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"Conference "Green Housing and Green Jobs: Setting the pace for a decade of green and social growth""

Edited on

21 June 2019
Read time: 1 minute


"On 9th February 2009, in the framework of the EU Sustainable Energy Week, CECODHAS, along with EEB - The European Environmental Bureau and ETUC - The European Trade Union Confederation, is organising a conference in Brussels  to address policies needed to achieve the “greening” of housing and jobs. The recent adoption by the EU of the Energy and Climate Change package paves the way for the necessary energy revolution. The key to a European success in that field and to the economic recovery will be the "greening" of housing and jobs. The 2009 EU sustainable energy week is a unique opportunity to raise questions such as "How can we measure the impact on job creation of a greener economy?","How can we mobilise financial resources and skills to build environmental friendly buildings?" , "Is positive energy housing an achievable target?", "How can we help residents to reduce energy consumption?"

Experts from various backgrounds will try to give answers to those questions. Those opinions will help social and cooperative housing sector, trade unions and green NGOs to shape a social and green political agenda for the next decade.

The conference will take place at the Charlemagne Building in Brussels.
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