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A convergence of actions taking place in Siracusa against Covid-19

Edited on

22 May 2020
Read time: 3 minutes

The city of Siracusa, as many others in Italy, in Europe and actually in the entire world, is reacting to Covid-19 in many ways and with many resources: municipality, national and local public bodies, civil society and, of course, NGOs are doing their best.

These days days, in Italy, the Covid emergency is slightly improving, there is a positive trend but many restrictive measures remain active.

In this regards, diverse initiatives at local level are taking place, and also URBACT’s ACTiveNGOs project’s staff is trying to contribute. The Urbact Local Group is composed by many NGO’s that are collaborating with the Municipality in order to set up 3 different NGOs and Volunteers Houses, in 3 diverse public locations. We had quite finished to co-design the Agreement and governance model on how to use the 3 public centers, before the Covid arrived.

The Municipality

In order to adapt to the quarantine situation, the Municipality has published a public call asking for a collaborative support of NGOs, in diverse activities related to the Covid emergency, with the aim to help people in difficulty (elderly, people in quarantine, etc.

In addition different measures are in place with the support of 6 Civil Protection associations, for a total of about 100 volunteers. The services provided are: hot meals for the homeless in the evening; Medicines for the elderly or people in difficulty; Distribution of food vouchers and tablets; Collaboration with other organizations (Caritas and Food Bank) for food distribution; Support to associations working with people with disabilities and muscular dystrophy; Food  delivery to seasonal immigrant workers (;; 


The Siracusa Educational City Project #INhomemade represents the creative response to the new needs dictated by the current health emergency that is affecting every sector of society. The aims that move the already existing ‘Città Educativa’ project remain the same, but are translated into an unusual and dynamic digital version. The initiative is not only a succession of online events that began on the occasion of Father's Day, March 19, but it is also a real invitation to create, using both practical and theoretical skills and abilities, through educational videos or entertainment that accompany the long days at home. It deals with topics concerning music, animated readings, reviews, physical activity at home, cooking workshops, but also the goodnight readings activated by the children of the Time Travelers' Club (FB page: ‪#‎siracusacittàeducativainhomemade‬,‬‬

Local Associations

Siracusa ‘Città Educativa’ is also part of a wider project including diverse NGOs, participating to the Urbact project, and coordinated by Zuimama association: ‘Siracusa Solidale’.

They have created a digital map and a fb page in order to gather and share information about services offered by them (i.e. creative activities, foods and medicines delivery, psychological support, counseling, protection to women against violence, etc.)  ( 
Other Associations, partially belonging also to Active NGO’s (i.e. Astrea and Syrako Rugby Club, Federavo, Caritas, etc.) are: creating and distributing food and handmade face masks (, blood donation, support for information related to COVID and to offer via telephone a ‘friendly voice’. 

URBACT ACTiveNGOs Project 

For what concerns the role that Active NGO’s Project is playing in the emerging solidarity networks:
- The internal staff is spreading all the activities described above on Facebook, trying to create links for collaborations.
- Regards to the activities of the project that cannot be realized for the moment 'vis a vis', we are: 
-    Organizing ULG online meetings. 
-    Organizing Online courses. Six modules training course on the ‘National Third Sector Reform’ started in May, while another one on ‘Fundraising and Grants-writing’ will follow. 

 A daily great work during this very difficult time !  

Written by Caterina Timpanaro, URBACT local group coordinator of the project ACTiveNGOs