The discovery of a covered square
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16 May 2022In the city of Torino, inside an “old working class” neighborhood, there is Cumiana 15, a new public covered square that has been “discovered” on 15th September 2020. The building had been one of the production sites of the Lancia car factory (1918-1969) and recently refurbished thanks to the Co-city project funds.

One of the most complex and longest regeneration site had been able to generate a new public goods management for the municipality of Torino that could make a reality test of the new rules coming from the application of the 391 Regulation. This Act disciplines the collaboration between citizens and municipality in the management of the public goods through the Collaboration Pacts.
First “actors” of this story are the City of Torino, with the Common Goods Service and the Local District 3, and five local stakeholders, Associazione culturale Bloomingteam, ASD Longboard crew Italia, Associazione Ideificio Torinese, Comitato Uisp Torino, Scuola Mazzarello.
Everything begins in 2017 with the two public calls for presenting purposes finalized to co-projecting and define Collaboration Pacts. On 30th of September, a group of 19 Stakeholders presented a very ambitious purpose. During the co-projecting activity, started in february 2018, emerged some criticality especially due to the big financial needs. The original group of proposers deeply changed, as the purpose too, and finally we have as the results an original covered square managed with the Collaboration Pact for the share management of the building of via Cumiana 15 that had been signed from four proponents in 15th September 2021. The fifth proponent, Scuola Mazzarello subscribed in July 2022.
Who are the stakeholders?
- Bloomingteam is a cultural association that promote the public debate around the words innovation, interaction, integration, involving citizens to invent and realize social and cultural cohesion projects.
- Longboard crew Italia is a non professional sport association that promotes the diffusion of the Longboard skate, organizing courses and public events for the entire community.
- Ideificio Torinese is cultural association that promotes the incubation of young social concepts and organize and manage Study Rooms.
- Uisp (Unione Italiana Sport Per tutti) is an association for the promotion of sport and social activities for every citizens.
- Scuola Mazzarello is a Salesian Catholic School located in via Cumiana 2 that offers courses from early childhood to higher education.
Which are the activities?
Since the inauguration day on 15th September 2020, originally expected in March (but postponed cause of the lockdown for the Covid19), in Cumiana 15 were hosted many different activities, some of them directly purposed from the partners and other coming from other stakeholders of the territory. The Oversound initiative (15/9-13/10), silent movies with soundtracks live played from musicians. The Overskate project (16/9-28/10) with open meetings where learning longboard, skateboard or surfskate. The Light design project (1/10) for the birthday of the italian photo center Camera. The Kids on square project (15/10-3-11) with workshops for kids under 14 years old. The Interactive workshop conference on youth and job opportunities (13/10). A Photo exhibition over the lockdown time (16/10). The localization set of the project Opposites/Overlapped for the biennial technology festival (27/10-4/11). From the beginning of November 2020 to April 2021 due to the limitations of the activities for the Covid19 pandemic, the only one regularly conducted activity was the Food distribution, one day a week (beginned from 26th November 2020 and actually performed).
The year 2021 begun with the location set of a musical videoclip for a sing of the band La stanza di Greta (25-26/1). Continued with the hosting of some Condominium meetings (22/4, 29/4). And then a long season of initiatives. From Conferences, to Interviews, Theatrical workshops, Study Rooms, Exhibitions, Kids animation, Dance workshops, Political and social Meetings, Music workshops and Educational stages. Safe the usual weekly Food distribution.
This year the activities have begun, safe the never stopped weekly Food distribution, with an After school skate (every week from March) and is continuing with some Reading workshops (actually in Torino May is the reading month).
Submitted by Laura Socci on