Discovering governance
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02 October 2018In February Lisbon opens doors to the New navigators

Lisbon. Days 8th, 9th and 10th of February, Interactive Cities – Urbact project. Nine european cities - Paris, Genoa, Tartu, Varna, Debrecen, Ghent, Palermo, Murcia and Lisbon - will be in a sort of treasure hunt, looking for situations, examples, demonstrations, experiences, stories, related to local governance.
Backpacked properly, with their mobile ready, laptops and notebooks close at hand, the new urban navigators will depart for the discovery of new practices that may inspire interactive forms of local development and governance at an European level.
Walking throw twisty pathways, they'll be led into the real city, the oldest neighbourhoods, the local organizations, but also to the new spots of innovation and entrepreneurship of the Portuguese capital. And as if by magic, from reality to fiction, the narrow streets will make way to open spaces and roundtables in rooms where will happen World Café meetings, Speed Dating talks, FishBowl debates and interactive Peer Review brainstorming.
Decision making
The half hundred participants in the Transnational Meeting of Lisbon, which will take place, most of it, in the Smart Cities Showroom, located at Município Square, will first pay attention to the theme of the decision making.
Five cities will present their concrete experiences in the subject and all the participants will circulate around this five areas of presentations and debate.
Tartu will approach the electronic democracy, Paris the interactive networks of merchants based on Costo, Ghent how to use Yammer as a support to the management of the organizations internal work, Genoa, the implementation of tourism taxes as a reinforcement of local governance and finally Lisbon will show the model of operating of the DLBC Network in the city.
António Câmara, the CEO of the enterprise, will speak about the experiences of this business group founded by researchers and university teachers, that presents itself as:
European enterprise dedicated to the creation of state-of-the-art innovative interactivity projects, products and technologies. As a flagship company it holds shares in companies that are global references in augmented reality technologies, telepresence with marine robots, printed electronics and international requests for customized innovative projects that combine design and technology.
A lively debate about interactivity is guaranteed.
Thematic guided tours
Thursday morning, day 9th, three groups will go on the discovery of walking trails, tourism, how to promote business and city regeneration.
Records of this tours will be posted on social networks, with emphasis to the Facebook page of the Interactive Cities project
Public Meeting
Sessions of days 9 and 10 will also have several moments of work and thematic development, in both action plan issues and local intervention; Thursday afternoon a public meeting will take place in the Council Chambers with the hearing of elected and political representatives of the cities represented in the Lisbon Meeting.
In parallel to the cooperative action and co-working debates in seeking solutions to these themes of governance, there will exist moments of informal gathering to share experiences and knowledge. These will take place at night in different associations and spaces of social and solidarity economy, managed by partners of the DLBC network of Lisbon, such as: the Interculturacidade Center, Largo Residences, Mouraria Popular Kitchen and the Association Renovar a Mouraria.
The New Navigators have a lot to discover.
Carlos Ribeiro, 7th of February of 2017
Submitted by fvirgilio on