Digital marketing and tourism, Candelaria shows its greatness in the European URBACT programme
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28 March 2022On the 16th of February, Candelaria met with the partners of the European project 'Find your greatness' of the URBACT programme, to deepen the tourism and local experiences of each participating country.

The mayoress of Candelaria, Mari Brito, opened the meeting by thanking the expert leader and all the partner cities. She highlighted the positive aspect of participating with the different cities and learning from their experiences, being able to share her own experiences and build strategic actions in digital marketing for each municipality.
After an individual thank you to each partner city, there was the opportunity to present two videos that allowed those present to learn a little more about what Candelaria offers and, ultimately, what its greatness is. One of them is part of the local communication actions developed in the municipality within the framework of the project, being the video of the Camino Viejo route.
The Candelaria team then gave a presentation on tourism in the municipality, its main tourism products and resources, the goals of tourism and an outline of the tourism actions planned to be included in the Integrated Action Plan generated through this project. This gave the other partners the opportunity to briefly exchange, also, what tourism means for their city.
The rest of the seminar took on a more technical and coordinating character, which allows to continue working along the lines requested by the project and to meet the planned objectives. With a view to the near future, Candelaria will continue to work on local communication actions and on the elaboration of its Integrated Action Plan.
Submitted by Liviu Stanciu on