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Validated Lead Expert

Generic Skills

B.1. Understanding of integrated and sustainable urban development: 
Educated as a transport planner and as environmental engineer, I have worked on integrative projects and policy development for cities my whole professional life. I was a speaker at the first Aalborg conference that introduced Agenda 21 in Europe. For the City of Vienna I have developed the Environmental Vision for a Sustainable City. For UNIDO I work as EcoCity expert on several projects on sustainable urban development. As member of the Expert Panel for the technical evaluation of European Green Capital Award I am responsible for the aspect of integrative environmental management.
B.2. Understanding of exchange and learning processes at transnational level: 
For Novem, the Dutch national energy agency, I acted as leader of the Twinergy Network, supporting international projects between cities in the field of energy policy. As representative of the City of Vienna I contributed to the development of Peer Review for Cities (PreSud). As independent consultant I further developed and adapted the method and implemented it successfully in many projects, like ‘Peer Review Helsinki – Rotterdam’; ‘EcoCities South East Asia’; ‘CASH project URBACT II’; INTERREG project PLUS; Cascade (EUROCITIES);etc. I act as speaker, moderator, panel member in many international seminars and conferences.
B.3. Proficiency in English: 
As international consultant my working language is mainly English. I am also fluent in Dutch, German and French. Many presentations and project reports witness of that. I work independently not only in Europe but also in South East Asia, India etc. where English is the common business language. In my CV and on many publications in English have been listed.

Expertise for the design and delivery of transnational exchange and learning activities:

Summary Expertise for the design and delivery of transnational exchange and learning activities: 
My whole professional life I have worked for and with cities and international cooperation. As international consultant, Dutch nationality and living in Austria, I have experience with international teams, working on urban issues. I have provided services to a wide range of clients at international, European, regional and local levels on environmental and sustainable development issues. For the City of Vienna I have led the development of the Environmental Vision of Vienna and am presently supporting the network Cities for a Nuclear Free Europe CNFE. Also for Vienna I was technical chair of the EUROCITIES Environment Forum in 2009 and 2010. I have implemented and am constantly further developing the Peer Review for Cities methodology. The methodology is specifically designed to combine knowledge exchange and learning activities for international team members. I have adapted the methodology and implemented the methodology as learning tool in many international projects. For each project the methodology has been tailored to the subject and participants. In each project I train the participants, and lead the international peer review teams. Also in other projects I worked as trainer, moderator and chair, preparing meetings and making them effective and efficient. I am a member of the Expert Evaluation Panel for the European Green Capital Award since 2012. In 2014 I have developed and set up the European Green Capital Network, for former Green Capitals and finalists.

Thematic expertise:

Theme / Policy: 
Urban Strategic Planning
Summary Thematic expertise: 
Trained as Transport Planner and secondly as Environmental Engineer, I have always worked on integrative projects. My work for the Dutch Energy Agency Novem has added a deep knowledge of urban climate and energy policy. For the City of Vienna I was policy advisor in the environmental department, and I was responsible for international projects. For Vienna I wrote the Environmental Vision of the city, based on sustainable development. As independent consultant I work on broad EcoCity projects, both in Europe and elsewhere in the world. For the European Green Capital Award I am the expert, responsible for Integrated Environmental Management since 2012. In the PLUS project (INTERREG) on public lighting I produced the ‘Mainstream Guide; Guidelines from cities on sustainable public lighting strategies’. In URBACT II program I was lead expert of the CASH project on energy efficiency in social housing. As EcoCity expert for UNIDO I advise cities in South East Asia on urban planning and strategic environmental policy. For the EcoCity Zenata in Morocco I write an international reference framework supporting their goal-setting and strategy development.
Theme / Policy: 
Environmental Issues
Summary Thematic expertise: 
Trained as Transport Planner and secondly as Environmental Engineer, I have always worked on integrative projects. My work for the Dutch Energy Agency Novem has added a deep knowledge of urban climate and energy policy. For the City of Vienna I was policy advisor in the environmental department, and I was responsible for international projects. For Vienna I wrote the Environmental Vision of the city, based on sustainable development. As independent consultant I work on broad EcoCity projects, both in Europe and elsewhere in the world. For the European Green Capital Award I am the expert, responsible for Integrated Environmental Management since 2012. In the PLUS project (INTERREG) on public lighting I produced the ‘Mainstream Guide; Guidelines from cities on sustainable public lighting strategies’. In URBACT II program I was lead expert of the CASH project on energy efficiency in social housing. As EcoCity expert for UNIDO I advise cities in South East Asia on urban planning and strategic environmental policy. For the EcoCity Zenata in Morocco I write an international reference framework supporting their goal-setting and strategy development.
Theme / Policy: 
Local Governance
Summary Thematic expertise: 
Trained as Transport Planner and secondly as Environmental Engineer, I have always worked on integrative projects. My work for the Dutch Energy Agency Novem has added a deep knowledge of urban climate and energy policy. For the City of Vienna I was policy advisor in the environmental department, and I was responsible for international projects. For Vienna I wrote the Environmental Vision of the city, based on sustainable development. As independent consultant I work on broad EcoCity projects, both in Europe and elsewhere in the world. For the European Green Capital Award I am the expert, responsible for Integrated Environmental Management since 2012. In the PLUS project (INTERREG) on public lighting I produced the ‘Mainstream Guide; Guidelines from cities on sustainable public lighting strategies’. In URBACT II program I was lead expert of the CASH project on energy efficiency in social housing. As EcoCity expert for UNIDO I advise cities in South East Asia on urban planning and strategic environmental policy. For the EcoCity Zenata in Morocco I write an international reference framework supporting their goal-setting and strategy development.
Theme / Policy: 
Sustainable Urban Mobility
Summary Thematic expertise: 
Trained as Transport Planner and secondly as Environmental Engineer, I have always worked on integrative projects. My work for the Dutch Energy Agency Novem has added a deep knowledge of urban climate and energy policy. For the City of Vienna I was policy advisor in the environmental department, and I was responsible for international projects. For Vienna I wrote the Environmental Vision of the city, based on sustainable development. As independent consultant I work on broad EcoCity projects, both in Europe and elsewhere in the world. For the European Green Capital Award I am the expert, responsible for Integrated Environmental Management since 2012. In the PLUS project (INTERREG) on public lighting I produced the ‘Mainstream Guide; Guidelines from cities on sustainable public lighting strategies’. In URBACT II program I was lead expert of the CASH project on energy efficiency in social housing. As EcoCity expert for UNIDO I advise cities in South East Asia on urban planning and strategic environmental policy. For the EcoCity Zenata in Morocco I write an international reference framework supporting their goal-setting and strategy development.
Theme / Policy: 
Sustainable Housing
Summary Thematic expertise: 
Trained as Transport Planner and secondly as Environmental Engineer, I have always worked on integrative projects. My work for the Dutch Energy Agency Novem has added a deep knowledge of urban climate and energy policy. For the City of Vienna I was policy advisor in the environmental department, and I was responsible for international projects. For Vienna I wrote the Environmental Vision of the city, based on sustainable development. As independent consultant I work on broad EcoCity projects, both in Europe and elsewhere in the world. For the European Green Capital Award I am the expert, responsible for Integrated Environmental Management since 2012. In the PLUS project (INTERREG) on public lighting I produced the ‘Mainstream Guide; Guidelines from cities on sustainable public lighting strategies’. In URBACT II program I was lead expert of the CASH project on energy efficiency in social housing. As EcoCity expert for UNIDO I advise cities in South East Asia on urban planning and strategic environmental policy. For the EcoCity Zenata in Morocco I write an international reference framework supporting their goal-setting and strategy development.
Summary Thematic expertise: 
Please provide main highlights concerning experiences related to the specific field of expertise. If the application is validated, only this summary will be visible on the online database.

Expertise support to local authorities and other stakeholders in designing & delivering integrated and participatory policies

E.1. Knowledge on participatory methods and tools for co-production and implementation of local polices : 
As chair and moderator of many meetings and conferences it is standard to involve all participants in different way. Most recently I organised and moderated the City-to-City exchange at the LUCI Association Cities under Microscope meeting in Bucharest, in April 2015. I used a methodology with 6 table experts and 20 minutes exchange rounds, combined with exchange of questions. In EcoCity Zenata I use group interviews as methodology to exchange knowledge, etc.
E.2. Knowledge on integrated approach for the design, delivering, monitoring and evaluation of urban strategies/policies: 
For the European Green Capital Award I am responsible for the assessment of the theme: integrative environment management. For that purpose I developed the questions in the application from and evaluation methodology. In the Pastille project I analysed the use of Sustainability Indicators and wrote the Practitioners Guide from this project. I adapted the Peer Review for Cities methodology so it could be used as monitoring and assessing urban sustainable policy in the broadest sense.
E.3. Awareness of the main policy and funding schemes for sustainable urban development at EU and national level: 
I stay up-to-date in my policy field through different sources: Literature (EEA, OECD, UNDP, etc); Newsletters and internet research; Contact with colleagues; Evaluator for European Green Capital Award in the field of Integrative Environmental Management and co-evaluator for Waste management; Regularly evaluator for different EU funding programs; participation in different conferences either as speaker or as participant; etc.
E.4. Ability to understand specific local situations and adapt tools and content to different local realities: 
I was responsible for international environmental project for the City of Vienna. Main task is to translate international developments for local application. I wrote the main environmental policy document ‘Environment in Vienna; Vision, Guidelines, Objectives’ translating the concept of Sustainable Development for the Viennese situation. For EcoCity Zenata in Morocco I translate good practices from all over the world to the Moroccan situation, taking climate, culture, technical, financial and political possibilities into account.
Summary Expertise: 
As chair and moderator of many meetings and conferences it is standard to involve all participants in different ways. For the European Green Capital Award I am responsible for the assessment of the theme: integrative environment management. For that purpose I developed the questions in the application from and evaluation methodology. In the Pastille project I analysed the use of Sustainability Indicators and wrote the Practitioners Guide from this project. I adapted the Peer Review for Cities methodology so it could be used as monitoring and assessing urban sustainable policy in the broadest sense. I was responsible for international environmental project for the City of Vienna. Main task is to translate international developments for local application. I wrote the main environmental policy document ‘Environment in Vienna; Vision, Guidelines, Objectives’ translating the concept of Sustainable Development for the Viennese situation. For EcoCity Zenata in Morocco I translate good practices from all over the world to the Moroccan situation, taking climate, culture, technical, financial and political possibilities into account.


Residence location:
Dutch - Mother tongue
Foreign Languages level: 
Foreign languages: 
Foreign Languages level: 
Foreign languages: 
Foreign Languages level: 
Foreign languages: 

Area of expertise