject during the plenary morning session, the EUKN conference will provide a very motivating insight into the practice of migrant participation and integration. The afternoon programme will provide hands-on experience by visits to the best participation/integration projects in Malmö. These projects will be compared to peer projects from other parts of Europe. The participants gain new ideas and experiences in increasing participation in culturally diverse cities.

The EUKN 2009 Conference is organised by the European Urban Knowledge Network in cooperation with the Dutch Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations, the City of Malmö and Nicis Institute, under the aegis of the 2009 Swedish EU Presidency.

The conference takes place back-to-back with the Expert meeting 'Integration of newly arrived immigrants – incentives and work in focus' organised by the Swedish EU Presidency on 15-16 December in Malmö.

Location: City Hall, Malmö, Sweden

Deadline for registration: 30 November 2009.

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