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Ad-Hoc Expert

Generic Skills

B.1. Understanding of integrated and sustainable urban development: 
Eduardo Medeiros has a Bachelor in Geography, a Master Degree in Geography (Urban Studies), a Ph.D. in Geography (Regional and Urban Planning), and a Post-Ph.D. in Geography (Regional and Urban Planning), all obtained in Lisbon University. He is also a DG REGIO expert since 2012, where has assisted the European Commission in writing a report and as a project adviser. By now, he can perform tasks as an expert in the following thematic areas: 18. Evaluation and Performance Framework (Evaluation; Performance Framework) / 19. Territorial Cooperation (Cross-border cooperation; Macro-regional and Sea basin strategies)/21. Territorial Development (Integrated Territorial Investment; Community Led Local Development; Regional governance; Urban development). As seen across his more than 150 publications, which include almost 30 peer reviewed scientific articles in international journals, around 10 books plus 13 book chapters, and 25 reports/projects, his work has focused in urban development and planning in several of them. He has three books in major publishers (Routledge and Springer). The latter focuses on the Urban Dimension of Territorial Cohesion. In his work, he has deeply analysed the urban systems of several European countries (Portugal, Spain, Sweden and Norway. More recently, he was invited to provide evidence, as a national expert, for a DG REGIO report, where he analysed the 103 Portuguese Integrated Sustainable Urban Development Strategies.
B.2. Understanding of exchange and learning processes at transnational level: 
Eduardo Medeiros started his experience in exchange and learning activities at transnational level very early in his career (2006 - when writing his Ph.D. which compares two EU INTERREG-A programmes (Sweden-Norway and Portugal-Spain). This work aloud for engaging a solid (and still ongoing) collaboration between the involved stakeholders. This resulted in writing evaluation and programming reports, in participation in several meetings, field trips, and conferences, where exchange and learning activities took place. Alongside, and more recently, he was invited twice by the INTERACT programme to exchange ideas and knowledge about the future of the EU transnational programmes. Moreover, he was invited by the INTERREG-B NWE and SUDOE programmes to be a keynote speaker in workshops taken place in the Committee of the Regions. These experiences led to forging of networks of collaboration and reinforced the process of Exchange and Learning Processes at Transnational Level. Furthermore, he has collaborated with regional and urban entities in several studies across Europe, and has organized several international events where some of these entities were present. Moreover, he has forged networks with EU institutions (European Commission, Committee of the Regions) and several EU INTERREG programmes.
B.3. Proficiency in English: 
Eduardo Medeiros received training in English language during eight years in basic and secondary schools. He also learned technical and idiomatic English in a specific course. Since he works as a researcher in Lisbon University, he writes the large majority of his articles, reports and books directly in English, and helps fellows in revising this language, due to his above-average knowledge in using this language. He also wrote a report for the European Commission in English, and more than 90% of his scientific work is written and published in English. Moreover, it goes without saying that most of his day to day contacts, established by e-mail and phone, are done in English, as his work has gained increasing international visibility. These contacts are established between EU institutions, INTERREG programmes, and academic international fellows. Furthermore, he already evaluated around 15 Horizon 2020 projects (all in English), and one project for the Polish National Science Center. He also reviewed more than 25 articles for more than 20 different scientific journals, one book (Elsevier) and one Encyclopaedia, all written in English. Also, he belongs to several international research networks and committees, including the Regional Studies Association - Cohesion Policy Network and the Central and Eastern European Planning Network. Finally, we was invited to be a keynote speaker in more than 30 international events, where he uses the English language.

Expertise for the design and delivery of transnational exchange and learning activities:

Summary Expertise for the design and delivery of transnational exchange and learning activities: 
1 - Territorial Cohesion: The INTERACT (European Commission) showed interest in my conceptual work on the Territorial Cohesion Concept (The Star Model), which is expressed in published literature. According to this programmes, this conceptual approach has influenced the design of the post-2020 EU INTERREG transnational programmes. I participated in two INTERACT workshops where delivery of transnational exchange and learning activities took place, with many transnational stakeholders. 2 - Territorial Cooperation: I have collaborated with the European Commission in the four Border Obstacles workshops where delivery of transnational exchange and learning activities took place at a higher level. I have also acted as a project adviser and rapporteur on this thematic. I have wrote several policy reports for the INTERREG Sweden-Norway and engaged in many events supposed by this programmes where delivery of transnational exchange and learning activities were implemented. 3 - Integrated Sustainable Urban Development Strategies: I have collaborated in an international project to assess the main added value of the European Integrated Sustainable Urban Development Strategies. Expectedly, delivery of transnational exchange and learning activities took place amongst involved stakeholders. 4 - Territorial Impact Assessment - TIA: I have collaborated with the Committee of the Regions and the EC Joint Research Centre in delivering a sound TIA tool to all interested stakeholders.

Thematic expertise:

Theme / Policy: 
Urban Strategic Planning
Summary Thematic expertise: 
- Urban Planning and Urban Development: My academic background, as a Geographer, as mostly covered Regional and Urban Planning processes (Master Degree, Ph.D. and Post. Ph.D.). Indeed, the large majority of my studies entail, directly and indirectly, the analysis of urban planning processes, in several European Countries. One of the reasons being, that my proposed model for understanding the concept of territorial cohesion has, as a main dimension, the polycentrism goal. As such, to analyse and measure territorial cohesion trends requires a detailed analysis of the urban systems. More recently, in my participation, as a national expert, in an ESPON project, I had the opportunity to collect evidence on the urban planning design and implementation process in the Lisbon city. Urban Integrated Sustainable Development Strategies: Recently, I participated in a DG REGIO study, as a national expert, in assessing the main added value of the European Urban Integrated Sustainable Development Strategies. The national case encompassed 103 case-studies, and allowed for collecting a comprehensive and quite complete perspective of the design and implementation process of such strategies. Available literature: Along the past decade, I wrote around 100 publications in which is possible to access to the conclusions of my studies on the urban planning and development processes, and on the proposed methodologies to evaluate them and also the Urban Integrated Sustainable Development Strategies.

Expertise support to local authorities and other stakeholders in designing & delivering integrated and participatory policies

E.1. Knowledge on participatory methods and tools for co-production and implementation of local polices : 
1 - Medeiros, E. (2011-2016) - FCT - Foundation for Science and Technology - Territorial Impacts of the EU Cohesion Policy in Portugal, Spain, Sweden and Norway, FCT SFRH-BPD-68915-2010: Coordinator: This vast report (four parts) aimed at assessing the main territorial impacts of EU Cohesion Policy, in all its sectoral policy interventions, including the EU urban policies. For this I created a Territorial Impact Assessment (TIA) methodology, which was applied at the national, regional and local (urban) territorial levels, in four European countries. This TIA methodology (TARGET_TIA) was tested in the Committee of the Regions, and recently the Secretary General of this EU entity suggested its use by the ESPON Programme. 2. Medeiros, E., et al. (2016-2017) - ESPON Target analysis - 'Comparative Analysis of Territorial Governance and Spatial Planning Systems in Europe'- (ESPON Tender 2015/S 239-434218) - Member: This report intended to present a very complete, updated, and comparable perspective to existing Spatial Planning and Territorial Governance Systems across Europe. To reach its main goal, it was necessary to collect a wide set of evidence from local (urban) entities, through participatory methods, which included the city of Lisbon. This process as thus opened the avenues for transmitting examples of policy sound implementation of local policies.
E.2. Knowledge on integrated approach for the design, delivering, monitoring and evaluation of urban strategies/policies: 
1 - Medeiros, E. et al. (2016-2017) - DG REGIO - European Commission - Study of the territorial strategies supported by EU territorial tools (sustainable urban development under Art. 7 ERDF, ITI and CLLD when related to SUD) Service Request Nr 2015CE160AT041) Role: Project Member - National Expert: This project provided relevant and updated outputs on the main added value of the Sustainable Urban Development Strategies across Europe. As a national expert, I followed the proposed methodology by the project coordinator. This methodology consisted in filling-up a vast database with the information presented in the 103 analysed integrated and sustainable urban policies strategies. Following from that experience, I wrote an article (in revision) which proposes a concrete monitoring tool for integrated and sustainable urban policies based on six analytic vectors:) does the sustainable urban policies strategy …. 1. Cover all five dimensions of territorial development?: 2.Produce significant impacts? 3. Has a long-term perspective? 4. Has a place-based approach?: 5. Involves local stakeholders?: 6. Is appropriately monitored/evaluated?.
E.3. Awareness of the main policy and funding schemes for sustainable urban development at EU and national level: 
- Eduardo Medeiros has worked with EU (he is a DG REGIO expert since 2012) and national institutions from several countries form more than a decade, in assessing EU funded policies, and namely EU Cohesion Policy and related financed programmes. These include sustainable urban development policies, and all sorts of funds. - Since he has worked on the evaluation of the 103 Portuguese integrated sustainable urban development strategies, he has the appropriate contacts to get access to the necessary information regarding sustainable urban development policies, trends and funds. - My main research area is EU Cohesion Policy, Territorial Impact Assessment, Territorial Cohesion, Urban Development and Planning, etc. This means I have a vast experience in getting access to data related to approved projects in several European countries (Portugal, Spain, Sweden and Norway).
E.4. Ability to understand specific local situations and adapt tools and content to different local realities: 
1. Medeiros, E., (2016-2017) - ESPON Target analysis - 'Comparative Analysis of Territorial Governance and Spatial Planning Systems in Europe'- - Member: Working on this report required the analysis of the local level (urban - cities), to collect evidence on best practices on implementing sound governance and planning processes. For this, there was a need to adapt tools and analytic methods to the local level, and they were initially designed for the regional/national levels. 2. Medeiros, E. (2011) - INTERREG-A Sweden-Norway - INTERREG-A Inner Scandinavia Cross-border development partnership. Priorities and Achievements (2007 – 2010).). Coordinator: This report focus on a relatively large European border area, with vast contrasts between vast rural areas and some of the most populated and urbanised Scandinavian territories. As such, the analysis had to take into consideration de adaptation of analytic tools and content at local level. 3. Medeiros, E. (2011-2016) - FCT - Foundation for Science and Technology - Territorial Impacts of the EU Cohesion Policy in Portugal, Spain, Sweden and Norway: Coordinator: This vast report (four parts) analysed the implementation of EU Cohesion Policy in four distinct European countries. Since EU Cohesion Policy is applied and impacts at different territorial levels, including the local level, the Territorial Impact Assessment methodology we used has to be adapted to the local level as well as the remaining territorial levels.
Summary Expertise: 
- Assessing the impacts of Urban Development and Planning: Eduardo Medeiros has a vast experience in assessing the main impacts of projects/programmes/policies at all territorial levels, and in several European countries. This includes the urban level. He has also academic training (Master Degree, Ph.D. and Post Ph.D.) as well and GIS (Geographical Information Systems) training in analysing urban planning and development trends and processes. - Assessing integrated sustainable urban development strategies: Eduardo Medeiros has experience in analysing and evaluating integrated sustainable urban development strategies, following his participation in a DG REGIO (European Commission) study on the approved integrated sustainable urban development strategies in Europe. Here, he collected a vast amount of data related to 103 strategies, collaborated with local entities and forged a vast network of contacts for future interventions.


Residence location:
Portuguese - Mother tongue
Foreign Languages level: 
Foreign languages: 
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Foreign languages: 
Foreign Languages level: 
Foreign languages: 
Foreign Languages level: 
Foreign languages: 
Foreign Languages level: 
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Foreign Languages level: 
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Area of expertise