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"The Committee of the Regions' Forum : "Intercultural Dialogue at the heart of Europe's regions and Cities""

Edited on

24 June 2019
Read time: 1 minute


"The Committee of the Regions organises, in partnership with the European Commission's DG for Education and Culture and the Think-tank "Notre Europe", a Forum untitled "Intercultural Dialogue at the heart of Europe's regions and Cities" on 25 and 26  November 2008 in Brussels. This event is an opportunity to have an exchange of experience and opinions between Europe's cities and regions as regards their stand on the intercultural dialogue.

It will also address the debate from a European perspective – against backdrop of a common European identity in the making – focusing on three thematic priorities :

  • challenges of mobility in an enlarged Europe,
  • the role of local and regional authorities for policies with an impact on integrating immigrant communities,
  • interfaith dialogue : the role of local governance and contribution to social and cultural cohesion.

Finally, the Forum will highlight good practices from regions ad cities in the context of the European Year of Intercultural dialogue. Read more:
