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Contribution to the Public Consultation on the Green Paper "Unlocking the Potential of Cultural and Creative Industries"

Edited on

28 September 2010
Read time: 1 minute

The Directorate-General for Education and Culture launched a public consultation on the Green Paper “Unlocking the Potential of Cultural and Creative Industries”.

The objective of this consultation was to gather views on various issues impacting the cultural and creative industries in Europe, from business environment to the need to open up a common European space for culture, from capacity building to skills development and promotion of European creators on the world stage.

More than 350 public authorities, public or private organisations active at European or national level, and individuals – from more than 25 countries and representing the cultural and creative industries in their diversity – have submitted their ideas and opinions to the Commission's consultation that closed on 30 July.

The network Creative Clusters – “Creative Clusters in Low Density Urban Areas”, supported by the URBACT II Programme of the EC, has presented a contribution centred on the role of creativity in promoting local and regional development, especially in small and medium-sized cities.

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