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De Bruijn


De Bruijn

Validated Lead Expert

Generic Skills

B.1. Understanding of integrated and sustainable urban development: 
Education: holder of a Graduate in Marketing and a Post Graduate from the Vlaamse Economische Hogeschool (Flemish Business School in Brussels), specialization International Business & European Policies including territorial development. Professional Experience in the City of Heerlen as a policy officer on integrated economic – spatial developments & policies. Broad experience as a project leader on EU co financed economic-spatial projects with responsibility for drawing up the plans, finding developers & (EU)funding, contracting & implementation. Program management experience on 3 integrated, financially substantial programs under the Dutch big cities policies, dealing in an integrated way with social, spatial & economical developments. Secretary of the URBAN II program. The development of INTERREG IIIB NWE projects like ‘Mine Water’. Professional experience as the Head of International Affairs in the city of Eindhoven dealing with lobbying, networking and project- & program development and public affairs both on European & International level. In this position responsible for over 25 project developments and implementation in Eindhoven under programs like INTERREG B & C, FP 6 & 7, Urbact and Horizon2O2O. Key roles in networks as Living Labs Global/Citymart, Luci Association, Eurocities and ERRIN Brussels Member of the Dutch delegation of the Steering Committee INTERREG IIIB & IVB North West Europe (2000-2012).
B.2. Understanding of exchange and learning processes at transnational level: 
Ample experience of transnational way of working as a member of the Dutch delegation in the Steering Committee INTERREG IIIB North West Europe on behalf of the Dutch big cities (2000-2006). Member of the drafting working group of the INTERREG IVB program, with a special focus on the Innovation Priority. This continued as a membership of the Steering Committee of the INTERREG IVB program (2006-2012). The work of the Steering Committee in itself is truly transnational by nature. As a head of the International Department of the City of Eindhoven, responsible for international public affairs, networking, drafting and implementation of over 25 projects under URBACT, INTERREG A, B, C, FP 6 and 7 and Horizon 2020. In participative roles on different levels in a lot of networks like Eurocities, LUCI Association and ERRIN. Besides this responsible for 5 sister city relationships throughout the world with each a multi annual program.
B.3. Proficiency in English: 
Chairing meetings of international forums, platforms and projects in Eindhoven 2004 -2015 in the role of Head of International Affairs. In 2007 e.g. chairing and moderating the annual general meeting of the LUCI Association in Eindhoven, as well as the Leipzig meeting for drafting the Leipzig charter on urban lighting. Member of international forum discussions like Living Labs Global Cities Forum,, Lisbon and Europe 2020 forum. (Co-)Drafting policy papers as the Leipzig charter on urban lighting, the Innovation priority of the INTERREG IVB NWE program, positioning papers of ERRIN Brussels and Eurocities. (Co-) Drafting the INTERREG IVB North West Europe program. (Co-) Drafting & final editing European funded projects under INTERREG A, B, C, FP and Horizon 2020. Drafting reports like within the Urbact I project STRIKE & FP6 project CROSS WORKS the Eindhoven chapter. In the Public Affairs role representing the City of Eindhoven abroad or upon receiving international delegations, holding speeches & doing presentations.

Expertise for the design and delivery of transnational exchange and learning activities:

Summary Expertise for the design and delivery of transnational exchange and learning activities: 
Involvement in the development, design and implementation of over 25 transnational projects & networks over the last 25 years in INTERREG B&C, Urbact, FP 6&7 and Horizon 2020 on a wide range of topics. Several on innovation policies, innovation in sectors and on urban development issues. Like the ELAt Project under INTERREG IIIB dealing with transnational innovation. Ample understanding of methodologies & designing conceptual frameworks for exchange of knowledge as well as learning from other parties and putting them in the local context into praxis: even transferred them to the South African city of Emfuleni, a sister city of Eindhoven . Experienced as organizer, speaker or moderator of events, as often asked to participate in forum discussions during (high)level events like Research Connection of DG Research and the Annual General Meeting of LUCI Association in Eindhoven. Through the ‘Management Drives’ assessment tool identified as a leader driven by vision and goals & results but primarily logic through the human factor i.e. people management. As head of the international department in Eindhoven, giving guidance to a 12 people strong team of professionals working solely on international affairs including (European) networks & projects and in a transnational context. Editor of (parts of) reports, guides and presentations in different projects, some on a specialized topic like Innovation. Experienced with (co-)drafting positioning papers and pre

Thematic expertise:

Theme / Policy: 
Research, Innovation and Knowledge Economy
Summary Thematic expertise: 
Profound knowledge on Innovation ecosystems and strategies for research, innovation and knowledge economy due to: - involvement in international benchmark and (comparative) studies like from universities, Eurocities, URBACT I and OECD - (co-)drafting and implementation of more generic European projects on research, innovation & knowledge economy like for the Eindhoven – Leuven –Aachen triangle. - (co-)development of transnational projects under INTERREG B & C and FP for innovation in sectors like design (PROUD), sports & technology (PROFIT), public lighting (BLISS, PLUS), healthy aging (RECAP) Experienced with the organization of innovation ecosystems such as in the Eindhoven Brainport agenda and on the transnational level of Eindhoven–Leuven-Aachen triangle. Implementation of precompetitive public procurement as an instrument driver for innovation by fostering participation in 3 projects under FP7 Delivery of Smart Cities and Innovation policies of Eindhoven through fostering development & implementation of projects under Horizon 2020 for instance in the Smart Cities Lighthouse project ‘Triangulum’ with Eindhoven participation. Shaping & co drafting INTERREG IVB strategic cluster projects like “Synaptic”, capitalizing & communicating the aggregated know how of individual projects. Membership of international networks of expertise on innovation like ------WebKitFormBoundaryWLbrkf67qSAJa32F Content-Disposition: form-data; name="title" De Bruijn
Theme / Policy: 
Local Governance
Summary Thematic expertise: 
Profound knowledge of different governance models for local authorities both in independent structures like triple helix organizations, living labs but also of policy life cycles in the local organizations. Knowledge of designing and implementing policy life cycle instruments on local level and of implementation bugs. Involved international benchmark and (comparative) studies like from universities, Eurocities, URBACT I and OECD. Experienced with the organization of innovation ecosystems such as in the Eindhoven Brainport agenda and on the transnational level of Eindhoven – Leuven -Aachen triangle. Implementation of precompetitive public procurement as an instrument driver for innovation and organizational change through 3 projects under FP7. Delivery of Smart Cities and Innovation policies of Eindhoven through fostering development & implementation of projects under Horizon 2020 for instance in the Smart Cities Lighthouse project ‘Triangulum’ with Eindhoven participation.

Expertise support to local authorities and other stakeholders in designing & delivering integrated and participatory policies

E.1. Knowledge on participatory methods and tools for co-production and implementation of local polices : 
In my role of coordinator in Heerlen of the national policy for big cities, involvement of the stake holders had been guaranteed by a local stakeholder platform from the start, but also in an interactive way while drafting the self analysis and during the visitation. As well as a plenary feed back on the visitation report. For the URBAN II program I have been program secretary; The URBAN II program stakeholders had their place in the steering and monitoring committee. Their involvement has been during drafting – implementing – evaluating the program.
E.2. Knowledge on integrated approach for the design, delivering, monitoring and evaluation of urban strategies/policies: 
As a co-drafter of the INTERREG IIIB ELAt project I introduced a work package on benchmarking and mapping exercises, which has been applied over a period expanding the life time of the project, in the 3 regions involved. The national policy for big cities for which I was in Heerlen coordinator, entailed a model for self analysis and visitation as well as a monitor on outcome. I have been involved on national level in the design of the monitor and the evaluation and refinement of the self analysis and visitation tool, which I have implemented in the city of Heerlen on a local level. The outcome of the monitor has been input for the Urban Audit by the European Commission for over 15 years now.
E.3. Awareness of the main policy and funding schemes for sustainable urban development at EU and national level: 
News alerts and newsletters of divers (national & international) organizations dealing with urban policies and program secretariats; following tweeds & linked-in groups. Member of divers networks dealing with (European) cities policies and short lines with officers of networks like Eurocities, ERRIN Brussels, LUCI association., EUKN Participation in activities of networks and events like kick offs, match making events and year events e.g. on program level like INTERREG VB NWE, INTERREG Europe by pitching, presenting or drafting of a paper. Participation in trainings on programs. Personal contacts and individual meetings through a large personal network; contacts include EU policy officers, heads of units and EP-members.
E.4. Ability to understand specific local situations and adapt tools and content to different local realities: 
Extensive knowledge on integrated approaches for urban policies as designer of several policy papers on city level in Heerlen and Eindhoven. In Heerlen amongst other the drafting & implementation on local level of the national big cities policy with an integrative approach on social, economic and spatial challenges. This through financially substantive multi annual programs financed by national and regional level as well as an URBACT II program. The national policy prescribed the implementation of a policy cycle of self analyzing & applying a visitation tool, drafting a vision document & a multi annual program with a monitor for outputs and outcome. This I organized and worked on in my role as coordinator for big cities policy in the City of Heerlen and held the responsibility for implementation of the programs. For the URBACT II program which I co-drafted I was program secretary from 2000-2004.
Summary Expertise: 
Through the function of coordinator in Heerlen of the national policy for big cities, wide knowledge gained on policy learning as this has been designed and implemented in Heerlen. This policy cycle consisted of drafting a vision and an integrated program on social, economic and spatial issues, delivering output thus influencing outcome which has been monitored through a self analysis and visitation process as well as a quantified monitor. This monitor is still feeding the Urban Audit of the European Commission. The self analysis report led to intervention actions in the policies. The big city policy program was implemented through a substantial financial national and provincial multi annual contract. Annex to these 2 contracts, acting as program secretary of the URBAN II program, responsible for drawing up and implementation the program 2000-2006. The whole policy for big cities as well as the URBAN II program urged for intensive stakeholder involvement during the whole life cycle of these programs. In order to keep updated on current Urban & EU policies, keeping all kinds of (digital) channels open, acting as an active member of divers networks dealing with (European) urban policies and short lines with officers of networks like Eurocities, ERRIN Brussels, LUCI association, EUKN and actively participating through presentations, speeches, discussion forums, policy papers and a vast personal network with short lines to national, EU officers and EP members.


Residence location:
Dutch - Mother tongue
Foreign Languages level: 
Foreign languages: 
Foreign Languages level: 
Foreign languages: 
Foreign Languages level: 
Foreign languages: 

Area of expertise