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Dr. Ferber


Dr. Ferber

Validated Lead Expert

Generic Skills

B.1. Understanding of integrated and sustainable urban development: 
I have completed my studies at the Technical University of Darmstadt and the Escole Central de Lille, both focusing on integrative aspects of regional and city planning as well as environmental planning. My completed dissertation in city and regional planning on the topic of European funding programs for regional development further qualified me in the realm of sustainable urban development. With my dissertation, I was able to develop a guiding model for the sustainable redevelopment of brownfield sites based upon the creation of three site categories that are meant to help guide local decision makers on how to best take action on which sites to pursue sustainable land management. This developed methodology, when applied to sites in the cityscape, has helped state and local governments to create change on the ground. With a deep understanding of the causes and effects of integrated sustainable development, I have been able to carry out many projects in various roles, all helping to create more sustainable urban realities in Europe (see B.2). I have been active in work with NGOs (Bund) in the area of land management.
B.2. Understanding of exchange and learning processes at transnational level: 
On the transational level I have been active since 1998 in European network projects as well as national and European research projects. Examples of these include the: • CABERNET conferences and working group on brownfield revitalisation, • INSPIRATION as a research initiative, • CircUse for developing a methodology for land recycling on the Central European scale, • LUMAT as the creation of management structures and tools for sustainable land use management, • URBACT Expert Group „Shrinking Cities“. For example in the most recent LUMAT project, I contributed to the development of a transnational guide for action planning for sustainable urban planning. This included taking into consideration the needs of seven pilot areas while creating a common draft that was then adapted by all of the various stakeholders in the project. The success of this template was guaranteed through active involvement in the project, moderation events as well as the ability to facilitate the scientific information related to the complex issue of land use management for sustainable regional development to an international audience consisting of city councils, regional sectoral agencies, institutes for research and ministries responsible for urban affairs.
B.3. Proficiency in English: 
I have been working in English-speaking projects 1998 and have published a number of articles in the English language e.g. URBACT Shrinking Cities.

Expertise for the design and delivery of transnational exchange and learning activities:

Summary Expertise for the design and delivery of transnational exchange and learning activities: 
I have experience playing a central role in projects on the European scale. For example, I have been responsible for being a lead moderator at international conferences dedicated to making sustainable land management a reality in European regions. I have authored many reports that gather the inputs of various partners to make concise and results-oriented products that can be used by practitioners. I always look to use the most modern techniques in my communication activities as well as accommodate for the regional specifics of partners that are coming from various parts of the continent.

Thematic expertise:

Theme / Policy: 
Integrated Urban Renewal
Summary Thematic expertise: 
I have completed projects on the international level in the subject of urban strategic planning since the founding of my office in Leipzig in 1998. Recently I have been able to develop the idea of strategic urban planning for the development of sustainable city structures through integrated land management. I have been active in the creation of position papers for the implementation of circular flow land use management with partners from the German Institute of Urban Affairs for example, and have also made position papers to the topic of land certificates for the German Ministry for Environment. My research and project implementation activities have directly contributed to overarching goals on the European and German levels, for example limiting unsustainable land consumption. I have also provided guidance to projects looking to capitalize on their results through new innovative applications for the needs of local and regional spatial planners.

Expertise support to local authorities and other stakeholders in designing & delivering integrated and participatory policies

E.1. Knowledge on participatory methods and tools for co-production and implementation of local polices : 
Moderation and mediation in participatory planning projects is key part of my professional work in my independent consulting office since 1994 e.g. in the development of integrated development: (CV/ pdf documents available) My preferred method is the “Goals oriented project planning” developed from the German GIZ. The moderator distributes cards for objectives and rank the objectives in levels and interactions in a group consensual princip. The agreement serve as basis for project targets, priorites and detailed allocation of staff and funding. Stakeholders are defined, “killer factors” are identified. Co-production was a key aspect in the Fachwerk Triennale project for with the objective co co production with migrants and the creation of citizen funds (Bürgerfonds). We are using online surveys, webinars )click-meetiong system) and online crowd funding. , 2 April 2019: Workshop on Migration, qualification and urban development in Spangenberg (National urban policy event). 2018 – 2022: Training tool developement for Urban – rural cooperations for the BMBF “Future city” ( Interactive Internet Plattform. International networks are regular part e.g.Interreg Central Europe: Compendium on mulit stakeholder land management and training tool on circular land management. Tools and instruments are part of me lecuture in Urban-rural-development in Wismar.
E.2. Knowledge on integrated approach for the design, delivering, monitoring and evaluation of urban strategies/policies: 
The URBIS project was responsible for the development of a “change detection and monitoring” service within the scope of the project. Using my guidance and input to the needs of stakeholders in planning, the project was able to come together to create a method for organizing and detailing a service that can track land uses and monitor the changes on the ground, specifically with reference to green spaces. The information from the service can generally serve the needs of planners who are looking to monitor their territories and make evaluations as to the sustainability of their development.
E.3. Awareness of the main policy and funding schemes for sustainable urban development at EU and national level: 
The topic of my doctorate thesis have bee “European programs in brownfield regeneration in the UK, France and Germany. I am still involved in various groups/networks and discussion rounds on the German federal level (SRL association) and the CABERNET linkeding network. Further, j also keep up to date through my teaching activities currently at the University of Wismar. I remain up to date about funds through active research and discussions with colleagues as well as at organized events. On behalf of the German research ministry we are preparing in co-operation with the German Environmental Agency on international conference on the Leipzig Charta in November 2020 in Leipzig. Publiciation: FERBER, UWE; SCHLAPPA, HANS: Futur directions for the European Shrinking City; in: Rouledge, ISBN: 978-1-138-81470-7, 2016
E.4. Ability to understand specific local situations and adapt tools and content to different local realities: 
On the local level I have been involved in adapting climate protection measures of multiple cities. The opportunities and threats to a hotter climate have been evaluated in the context and the local stakeholders involved in the process. The result of the projects was the creation of strategies that use land management principles to steer sustainable choices for the future development of the cities: more green spaces, identification of key areas for protection, new innovative ideas for avoiding urban sprawl, etc. Documents are available by pdf/mail. STATE OF SAXONY: Technical assistance of the ERDF urban brownfield program 2001 – 2013: As EU ERDF coordinator for the Urban program in Saxony my role was to support local stakeholders to develop program applications fitting within the local framework and the integrated approach. Contact:Urban EU Unit in the Ministry: Mr Köppl, 0351/54401 Europäische Union: Circular flow land use management (CircUse), INTERREG – CENTRAL EUROPE, , 2010 – 1013 Lead expert responsible for the transnational action planning methodology and training course. Documents are available in pdf. Europäische Union, Ville de Dunkerque: URBACT – BRING-UP: Lead expert and baseline studiy on: Brownfield integrated management,, 2010 European Union/Stadt Wetzlar/Lahnpark GmbH: Green management plans for European urban and peri-urban Landscapes (EUROSCAPES), INTERREG IVc 2010 – 2012 Responsible for the
Summary Expertise: 
I have been able to engage the local level for the preservation of historical buildings that make regions in Europe unique; I have helped wood framed houses become a key aspect of revitalization through my involvement in the “Fachwerk Triennale” project and promoting urban renovation, reuse and preservation in this context. For the URBIS project I was able to contribute to the development of a “change detection and monitoring” service according to the needs of regional and local planners The information from the service can generally serve those interested in understanding the development happening in their regions and to make a first evaluation about the achievement of sustainable land use management trends. Further, I also keep up to date on topics of integrated urban strategies through my teaching activities currently at the University of Wismar. I remain up to date about funds through active research and discussions with colleagues and organized events.


Residence location:
German - Mother tongue
Foreign Languages level: 
Foreign languages: 
Foreign Languages level: 
Foreign languages: 

Area of expertise