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Conference “Implementing the Leipzig Charter – a Cities’ Perspective“ on 10th and 11th May in Leipzig

Edited on

31 March 2011
Read time: 1 minute
The conference is being organised on the occasion of the completion of the URBACT II Project "LC-FACIL" by the lead partner Leipzig.The city of Leipzig is delighted to invite all interests to the conference that will mark the end of our common Urbact project "LC-Facil".

Four years after the adoption of the Leipzig Charter on Sustainable European Cities by the EU member states the city of Leipzig invites to a conference that aims to take stock of results so far.

On the conference will present the findings of the project to continue our tradition of international discourse about the practise of integrated urban development with a larger European audience. Representatives of all relevant levels (local areas, municipalities, regions, national states) will discuss.