A Compendium of Small Scale Actions to Promote the Circular Transition in Cities
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30 June 2022Small Scale Actions (SSAs) are a new element introduced for this round of URBACT action planning networks (2019- 2022). They emerged as a result of feedback from previous networks that wanted to experiment with ideas developed or shared during the action planning process. This compendium summarises all of the SSAs carried out within the Resourceful Cities Network.

Each partner implemented at least one SSA with some partners implementing multiple SSAs. SSAs are collected and listed by city (not by theme). The aim is to provide the reader with a summary of the action and key information which may serve useful to other cities wishing to replicate these actions.
A wide range of SSAs were carried out by Resourceful Cities partners, each one responding to an identified need within the individual city context. Actions included promoting citizen engagement and participation, raising knowledge and awareness of the circular economy, business supports, data collection and monitoring and trialling new business models.
All nine cities within the network openly embraced the opportunity to experiment and test out new ideas, each one appreciating the value of and benefitting from the experience. Each action regardless of the outcome has helped to gather evidence and better inform the development of each city’s integrated action plan.
This compendium is created to showcase the SSAs that have been carried out within the Resourceful Cities Network in hopes of inspiring and enthusing others. The entire compendium can be found here.
Submitted by Amy Jansen on