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José María


Ad-Hoc Expert

Generic Skills

B.1. Understanding of integrated and sustainable urban development: 
My experience in the sustainable integrated urban development started in 2004 (12 years of experience) firstly based in the City of Burgos, and mainly regarding sustainable urban mobility projects, but also working in other fields as energy, environment, sustainable land use or sustainable economic development. I had to work with different stakeholders, including technicians and politicians but also associations, unions, neighbourhoods... Up to date I still work in four European projects, three of them with local authorities. In these projects I always had the role of coordinator, but in a good part of them also the dissemination and/or evaluator leader. In all the projects, the public participation and the involvement of the stakeholders have been crucial, identifying quite easily after all these years of experience the best way to engage them, in a win-win strategy.
B.2. Understanding of exchange and learning processes at transnational level: 
After the development of the CiViNET Spain and Portugal Network, created by me, which holds more than 30 Spanish and Portuguese Cities, some of the tasks I was implementing moved from local to national and international level, being the representative in several working groups in different topics (mainly in Mobility and Transports and mainly in Spain but also Europe), giving the vision of the cities. Because of the network, I could spread the messages received at local level in European Platforms, with Policy Reports agreed with local politicians. I could manage to promote the participation of more than 20 cities in different reports. I consider them helpful and useful, as the guidelines produced promoted the knowledge and know-how sharing and the capitalization of results of good practices and activities. The Guidelines have supported the cities to produce Ordinances and Normative at local level. Apart from the workshops and courses organized by me according to the European projects, I´ve been organizing more than 12 workshops for cities and 6 national Forums focused on different topics with an average attendance of 75-100 people each.
B.3. Proficiency in English: 
Cambridge level: Proficiency 58/100 National School of Languages: Finished 8/10

Expertise for the design and delivery of transnational exchange and learning activities:

Thematic expertise:

Theme / Policy: 
Sustainable Urban Mobility
Summary Thematic expertise: 
PhD in Civil Engineering regarding Sustainable Urban Mobility. More than 12 years of experience in European projects managing more than 12 of them focusing on mobility (SUMPs, ITS, PT, Bike, Open Data, Behavioural projects...). Coordinator of the CiViNET Network Spain and Portugal, he organizes regularly Forums and Workshops involving politicians and technicians.

Expertise support to local authorities and other stakeholders in designing & delivering integrated and participatory policies

E.1. Knowledge on participatory methods and tools for co-production and implementation of local polices : 
Because of the local level work, I had experience in the participation processes and involvement of stakeholders, the urban development funds (URBAN, 6th Framework Program, 7th Framework Program, Horizon 2020, Interreg IV regio and capitalization, Life, Interreg SUDOE, Intelligent Energy Europe and directly from DG MOVE) management and social innovation, when management of projects in terms of research and development. Because of the projects, I had to manage public procurement. Regarding the work in the CiViNET Network, I had to deal with the multi-level governance issues (local-national and European), having successfully presented initiatives at local level to be included in Policy reports at European level, as the Statement of Funchal in the CiViTAS initiative, for example, a European Document about sustainable mobility, which includes the feed-back from our network. I took the role of moderator in several roundtables regarding different aspects, in political and technical meetings, firstly in Spanish and Portuguese area (because of my role of Coordinator of the CiViNET Spain and Portugal Network) but also in other moments: CiViTAS Forum in Krakow (2009) when I moderated a roundtable about sustainable mobility in Europe with representatives of the old and new member states politicians, representatives from the European Commission and other stakeholders, in the CiViTAS Forum in Vitoria-Gasteiz (2012) when I moderated the roundtable of the Political Committe
E.2. Knowledge on integrated approach for the design, delivering, monitoring and evaluation of urban strategies/policies: 
The projects I coordinated and managed are: Coordinator local level of CiViTAS Caravel Project (6th FP). Disseminator local Manager. Implementation of several urban sustainable mobility measures. Coordinator local level SUMOBIS (Interreg SUDOE). Disseminator Manager at local and project level. Actions regarding the promotion of the use of the bike, industrial areas mobility and car-sharing initiatives. Coordinator local level SAMERU (DG MOVE). Dissemination local Manager. Studies and training actions about mobility in elderly people. Coordinator local level Niches + as Champion City (7th FP). Burgos developed two actions: one in vertical accessibility and another in promotion of the Public Transport in children. Coordinator European level CiViNET (DG MOVE). Creation of national networks for sharing of knowledge and dissemination of good practices. Coordinator local level SUSREG (IEE). Dissemination and Evaluation local Manager. Studies and actions about sustainable land use and planning. Coordinator local level POSSE (Interreg IV C Regio). Dissemination local and national Manager. Development of studies and guidelines about ITS and Open Data and Standardization in ITS in cities. Coordinator local level CHAMP (IEE). Dissemination and Evaluation local Manager. Promotion of the bike, mainly focusing on students of the University. Coordinator local level Smart Move (IEE). Dissemination and Evaluation local Manager. Promotion of the Public Transport in workers in industrial areas and students. Coordinator local level PTP-Cycle (IEE). Dissemination and Evaluation local Manager. Personalized transport plans to foster the use of the bike. Coordinator local level Velo-città (IEE). Dissemination and Evaluation local Manager. Promotion of the local Bike Sharing System. Coordinator local level Subcontracting part of CAPITAL (7th FP). Continuation of the CiViNET Networks. Apart from those projects, collaboration in the development of Hydrosolar (Life), URBAN project in the City of Burgos, and other regional or national projects, related to infrastructures, entrepreneurship, urban development and industrial development in the City of Burgos. In all of them the capitalization and dissemination has been one of the keys, especially as I´ve been involved as dissemination manager. This explains the high number of presentations and events I attended the past 12 years.
E.3. Awareness of the main policy and funding schemes for sustainable urban development at EU and national level: 
Apart from the projects I have worked, including the Urban, I´ve been attending several meetings of presentation of initiatives and calls, in Brussels at European level and National level (Operational Programmes) in Madrid in the Ministries. The main evidence of my knowledge and understanding is the high degree of success in terms of financial and technical reports, as in any project the partner I was working with had major problems, including the good marks received by the Audit Report done by the Spanish Ministry of Public Administration related to ERDF funds in POSSE (Interreg IV-C), where we were located in Category “A” in terms of internal organization and transparency of procedures, and no fund was claimed. I organized for the projects the schedule and scheme of audits, reports, different level controllers… having successfully managed all of them.
E.4. Ability to understand specific local situations and adapt tools and content to different local realities: 
The Network I created, very lively with 30 participating cities, have been focused on precisely the interchange of knowledge through different events, site visits or presentations so I have the ability to organize interesting activities for cities that they want to learn, managing the little resources the Network counts with (only a part of the total budget is funded), by means of the collaboration of the different cities to develop the events, and counting with the involvement at policy and technical level. During the past years, the events, presentations and activities I organized, focused on the knowledge and experience sharing, have been focused at the end to politicians and technicians of the cities, which then they will develop or implement the measures or actions or they will produce Ordinances or Normative at local level. My work has been focusing on this concrete point: firstly, how to make attractive the network I managed in order politicians and technicians want to participate and being actively involved, secondly, to think a message I think is important or interesting for the cities if they want to move to a more sustainable city (and citizens will see the quality of life is better and consequently, they will prefer a “green” city) and thirdly, how to present these messages in order they can easily understand, they do not get bored and it is so attractive that they want to develop or implement a similar measure or normative in their own cities. In that way to success it is important a reflection on what is more important, more engaged and more interesting for the cities based on good experiences, knowledge or reflections on how to implement measures or produce documents but at the same time trying to present it attractively and in a dynamic way. Other way to engage them is to count with other politicians (local, national or European level) that they are concerned as well, as this is a point to attract local politicians. Firstly, in the process of preparation of the different events and activities I organized, it was obviously necessary to ask for the need of the capacity-building. Every year theses needs are treated and discussed, normally in events, where politicians and technicians can discuss their problems. Also in many occasions it is interesting (and important) to ask for concrete needs. The feed-back is organized by me and sent to them again to reflect on what is more important to finally organize the events and activities based on their needs. In the different stages I have explained in the last section, apart from thinking about the message and how to transfer it in the best possible way, before this stage I always have the feedback of the cities about their needs. There is a point of subjectivity as I also worked for a City and I know first-hand their needs and problems, but normally after years of experience I am at least partly right (in each city conditions are different). In terms of measuring the results, apart from the typical evaluation test about the degree of satisfaction, it is important to remark and to take into account other aspects as number of measures implemented thanks to the knowledge or experience gained, number of normative produced or even number of attendees of the different events, as if they think it is important and crucial for their municipalities, they will implement as many measures and produce as many Ordinances as possible, and they will attend the events to be organized in the future.


Residence location:
Spanish - Mother tongue
Foreign Languages level: 
Foreign languages: 
Foreign Languages level: 
Foreign languages: 
Foreign Languages level: 
Foreign languages: 

Area of expertise