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ENTER.HUB: Policy Makers Sign Protocol of Intents for the Development of Mobility Hubs

Edited on

09 October 2017
Read time: 1 minute

Getting closer to the end of their activities, URBACT networks are starting to see the results of their hard work. This is the case of ENTER.HUB that secured during the summer of this year the signature by the elected representatives of all the cities involved in the network of a Protocol of Intents.  But what is the protocol about and which is its purpose?


“The idea of having a Protocol signed by all partner cities came from the need to involve more actively and strongly our policy makers in the project especially the new ones”, explains Alessandra Carollo, Project Manager from Reggio Emilia, Lead Partner of ENTER.HUB network. Being a moment of changes in the administration of many partners, the idea of the Protocol was very much linked. It represented also the opportunity to invite policy and decision makers in a transnational meeting, give them the opportunity to meet their pairs and to see exactly what ENTER.HUB is about and what cites involved are doing.


But which is the purpose of the Protocol? Alessandra explains: “The signature of the Protocol means an additional commitment of our policy makers (and of our cities and regions) in the ENTER.HUB issues also after the end of the project. We also wish to keep on working and promoting the project results also at a project level, namely through the development of the LAPs. It is especially important to target the partners' priorities and to be more effective in the future financing requests for the LAPs implementation.”


By signing the protocol, the cities have agreed in committing to continue the work they have been doing for the development of shared approaches in strengthening and exploiting mobility hubs in European middle sized cities.  More specifically they plan to support and promote a global vision of transport and territorial  development, that considers mobility, transport networks and in particular the TEN-T as a European backbone in terms of connections and interaction but  also in terms of territorial development. The ENTER.HUB cities will also promote sustainable, common and easily available transport systems all over Europe, to make cities and regions more accessible, more attractive and more competitive.  Last but not least, they also commit to sharing practices and using an exchange and learn approach in order to enrich their common and strategic vision of future Europe at different territorial scales, also in view of the new financial programming period 2014-2020, concerning urban and infrastructures development. 


Photo credits - Benjamin Stäudinger on flickr 



Read more:

ENTER.HUB network – URBACT website

ENTER.HUB Protocol of Intents – network document