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Diet for a Green Planet - the key to a better future

Edited on

27 June 2015
Read time: 1 minute

One or the goals of the Diet for a Green Planet transfer project is that each receiving partner produces its own, locally adapted, version of Södertälje Municipality's handbook "Diet for a Clean Baltic in practice" aiming at disseminating the Diet for a Green Planet concept in the respective cities/regions. The handbooks will also serve as education, information and inspiration to politicians, civil servants, chefs, kitchen staff and other relevant stakeholders.

The Key to a Better Future - about Södertälje´s work with Diet for a Green Planet

But Södertälje, as the lead partner who already has produced a handbook, identified the need to produce an informative pamhplet that explains the work that is performed by the Diet Unit. The pamhplet (Food - the key to a better future) explains the concept, the history behind it and how the Diet Unit has run the implementation process. This pamphlet is easy to read and aims at those stakeholders that are influenced by the concept but not very aware of its depth; parents, teachers, policy makers etc.

This pamhplet - Food - the key to a better future - will be used at various dissemination activities during the remainder of the project.

Download the pamphlet "Food - the key to a better future" (pdf) here: