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Councillor for markets announces URBACT project at closure of 1st Symposium of Mediterranean Food Markets

Edited on

09 October 2017
Read time: 1 minute
Last June 5th 2012 Barcelona’s councillor for Trade, Commerce and Markets, Raimond Blasi, announced that Barcelona would lead an exciting new project called URBACT Markets aimed at sharing experiences and policy-making best-practise related to European markets and their management.

The announcement came at the end of the 1st Symposium of Mediterranean Food Markets held in Barcelona, which officially closed another co-led Barcelona international project called MedEmporion, a European Union Med funded project. The Symposium brought together 200 delegates from 8 countries from around the Mediterranean Rim including food market representatives of Turin, Genoa, Cairo, Istanbul and Beirut and included, as part of its final output deliverables, a comparative study of 12
Mediterranean markets.

Blasi told Barcelona’s market representatives and other related stakeholders present at the June Med Symposium that the URBACT MARKETS project “would provide the city of Barcelona with an incredible international platform to showcase its markets model, and an opportunity to learn state-of-the-art knowledge from others in Europe in areas connected to the use of markets for economic development, sustainable living and urban planning”.