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Ad-Hoc Expert

Generic Skills

B.1. Understanding of integrated and sustainable urban development: 
Simona Costa is a Senior European Policy Expert with a long experience on Regional Policies, Energy, Innovation and Aligning different typologies of funds for public authorities. The background in political science and international law has largely contributed to her engagement in this field, concurring to a unique blend of professional experience, knowledge and skills. She has gained more than 20 years’ experience in the multi-level European lobbying context in Brussels. Since 2001 she is head of office of Regione Liguria Representative in Brussels. She plays a facilitator role in involving local and regional stakeholders in the low carbon economy process uptake and in the EU project management. Thanks to the practice acquired through Regione Liguria, EU Concerto+ team, 3 smart cities projects implemented and in the Innovation Partnership for Smart Cities as a Action Cluster Leader on Integrated Planning she had the opportunity to develop as proactive facilitator, linking European and national research institutes, the business sector and the public policy arena, at regional and city level. In her EIP smart cities group she launched 4 EU working groups: from city planning to implementation; upscaling and replication sustainable solutions; tools for decision making process; cultural heritage cities.
B.2. Understanding of exchange and learning processes at transnational level: 
The exchange and learning processes at transnational level are a key challenge that have to consider aspects such as language barriers and sensitivity to the culture. It requires senior experts with strong communication skills and open minded approach. Simona Costa, in the role of Energy Policy and Communication Expert part of the European CONCERTO plus team from 2005 to 2010 (the EU initiative of DG Energy started in 2005 that has co-funded 58 communities in 22 projects in 23 countries) used the World Café methodology a simple, effective, and flexible format for hosting large group dialogue. This experience was very helpful to learn how to deal with different cultures trying to reach common understandings and goals. Since 2014 as leader of the European Action Cluster Integrated Planning & Policy Regulation EIP SCC, Simona Costa is operating at transnational level in order to foster exchange, benchmarking, replicating of the most advanced EU urban planning projects and initiatives.
B.3. Proficiency in English: 
Simona Costa is proficient, C2, in all aspects of English and has worked in several transnational projects, where the working language has been English. She has published four European Reports on Smart cities and EU CONCERTO initiative addressed to local authorities and three European position papers all in English.

Expertise for the design and delivery of transnational exchange and learning activities:

Thematic expertise:

Theme / Policy: 
Local Governance
Summary Thematic expertise: 
Energy and Governance aspects have been at the heart of Simona Costa 20-year career in European affairs, with a comprehensive portfolio of significant experiences including the successful management of EU organizations and projects, as well as an extensive EU lobbying activity for a variety of key stakeholders in particular local public authorities. Her background in political science and international law has largely contributed to her engagement in this field, ultimately concurring to a unique blend of professional experience, knowledge and skills. Throughout her career Simona Costa has acquired strong competences on how to influence EU policy, developing an impressive portfolio of contacts both at the technical and political level within the European Commission (including DG Regio, DG Energy, DG Growth, JRC Ispra and Sevilla), the European Parliament (including Members of ITRE and regional policy Committees), the Committee of the Regions and several Permanent Representations to the EU. Furthermore, her engagements in EU projects relating to energy and governance, such as 7PQ, H2020, Interreg programme, Urbact, Interreg Europe, Erasmus plus, COSME have provided her with an extensive knowledge of policy-making processes, policies and programs in this field, as well as in a variety of connected policy areas. Nonetheless, Simona Costa believes that the most significant achievement in her career has been the ability to develop an effective method to translate her knowledge of the EU into the national and regional stage, raising awareness and communicating European policies to politicians, bureaucrats as well as to the wide range of actors operating in city, regional institutional frameworks and also in the private sector. To quote a concrete example, the city of Genova has embraced her own advices and it accelerated its “Smart City” process towards energy integration and low carbon economy by introducing an innovative PPP organizational model, aligning different funding schemes and acquiring a remarkable track record of EU projects awarded. She has a track record in successfully managing public and private entities, projects, teams, budgets and organizational change. In her position as Director of the Regional Representation of Liguria in Brussels, she has provided continuous technical assistance to Regione Liguria for more than 15 years, starting off as the winner of a European tender procedure aimed at developing and managing a unique model of regional representation bringing private sector entrepreneurship in the public sector. In this capacity, she have been successful in supporting Regione Liguria in the set-up and management of a skilled team, in the development and delivery of a strong business plan, and in acquisition of its physical headquarters in Brussels where Ligurian organizations, its ports and the private sector were brought together. In her experience she has collected several achievements in fundraising, project development and management. These include several EU negotiation rounds relating to EU Cohesion Policy and EU Solidarity Fund, with 60 European projects awarded in the last five years to Ligurian stakeholders (cities, ports, university, corporations and SMEs) focusing mainly on research, energy, alternative fuels in transports, ICT, and vocational training, for a total amount of 200 million € in EU funding received. In addition, Simona Costa has been also involved in the management of 6 projects and a EU tender (CONCERTO + team coordinated by AIT Austria). In addition to the position held at Regione Liguria, she has also gained an in-depth knowledge of and solid experience within membership organizations, playing an active role in different European networks such as ERRIN, CRPM, EUSALP Macro-Regional Strategy, the Maritime Industries for Blue Growth lobby initiative and FEDARENE. Thanks to the practice acquired through Regione Liguria, Concerto+ team and in the Innovation Partnership for Smart Cities as a Sherpa and Action Cluster Leader, she had the opportunity to develop as proactive facilitator, linking European and national research institutes, the business sector and the public policy arena, in particular at regional and local level. Simona Costa' work has not only fostered the development of European partnerships that successfully secured EU projects, but it also resulted in European research teams generating innovation such as the four initiatives launched by my Action Cluster “Integrated Planning Policy and Regulation within EIP Smart Cities” led by JPI Urban Europe, Cen Cenelec, NTNU and Alliander.

Expertise support to local authorities and other stakeholders in designing & delivering integrated and participatory policies

E.1. Knowledge on participatory methods and tools for co-production and implementation of local polices : 
In the TRANSFORM EU project Simona Costa and the partners involved have supported those local stakeholders, responsible for investment and policy decisions, to turn their CO2 ambitions into a Transformation Agenda and into tangible Implementation Plans. Plans that focus on both the strategic and long term horizon, combined with executable projects. Plans that focus on both the city and regional level, combined with interventions in specific neighborhoods. Plans that take into account all relevant energy flows, environmental aspects, urban mobility, water and waste. TRANSFORM has stand for an integrative approach to smart city development, including strong stakeholder involvement, data analytics and smart tooling, financial strategies and methodologies for co-creation, like service design thinking. The outcomes set standards for future European Smart City projects. The outcomes delivered are the following: a plan for two or three golden interventions in each of the cities, to reduce more CO2 through radical steps called "the Transformation Agenda"; an Implementation Plan for Smart Urban Labs (a targeted neighborhood) in each city; A Smart Energy City Handbook; a prototype for a Decision Support Tool, a tool which shows in an integrated way the effects (CO2, energy, time, finance, space) of decisions made in energy plans; a signed Memorandum of Understanding between participating cities, committed cities, the EU industries, on the implementation of all TRANSFORM results.
E.2. Knowledge on integrated approach for the design, delivering, monitoring and evaluation of urban strategies/policies: 
Simona Costa was involved in the Transform project team. It covered 6 different cities in Europe, with different economics and social contexts. Specifically for the energy sector the cities were also very diverse in energy use, energy efficiency and energy production. At the planning level the cities also had very different traditions in city planning, energy planning and of specific relevance to the Transform project, incomparable traditions in monitoring and data collection. The second task of the evaluation was to identify and decide on Key Elements of the smart energy city definition. However, as described above the key elements were identified in an integrated process with defining the smart energy city. Besides trying to determine aspects holistically covering environmental, economic as well as social issues, it was also desired to be able to measure the energy issues consistently across different cities qualitatively and quantitatively. It was also desired to keep the number of key elements low to keep the data collection and analysis as simple as possible. The 8 elements determined are outlined below: 1) Resource system integration (6); 2) Access to energy services (2); 3) Resilience (4); 4) Energy Efficiency (5); 5) Renewable Energy (4); 6) Active and engaged users (6); 7) Sustainable Economy (3); 8) Smart Governance (5). The Third task of the KPI evaluation was to define a form that could be used to assess the Key Principles in a qualitative way. Again a main idea was that the number of indicators should be manageable. Ideally the target was to have 10 Key Performance Indicators, however this was not possible. With 3-4 indicators per element the resulting number would be 20-30 indicators which were still regarded as manageable taking into account that not all cities needed to provide information for all indicators. The total number of indicators for each element is highlighted in brackets in the above list of Key Principles. In total, there are 35 indicators. The full list of indicators is provided in the first reporting from the cities in Appendix A. The Baseline Analysis which is also carried out in part 1 has provided a snapshot in time of each city. This is a reference point, from which the Transformation Agenda has defined the process to become a Smart Energy City. The Key Performance Indicators then provided a set parameters or metrics against which a city could monitor their progress towards being a smart energy city. The findings of the KPI evaluation are summarised in a series of six summary reports; one per city. These are the KPI reports; the starting place from which the cities has began their transition to Smart Energy Cities. As well as providing a point of reference, each city was able to use their KPI report in their intake workshop. The evaluation has helped them to decide the areas they intended to focus their transformation efforts on. Transform project, Key performance Indicators:
E.3. Awareness of the main policy and funding schemes for sustainable urban development at EU and national level: 
As head of office of Regione Liguria in Brussels and Action Cluster leader in EIP Smart cities Simona Costa has regular meeting with the European Commission (DG Regio, DG Energy, DG Move and DG Connect) in order to be constantly updated on main policies and new funding schemes. Regione Liguria has set up a monthly European newsletter since 15 years with all news from European Institutions and call for proposals published. The newsletter is available at the following webpage: In addition, Regione Liguria regularly organises infodays and workshops together with other European networks addressed to local authorities and private sector.
E.4. Ability to understand specific local situations and adapt tools and content to different local realities: 
Simona Costa believes that the most significant achievement in her career has been the ability to develop an effective method to translate her knowledge of the EU into the national and regional stage, raising awareness and communicating European policies to politicians, bureaucrats as well as to the wide range of actors operating in city, regional institutional frameworks and also in the private sector. To quote a concrete example, in Transform European project, she supported the city of Genova to identify and adapt the baselines and key performance indicators to the local ecosystem. The organisation of two workshops with brainstorming and innovative participatory approach together with a questionnaire provided by Danish partners responsible of the project task has supported the team in a very effective way.
Summary Expertise: 
In the last 15 years, Simona Costa as Head of office of Regione Liguria in Brussels has supported local authorities from the region and stakeholders in designing and delivering integrated, holistic and participatory policies. Thanks to the experience acquired in the CONCERTO plus team, as Leader of Integrated planning policy and regulation action cluster in EIP Smart cities initiatives and as partner of the FP7 "Transform" project on urban integrated and sustainable planning, Simona Costa is able to support cities in the preparation of their Sustainable action plan, to identify and adapt the baselines and the most appropriate key performance indicators to the local ecosystem, advise on project financing mechanisms and funding schemes at regional, national and European level. She has published 4 reports addressed to local policy makers and authorities on how to plan and implement effective sustainable urban city planning and 3 position papers on energy efficiency in building and alternative fuel policies/infrastructures. In addition, Simona Costa regularly organises Infodays, workshops and webinar together with other European networks addressed to local authorities and private sector on policy update and funding schemes.


Residence location:
Italian - Mother tongue
Foreign Languages level: 
Foreign languages: 
Foreign Languages level: 
Foreign languages: 
Foreign Languages level: 
Foreign languages: 
Foreign Languages level: 
Foreign languages: 

Area of expertise