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Edited on

08 July 2020
Read time: 1 minute

The impact of COVID-19 had created a serious problem for all partners in implementing much of what they had identified through the MTR and subsequently was agreed at the SGM in Warsaw. All partners are now working in a context of severe restrictions (lockdown is the phrase used in the press). Poland, Romania, Portugal, Italy, UK and Germany all have similar restrictions in place and this impacts on all our partner cities. 

In January we undertook the Mid Term Review (MTR) and this proved to be a very positive process. The MTR allowed for a process of reflection and refocussing which resulted in all partners having clear plans regarding next steps to be undertaken in completing their transfer process.

However, it became clear that the impact of COVID-19 had created a serious problem for all partners in implementing much of what they had identified through the MTR and subsequently was agreed at the SGM in Warsaw. All partners are now working in a context of severe restrictions (lockdown is the phrase used in the press). Poland, Romania, Portugal, Italy, UK and Germany all have similar restrictions in place and this impacts on all our partner cities. 

The impact of COVID-19 has at least five dimensions:

Impact on implementation with respect to the transfer plan actions that partners had envisaged at local level for the period February 2020-July 2020

2. Impact on the planned transnational actions 

3. Impact on deliverables

4. Impact on closure and budget 

5. Impact on functioning of ULG’s

The lead Partner with both the lead and ad hoc experts have undertaken a mapping of the impacts of Covid 19 and the steps that partners are able to take to mitigate these. This mapping exercise involved the production of an initial discussion paper with some proposed questions to discuss with partners individually.  This paper and proposed questions were discussed collectively by all partners and then individual sessions were then held with each partner.

Read our responses in the PDF icon Newsletter5