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Diet for a Green Planet Handbook - Łomża

Edited on

31 March 2015
Read time: 2 minutes

In Łomża, the Diet for a Green Planet Handbook has just been finalized. Daria Lutrzykowska, project coordinator in Łomża, tells us about the work with one of the main deliverables of this project.

Diet for a Green Planet Handbook - Lomza
From the start we knew that there would be several target groups for this handbook. Perhaps the most important one is the kitchen staff in public kindergartens and schools. They are vital when it comes to making a change in public meals in Lomza. And in making that change, the parents of students in schools and kindergartens are also important. But in transferring the Diet for a Green Planet concept to Lomza, the directors of the public institutions and the policy makers are also target groups for the handbook.

This has been one of the challenges of this process; to produce a handbook that will serve many purposes – on practical as well as on theoretical level.

The process during which we have transferred the Diet for a Green Planet concept has been interesting for us. Digging deep into a certain region’s conditions for agriculture and food production has given us some eye-openers; we learned many new things about our seasonal vegetables and fruits, but also about our region’s environment.

In addition, this process has allowed us to create close relationships with the eco-farmers in the region.

We have involved quite a lot of stakeholders in the process; kitchen staff mainly from kindergartens but also people from Podlaskie Centre of Agricultural Advisory – a valuable partner in this process – have helped by writing articles on environmental issues.
Daria Lutrzykowska, project coordinator in Łomża
Even though there have been many lessons and challenges along the way, the biggest challenge has been the realization that the meat consumption must go down, and in a handbook that symbolizes a modern and sustainable fashion of preparing food, we had to cut down the amount of recipes with meat, and instead be very creative with designing vegetarian recipes. This may sound banal, but in Poland we are used to eating a lot of meat and making that change – both practically and in attitude – is a real challenge!

We are proud to have finalized the handbook and I truly believe that it will be a useful product – for us civil servants working in the municipality, for people working in the kitchens and also for politicians and decision-makers in our region.

Download Lomza's locally adapted version of the Diet for a Green Planet Handbook (pdf) here: