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Validated Lead Expert

Generic Skills

B.1. Understanding of integrated and sustainable urban development: 
Integrated and sustainable urban development has to be based on a holistic approach, taking into account the 3 pillars of sustainable development (environmental/physical; economic and social) from an urban perspective. In addition, as a University Expert on Cultural Management, I would defend “Culture” as a fourth/transversal pillar and indicator of wellness and development of any city. For that purpose, and according to my experience in strategic development planning, as external consultant to many public authorities within the EU territory, it is necessary to ensure a participative approach, involving key stakeholders from different profiles (civil-servants, technicians and decision-makers from the public sector; participants from the private sector; as well as representatives from the civil society, including associations, citizens and inhabitants). In addition, and according to my experience in developing over 50 international cooperation projects, sustainable urban development should try to integrate and adopt best practices and policies already implemented in other municipalities, and foster innovation and an adequate use of NTIC.
B.2. Understanding of exchange and learning processes at transnational level: 
I have almost 20 years of experience in the overall preparation, implementation & evaluation of over 50 EU international cooperation projects mostly involving local and regional authorities, as well as different intermediary organisations (Interreg, Equal, Progress, Creative Europe, LLL, Erasmus+, Life+, Leader, Horizon 2020, etc.). I have also collaborated with the E.C. as project officer in the former Ecos-Ouverture programme, as external expert on the ENPI-CBC programmes, as well as external evaluator for its A-3022 Budget Line. In that framework, I have gained and develop an in depth experience in exchange and learning processes at international level, developing and coordinating activities and documents aimed at increasing capacity building and sharing knowledge on different fields of socio-economic interest (local natural & built heritage, ICT, Innovation, cultural and creative industries, etc.). The activities carried out within the projects included seminars, workshops, training courses, study visits, identification of best practices, development of local and regional policies, joint production of events and exhibitions, joint researches, benchmarking, cases studies, etc. I have particularly encouraged networking activities to facilitate a greater impact and economies of scale.
B.3. Proficiency in English: 
High level. Excellent professional skills both, written & oral (English courses taken in Melbourne & Glasgow. I have been working in English for almost 20 years, coordinating international projects, giving courses and conferences and producing several research documents and socio-economic studies, Action Plans, Best Practices fiches, etc.).

Expertise for the design and delivery of transnational exchange and learning activities:

Summary Expertise for the design and delivery of transnational exchange and learning activities: 
In the framework of several EU projects (i.e. in recent years InCompass –; Medi@TIC –; ParkAtlantic –; Youth4Job –; or EUCEMET –, in addition to the general coordination of the project activities, I have been in charge of designing and delivering several documents in different languages, based on their transnational exchange and learning activities, such as: Medi@TIC Policy Toolkit, Medi@TIC San Sebastián Implementation Plan, InCompass Avilés Regional Implementation Plan, ParkAtlantic International Benchmarking; Youth4JOB Global Study; or EUCEMET Q&A Guides of Good Practices, among others. In all these cases, the documents were drafted on the basis of a collaborative process, involving both, local and international stakeholders & best practices.

Thematic expertise:

Theme / Policy: 
Arts and Culture
Summary Thematic expertise: 
As Expert on Cultural Management & International Cooperation, throughout the past 20 years, I have had the opportunity to coordinate projects and build relations with some of the most prestigious media & cultural institutions worldwide, involving renowned artists, intellectuals and opinion leaders from different fields (arts, literature, culture, sports, economy, sciences, politics, etc.). Such experience was gained not only thanks to my previous positions as Chef de Cabinet at the Prince of Asturias Awards or International Advisor to the Spanish Minister of Culture, but also through the implementation of a wide range of E.U. funded projects, that contributed to develop ongoing public awareness campaigns on different topics of socio-economic and cultural interest. In that framework, I have coordinated several EU projects and carried out a series of activities, from the drafting of strategic documents (Policy recommendations, Action Plans, Strategic Development plan, Benchmarks, Policy Tool Kits, etc.) and the coordination of exchange learning processes (Workshops, Working Groups, Seminars, etc.) to the curatorship of outstanding events and exhibitions. I am also visiting teacher at 2 Masters linked to Cultural Management issues. As far as the sub-themes are concerned, I am used to coordinate multidisciplinary activities, involving almost all subsectors of the creative industries (fine arts, literature, audiovisual & digital sector, heritage, performing arts, etc.).
Theme / Policy: 
Environmental Issues
Summary Thematic expertise: 
Between 2011 and 2014, I have collaborated in the ParkAtlantic project, that included cities from the Atlantic Space such as Santiago de Compostela (Spain), Angers (France), Pau, by means of the Communauté d'agglomération Pau-Pyrénées (France), Limerick through the Mid-West Regional Authority (Ireland) and Vila Nova de Famalicão with the collaboration of ADRAVE (Agencia de Desenvolvimento Regional do Val do Ave, Portugal). The project amed at identifying tools and solutions to improve the design of the cities from the perspective of sustainability, and the management of urban Green (and, in some case, “Blue”) areas. In that framework, I have participated into transnational events and drafted 4 key documents: International Benchmark (for all partners); 2 Feasibility studies for the definition of a strategy of cultural and pedagogical animation in urban green areas (1 in Angers and 1 in Pau); and a Survey to the users of 8 selected green parks and gardens in Angers. In the past years, I have also collaborated with the Basque Centre for Innovation in Agriculture in the preparation and implementation of 2 successful Life+ projects on Governance & Environment.
Theme / Policy: 
Employment, Human Capital and Labour Mobility
Summary Thematic expertise: 
Since January 2014, I am collaborating as “Monitoring expert” in 3 projects financed by the O.P. for Employment in Romania (ESF), aimed at improving local and regional public services for employment. Between 2012 and 2013, I have coordinated the Youth4JOB project (co-financed by the Progress Programme of the EC), aimed at providing analysis and policy advice in domain linked to the the implementation of the flagship initiative “Youth on the Move” and facilitation of the first transition for youth from education to the labour market. In that framework, I have carried out a Joint Research on the Identification of Good Practices & Quality Services in terms of vocational orientation and guidance/advice services, that take into account the employment perspectives. Previously, between 2001 and 2005, I have been involved in the drafting and external evaluation of 3 EQUAL projects in Spain (in Murcia, León and Asturias), coordinated the Eurodyssey international internships for the Asturian Institute of the Youth, as well as drafted reports on Youth Mobility & Employment in Europe. I have also created the so called “Culturex” grants of the Spanish Ministry of Culture, to promote the internship of young Spanish experts on cultural management in key prestigious artistic institutions worldwide.

Expertise support to local authorities and other stakeholders in designing & delivering integrated and participatory policies

E.1. Knowledge on participatory methods and tools for co-production and implementation of local polices : 
As stated, the Medi@TIC project aimed at supporting business creation in the audiovisual-digital sector and the media companies, to adapt to new technologies and new business opportunities and formats. I had to coordinate and draft a Policy Implementation Plan for the municipality of San Sebastián. For such purpose, I had to involve the following different stakeholders, to discuss and integrate potential measures according to their needs and capacities: - Final beneficiaries (the sector) - Intermediate specialized organisations (clusters, association, festivals, municipal services, etc.) - Decision-makers The approach was carried out from a multiple perspective, including different tools and methods: online surveys; personalized interviews and on site visits with all intermediate specialized organisations, phone interviews with a selection of companies, Working Groups (WGs) through the San Sebastián Audiovisual Forum, etc. The process took over 1 year. In the first WGs with the Forum, throughout the first half of the process, different international Best Practices were presented and discussed. In the second half, stakeholders discussed how to integrate such practices and adapt them into their local Plan, according to a distribution of tasks and calendar, taking into account their capacities and objectives.
E.2. Knowledge on integrated approach for the design, delivering, monitoring and evaluation of urban strategies/policies: 
The Plan mentioned in the previous point included the identification of 4 groups of measures: 1 General actions; 2 Training actions; 3 Technology support; 4 Support to internationalization. In order to guarantee their delivering and to transform them into specific actions, the mentioned measures were divided into 17 sub-actions. To facilitate the sub-actions follow-up and monitorisation, we had created 1 internal factsheet per sub-action, including its proper schedule and some 20 indicators for evaluation and follow-up.
E.3. Awareness of the main policy and funding schemes for sustainable urban development at EU and national level: 
Since I work as Senior Consultant on EU projects development for local and regional authorities, and I teach on funding scheme and international cooperation issues in one MBA and one Master Madrid Complutense University ( and Camilo José Cela University, respectively, it is my duty to keep up to date about urban development policies, trends and funds. For such purpose, apart from consulting websites and receiving e-newsletter, I also try to attend (sometimes as audience, and sometimes as speaker) as many public events as possible (Info-Days, Kick-off or launching conferences of EU programmes, etc.), especially in this launching phase of the new 2014-2020 programming period.
E.4. Ability to understand specific local situations and adapt tools and content to different local realities: 
In the framework of the mentioned InCompass, Medi@TIC or ParkAtlantic projects, I had to adapt best practices identified at EU or international level to local levels, incorporating them into local strategies and plans, according to the reality of, in these cases, Avilés, San Sebastián, Angers or Pau.
Summary Expertise: 
With almost 20 years of experience in supporting public regional and local authorities and stakeholders from a “penta-helix” perspective (research-business-governance-citizens-society), in the different Strategic and/or Action plans in which I have been involved, I took into account Final beneficiaries (i.e. citizens); Intermediate specialized organisations (clusters, association, festivals, municipal services, etc.); and Decision-makers (politicians).


Residence location:
French - Mother tongue
Foreign Languages level: 
Foreign languages: 
Foreign Languages level: 
Foreign languages: 
Foreign Languages level: 
Foreign languages: 
Foreign Languages level: 
Foreign languages: 
Unavailable - already performing the role of Lead Expert for an URBACT network

Area of expertise