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E4C Kick-off Meeting

Edited on

28 June 2012
Read time: 1 minute

E4C Project will celebrate the Kick-off Meeting in Torrejón de Ardoz (Madrid) during the 28th and 29th of June 2012.

 E4C Project will celebrate the Kick-off Meeting in Torrejón de Ardoz (Madrid) during the 28th and 29th of June 2012.

The agenda for the event is:

Thursday, 28 June 2012

09:45 - 10:00 h Reception and Documentation delivery

10:00 - 10:15 h Welcome by Mr. Ignacio Vazquez Casavilla
 - Red Local Public Consortium President

10:15 - 10:45 h “URBACT Programme”- URBACT Secretariat
 - General Presentation of the Programme, main objectives, framework and methods
 - Project management issues

10:45 - 11:15 h E-skills for innovative cities. Situation in Spain
 - Expert in this thematic (Pending confirmation)

11:15 -11:30 h URBACT E4C Project - Alberto Cerdá Project Lead Expert
 - Project Presentation and reminder of the work objectives and thematic focus of the network
 - Partner’s expectations

11:30-12:00 h Coffee Break

12:00-13:30 h Partners Presentation (Each partner will give a short presentation about the current situation in their cities about the thematic of the project. Presentation maximum 15 min per city)
 - Red Local Public Consortium (Spain)
 - Sunderland City Council (United Kingdom)
 - City of Ghent (Belgium)
 - Municipality of Patras (Greece)
 - Municipality of Agueda (Portugal)

13:30 -14:30 h Lunch

14:30 -17:00 h Coordination meeting
 - Baseline Study
o Content proposal for the baseline study, especially state of the art
  o First results of the visits from the Lead Expert to the initial partners
 - Extension of the partnership
o Definition of common criteria for the selection of new partners
  - Guidelines for setting up and launching ULSG (Urbact Local Support Group): Lead expert
 - Addressing the Final Application
o Review of the EAP scores, comments and recommendations
  o Preliminary discussion
 - Project management issues (financial guidelines, accounting for expenditure, PRESAGE (software), - contribution from the URBACT Secretariat)

Friday, 29 June 2012

During this day there will be two simultaneous activities:

09:30-13:30 h 2 Study visits related with the objectives and main challenges of the E4C project (to be determined)
Participants: Project partners and related experts

09:30-13:30 h URBACT Local Support Group (ULSG) Workshop
Participants: Red Local USLG members
 - Presentation of the E4C innovative cities project on E-skills and ICT jobs
 - The local area on E-skills and ICT jobs and future Local Action Plan:
• Identification of strong and weak points
  • Previous projects and strategies implemented
  • Potential content of the future Local Action Plan
  • Key players to be involved in the development and later implementation of this Local Action Plan
• Contribution to the Local Action Plan
• Organization expectations to be achieved by the project activities and to receive from other cities