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'Creative Clusters: Diversifying Local Economic Base and Opportunities to Young People' Thematic Workshop

Edited on

09 October 2017
Read time: 1 minute

The URBACT project 'Creative Clusters in low density areas' organizes a Thematic Workshop under the theme 'Creative Clusters: Diversifying Local Economic Base and Opportunities to Young People' within the the framework of the 2009 European year of creativity and innovation. The event will be held next October 29-30 in Ploiesti Mizil in Romania.

The starting assumption of the Creative Clusters project is that creativity can act as a driving force for economic development of small urban centres. It aims to transfer a range of so far considered urban attributes (accessibility, cultural life, technological facilities, competitive clusters, global networking, etc.) to middle-sized and small towns.

4 sessions will take place during the one-day event:

  • Session 01 'Creativity and the activation of new growth potentials in mature'
  • Session 02: 'Re-thinking tourism in the framework of creative local strategies'
  • Session 03 'Fostering new emergent productive realities'
  • Session 04 'Comprehensive perspectives in Eastern Europe'

Participation in the thematic workshop is free although registration is mandatory.
Contact the local organization desk to ask for a registration form:
Petronela Sturz
Mizil Municipality
Tel./fax: +40-244-250551
Mobile: +40-744-153935; +40-721-236303

Registration includes participation in all the workshop sessions, workshop materials, coffee breaks and lunch buffet on October 29.

Translation facilities English-Romanian will be provided

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