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Ad-Hoc Expert

Generic Skills

B.1. Understanding of integrated and sustainable urban development: 
I am an Urban and Regional Planner and economist with strong academic and professional background and more than 27 years of experience in Local Authorities and transnational cooperation projects. I studied Economics at the Athens School of Economics and continued my postgraduate studies at the London School of Economics from where I got my Masters degree in Urban and Regional Planning and a postgraduate diploma in Town Planning from the Bristol University. I am now the Secretary General of Larnaca Municipality in Cyprus, head and coordinator of all Municipal departments, after a long and successful career as head town Planner and Manager of the Town Planning and Development department of the Municipality. During my 27 years of experience as a town Planner in Larnaca Municipality, Secretary General and responsible for the European Funded projects, I had the opportunity to be personally involved in all aspects of urban sustainable development. Worth mentioning is my long experience in the preparation of statutory Local Plans, Detail Regeneration master Plans, mobility Plans, environmental audits and urban sustainable strategic Plans, with emphasis in participatory processes and economic evaluation for finance and implementation. Since 1992, I was involved in transnational cooperation with successful experience in EU programmes like MED URBS, LIFE, ENPI, SMAP, INTERREC, etc.
B.2. Understanding of exchange and learning processes at transnational level: 
Two of the most successful networks I worked with, were the Urban Sustainable Development strategy network, financed under ENPI EU programme and MARIE network financed under MED programme. In both the above networks, cities from EU countries (Cyprus, Spain, Greece, France, as well as Lebanon and Morocco) collaborated to develop sustainable development plans for urban areas and to produce and disseminate good practice material for the energy saving sector. One of my tasks as a local coordinator was to prepare and deliver transnational networking activities. A number of seminars, workshops and study visits have been organized to support the partners for the preparation of their outputs and I was directly responsible for the production of relevant inputs and capitalization of the results from these activities The basic characteristic and key factor, in my opinion, for successful networking in such multi disciplinary and multi cultural environment, is to understand the dynamics of group building. It was therefore important to establish a good understanding of the different agendas, the cultural differences, language problems, the weaknesses and strengths of each partner before we enter into the performing stage. With my long experience as a coordinator in transnational projects, I have contributed to establish a well performing network, with good understanding of each other, with appreciation of the differences that exists and the importance of those differences.
B.3. Proficiency in English: 
In transnational networks, a crucial factor of success is to establish good communication and understanding between partners. Cultural differences, as well differences in language and working ethics, often create problems, misunderstandings and hidden agendas, usually at the initial stage of the network building and formation. It is important therefore to communicate clearly and sufficiently in a common language. Especially when you have the role to coordinate activities, to prepare working documents and comparative studies and to deliver seminars and workshops, the capacity to communicate fluently in English is absolutely crucial. My higher education in Cyprus, where English language is an obligatory second learning language, my studies in England at two of the most well known universities and my long career in the Local Authority as CEO, coordinator of the EU programmes and head Town Planner, develop my capacity to communicate fluently in English ( oral and written) My bilingual capacity, enable me to participate in a number of international, regional and European conferences, workshops and seminars, some of them as an expert speaker and appointed in the management committee of the European Association of Municipal Chief Executive Officers

Thematic expertise:

Theme / Policy: 
Urban Strategic Planning
Summary Thematic expertise: 
Urban Strategic Planning is a thematic issue with which I am involved with different capacities over a number of years in my professional career. My academic qualifications as a town planner and as an economist provided me with the necessary skills to deal with the complex problems and challenges of urban areas. Especially useful is my deep knowledge of the economic environment within which city centers operate today and the interrelation with socio economic and spatial/land use challenges. With my experience as an expert, in transnational cooperation networks, I have the capacity to deliver seminars, educational programs on strategic planning methodologies, comparative analysis and various thematic inputs on urban policies, to assist networks and urban groups in the learning process, as well as for the development of the networks communication plan to ensure communication on an ongoing basis to urban practitioners outside the network and ensure dissemination of the project results to a wider community.


Residence location:
Greek - Mother tongue
Foreign Languages level: 
Foreign languages: 

Area of expertise