CTUR Travelling exhibition
Edited on
30 July 2011The intent of the CTUR Travelling Exhibition was to share all over Europe the Local Action Plans of CTUR URBACT network, as main output.
Each partner in his city hosted the CTUR travelling Exhibition with translations in local languages.
Open the CTUR Exhibition Digital book

The CTUR Agenda of the Travelling Exhibition is coming soon...
The CTUR exhibition opening is also an opportunity to involve politicians and media
The exhibition is composed of:
Two general panels, drafted by the Lead Partner and to be translated by each partner in their own national language, describing the URBACT II Programme (first one) and the CTUR project (second one)
Two panels for each partner describing their Local Action Plan and Urbact Local Support Group. This panels are translated for the exhibitions in each Partners' city.
The first one contains the description of the partner’s context and priorities / Description of the Local Action Plan area, with images and photographs and a map of the area.
The second one contains the description of Local Support Group members, and Local Action Plan proposed action, which should indicate the objectives of the Local Action Plan and some information on the Sustainability and Mainstreaming and the involvement of the Managing authorities.
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