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de Moor


de Moor

Ad-Hoc Expert

Generic Skills

B.1. Understanding of integrated and sustainable urban development: 
Both as an academic and a business consultant I have extensive experience with integrated/sustainable development. My professional background is Information Management and Community Informatics. I have done many R&D and implementation projects in the Tilburg region, one of _the_ social innovation regions in the Netherlands. E.g., I helped prepare the Tilburg bid for the 2013 European Capital of Innovation award. I also for many years helped winners of the annual Tilburg Social Innovation Award improve their initiatives, my consultancy being part of the prize. Also, I co-organized the European Social Innovation Week (ESIW), held annually in Tilburg, and consulted for the regional social innovation network organization Midpoint Brabant and the Tilburg City Marketing Department to develop a storytelling for social innovation-methodology. As leader of the KnowledgeCloud project, I helped the Tilburg public library develop a methodology, online platform and network to redefine their role as a catalyst of local social innovation networks. Through my community building/mapping consultancy I am helping organizations, networks, and communities in the urban domain to strengthen their collaboration. Examples include the URBACT BoostINNO network and the Urban Innovative Action BRIDGE project in Rotterdam. I have many related academic publications, including on open/social innovation methodologies, collaboration patterns and storytelling for social innovation and community mapping.
B.2. Understanding of exchange and learning processes at transnational level: 
Having been both an academic (in the roles of Ph.D. student, assistant professor, and senior researcher) and a research consultant with a company mission to "act as a bridge between science and society", I have extensive - over 20 years - experience in transnational exchange and learning processes. Through my research, teaching and consultancy in the field of community and network building I have been involved in countless transnational education and training activities. These vary from extensive research international research visits (including 2,5 years working abroad as a researcher in Malaysia, Canada and Australia), attending and hosting numerous international conferences and workshops, and many facilitation activities such as developing a process for supporting an environmental debate (Canada), developing a community building methodology for a research organization (Belgium), site visits and evaluation of a community networking infrastructure project (South Africa), and international community mapping projects (e.g. URBACT BoostInno (EU), INGENAES (USA, Zambia).
B.3. Proficiency in English: 
Given that I have a background as an academic and have been living and working abroad for so many years, I have developed oral and written fluency in English. For examples of my writing skills, see my publications ( and blog ( A sample of my oral skills (as well as my familiarity with URBACT themes) is this presentation I gave at Rutgers University, USA, on "Knowledge Sharing for Social Innovation"

Expertise for the design and delivery of transnational exchange and learning activities:

Summary Expertise for the design and delivery of transnational exchange and learning activities: 
I have over 20 years of experience as an academic and practitioner in helping transnational community networks strengthen their collaboration. With a background in Community Informatics and extensive international working experience, I know how to match the social collaboration requirements of such networks with the technologies available to them. I am process-driven and keenly aware of the cultural strengths and sensitivities that may arise in transnational collaboration. One set of services of particular interest in the URBACT context are my participatory community mapping services for collaborative sensemaking. My methodology helps communities iteratively map their own collaboration network by (1) visualizing online the many pieces of their collaborative puzzle into relevant maps and views, (2) use these views to make them better understand where their common ground is and (3) jointly define the next actions needed to make their collaboration grow. This ongoing process helps community members find out what their collaboration is about, what relationships and interactions their community consists of, what collaboration resources are available, and what opportunities exist for improving their collaboration. Two of my cases in the EU urban development context are mapping the URBACT BoostINNO and UIA BRIDGE projects. For more information on my services see


Residence location:
Dutch - Mother tongue
Foreign Languages level: 
Foreign languages: 
Foreign Languages level: 
Foreign languages: 

Area of expertise