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Creative Clusters' Thematic Workshop: The space of the creative class

Edited on

09 October 2017
Read time: 1 minute

Creative Clusters URBACT project will held its third thematic workshop "The Space of the Creative Class: Urban Facilities and Strategies for Creative Entrepreneurs" on October 10-11 in Hódmezővásárhely, in South-East Hungary. Participate in this event and seize the opportunity for discussions on the two key topics: city strategies for talent attraction & retaining and new urban facilities for creative entrepreneurs including a wide reflection on the spatiality of the creativity-based urban strategies.

Creative Clusters is an URBACT project made up of 10 European cities looking for joint, effective and sustainable solutions in the field of urban creative clusters. The fundamental assumption is that creative issues in local economic development are also a functional pattern not just in metropolitan hubs. Even more, creativity as source of innovation should act as a cross cutting approach to re-think economic and social development in small and medium-sized towns, considering new opportunities related to accessibility, community life, culture and creativity-based business models. During the 2008-2011 period, the project is working on five key sub-themes:

  • Creative clusters: diversifying local economic base and opportunities to young people;
  • Events and cultural agendas as catalysts;
  • Promoting the creative city: a new range of facilities and infrastructures;
  • Creative entrepreneurs and talented people: attraction and retaining;
  • Setting the basis: creative educational environments at local level.

A walk around the landmarks of the Hódmezvásárhely famous "Autumn Week" will take place on the Sunday 10 October morning. First, the Vásárhely Autumn Exhibition. A unique programme not only in the town but all over the Country, where every art branches is represented since the first edition in 1954. The participation in this event is by invitation which means that artists are invited to have connection with the town in some way. Beside the Exhibition, a huge artisan fair is organized in the main street of the town, where visitors can taste a number of local products and traditions. A study visit will take place in the afternoon in four creative-based facilities in Hódmezvásárhely: Emlékpont (an avant-garde museum dedicated to the period between 1945 and 1990), Hódfó Social Employment Centre, Downtown Pottery House and Tile-stove workshop.

During the event, interactive thematic workshops will focus on how to build the creative space (concepts, trends, strategies) and how to boost creative entrepreneurship (programmes and supporting measures).

Participation in the one-day thematic workshop is free although registration is mandatory. Contact the local organization desk to ask for a registration form.
Anikó Varga, Municipality of HódmezGvásárhely
Tel +36 62 530100/234. Mobile +36 30 554 1446

Registration includes participation in all the workshop sessions, workshop materials, coffee breaks and lunch buffet on October 11th. Translation facilities English-Hungarian will be provided.
Contact local organization desk in case you are interested in the study trip scheduled on October 10th.

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