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Enter.hub Final Event - Report

Edited on

08 April 2015
Read time: 1 minute

The ENTER.HUB Final event, took place in Reggio Emilia, Italy, the 26th and 27th of February 2015.

Enter.hub_FinalEvent_Round Table

The core part of the Final event was a round table the 26th of February, where Jean-Jacques Terrin, ENTER.HUB Lead Expert, Jacques Ferrier, French architect and urban planner and Franco La Cecla, Italian anthropologist and architect, discussed with the participants some possible definitions of High Speed Hub in a Medium-sized City proposed by the Lead Expert: an Urban Icon; an Urban Backbone; a Place for all Stakeholders and Users;a Network of Services; a Red Carpet; a City Lounge.
The three experts illustrated these definitions with chosen pictures as support for the exchange.

About 120 people took part in the event: among them, the 12 ENTER.HUB partners, the URBACT Thematic Pole Manager Sally Kneeshaw, the Reggio Emilia ULSG members as well as decision makers, stakeholders and professional coming from the whole Mediopadana area.Final Event Enter.hub_Sally Kneeshaw
The following day all partners and Reggio Emilia citizens were invited to a concert hosted in the Mediopadana station: students from local music schools exhibited during the whole day in this special setting. This same day the Info point of Reggio Emilia for Milano EXPO 2015, located in the station, was opened to the public.


Flickr icon See the pictures of the event!