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Discover our new URBACT projects!

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09 October 2017
Read time: 1 minute

Go to the heart of a wide range of ongoing urban challenges faced everyday by our European cities. Keep informed about their latest news and events.  Roma population, Transport problems, Energy  sustainability and efficiency in urban environments, Combating the effects of the crisis… If you share the same urban issues, if you are interested in one of these topics, we invite you to learn more and discover our new projects!

The 16 new URBACT projects approved by the URBACT Monitoring Committee on November 24th 2009 within the framework of the second URBACT II Call for proposals, have now their dedicated pages on the URBACT website.

These pages are a showcase for the projects, cities/organizations and partners. You can find accessible and lively information on the topic and challenges of the project you are interested in. And learn more on the partnership, as well as the latest activities and outputs.

Find your field of interest and discover our new projects :

  • Active Travel Network - Tackling transport problems by promoting walking and cycling in small and medium sized cities
  • Bring Up - Integrated policy approaches to combat the effects of the crisis, with a focus on integrated urban and landscape solutions in disadvantaged areas with non-dynamic property markets
  • CASH - Sustainable renovation of housing stocks with a view to reduce energy consumption in existing buildings
  • ESIMEC - Combating the effects of the crisis in medium sized cities by defining innovative strategies to attract investment, promote entrepreneurship and develop the knowledge economy
  • EVUE - Integrated and sustainable strategies for promoting the use of Electric Vehicles in cities
  • Historicentres Net -Integrated approaches for a sustainable management of historical city centres
  • InteGROW - Integrated strategies for the social inclusion of Young People at risk of exclusion
  • LINKS - Upgrading the housing environment in historical city centres, with a view to improve the environment and living conditions while maintaining the urban heritage
  • OP-ACT - Addressing challenges faced by "shrinking cities" coping with demographic change, advanced deindustrialisation and the crisis
  • Roma-Net - Improving the integration of the Roma population by developing access to key services, active inclusion in the labour market, education and self-help programmes
  • SURE - Diversification of local economies in deprived areas of medium sized cities, by developing an integrated socio-economic urban rehabilitation model
  • Together - Social inclusion and well-being in cities by developing close cooperation between public authorities, citizens and private stakeholders (principle of "co-responsibility")
  • URBENENERGY - Creating sustainable Energy Efficient urban environments, by developing integrated frameworks for improving energy efficiency and optimal use of renewable energy sources
  • Common Sense - Managing Authorities of Operational Programmes cooperating to promote integrated and sustainable urban development
  • Sha.Ke - Renovating and revitalising public spaces in deprived urban areas
  • UrSEnE - Sustainable strategies for energy efficiency applied to urban development

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