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Enter.hub Final Event Agenda

Edited on

25 February 2015
Read time: 1 minute

The programme of Enter.hub Final Event is Out!

ENTER.HUB Final event
The Final Event will be held in Reggio Emilia (Italy) the 26th and 27th of February. The core part of the event will be a round table where the 12 ENTER.HUB partners will exchange with experts about the six definitions for a High Speed Hub in a Medium-sized City proposed by the Lead Expert: An Urban Icon; an Urban Backbone; a Place for all Stakeholders and Users; a Network of Services; a Red Carpet; a City Lounge.
Jean-Jacques Terrin (ENTER.HUB Lead Expert) Jacques Ferrier (french architect and urban planner) and Franco La Cecla (italian anthropologist and architect) will illustrate these keywords and discuss them with the participants.
To register for the event, please e-mail to, before the 23rd of February.