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Validated Lead Expert

Generic Skills

B.1. Understanding of integrated and sustainable urban development: 
With seven years experience working for the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Local Employment and Economic Development Programme on topics including local economic development, job creation, social inclusion and social innovation, I have significant knowledge of how to support integrated, sustainable urban development. Such experience has been acquired in a wide-range of OECD member and non-member countries, in Europe, Asia and elsewhere. I have also participated in Urbact work, including: Cities of Tomorrow – Action Today: URBACT II Capitalisation – Supporting urban youth through social innovation: stronger together (2012/2013), the Urbact Summer University in Dublin (2013), and Urbact’s work on New urban economies: How can cities foster economic development and develop ‘new urban economies’ (2014/15). More recent work has been undertaken on the sharing economy, including presenting a Master Class at Urbact’s City Festival in Riga (2015). During my academic career I have undertaken studies in policy making and economic development, including a Masters from the Universita degli Studi di Bologna in Innovation, Development and Change, alongside research into public policy at the national and sub-national levels. In 1999 and 2000 I participated in the UK Local Government Association’s Urban Commission Inquiries into: Partnerships and Partnership Working and Neighbourhoods and Neighbourhood Management.
B.2. Understanding of exchange and learning processes at transnational level: 
During my employment at the OECD I regularly organised and facilitated transnational exchange and learning processes with both EU and non-EU countries. Such exchanges and learning processes were done utilising a range of tools, including peer reviews, study visits, action plan development, capacity building seminars, and conferences. Such activities were organised as single day and multi-day events. I have led and participated in EC supported peer reviews on topics including local economic development, job creation, the active inclusion of vulnerable groups into employment, social exclusion, the social economy, and social enterprise support. I have participated in Urbact work streams: Cities of Tomorrow – Action Today: URBACT II Capitalisation – Supporting urban youth through social innovation: stronger together (2012/2013) and Urbact’s work on New urban economies: How can cities foster economic development and develop ‘new urban economies’ (2014/15) where transnational exchange was a key component. I also facilitated ULSG@work sessions at the Urbact Summer University in Dublin (2013) on 21st Century Public Services, a Masterclass at Urbact’s City Festival in Riga (2014) and made presentations at other Urbact workstream events.
B.3. Proficiency in English: 
Throughout my career I have been required to communicate to a wide-range of audiences in English, which is my mother tongue. I am a confident and capable presenter, a skill honed throughout my career. Experience as an academic enabled me to develop my skills in presenting complex ideas to different audiences, and presentations made at local, national, international and transnational events whilst at the OECD and Nesta (a UK based innovation charity) have further developed this skill in ways that takes account of audiences with varying levels of English. I have authored various reports (, blogs (, articles ( and other contributions ( across a range of areas relevant to urban development. These have been aimed at diverse audiences, including policy makers, stakeholders and those with an interest in the topic under discussion. I have also done short presentations on youtube (

Expertise for the design and delivery of transnational exchange and learning activities:

Summary Expertise for the design and delivery of transnational exchange and learning activities: 
I have long-standing experience of designing, co-ordinating and implementing transnational activities across Europe, Asia, and in the US. This experience has enabled me to develop significant knowledge and understanding of a range of practices and methods to facilitate transnational exchange and learning. In particular, I have experience of peer review and associated learning processes, the design and development of interactive learning environments and the creation of opportunities in which to develop policies and programme ideas for implementation. Such experience has also enabled me to develop the necessary skills and understanding to manage partnerships and enable and empower all participants to share with, and learn from, each other. Alongside these skills, I am also an effective communicator, able to write, collate and prepare information and material in engaging ways to support and facilitate transnational learning and exchange.

Thematic expertise:

Theme / Policy: 
Local Governance
Summary Thematic expertise: 
Throughout my professional career I have developed in-depth knowledge and experience of the challenges that cities confront in creating and sustaining effective local governance practices. Whilst working at the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development in the Local Economic and Employment Development Programme I supported sub-national and national governments across Europe and in Asia to learn from each other and put in place policies and programmes to support effective local governance, with a particular focus on the role of social innovation and participation, including community capacity building. Social innovation is a term that encompasses a range of topics and practices. I have experience of promoting eco-systems for social innovation, alongside social innovation in specific areas, including the labour market and active inclusion measures, social inclusion, and the social economy and social enterprises, innovation in public services and delivery, and the sharing economy. In particular, I have knowledge and experience of using local governance tools and practices, including social innovation and participation to create stronger, more inclusive and more resilient communities.
Theme / Policy: 
Local Economic Development
Summary Thematic expertise: 
Throughout my professional career I have developed in-depth knowledge and experience of the challenges that confront cities seeking to create sustainable and inclusive local economic development. In particular, I have significant expertise in the areas of labour market policy and programmes, job creation, social entrepreneurship, and the emerging sharing economy, and an understanding of the actual and potential linkages between these areas that can contribute to successful local economic development. Whilst working at the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development in the Local Economic and Employment Development Programme I worked with sub-national and national governments across Europe and in Asia to learn from each other and to identify policies and practices for effective integrated local economic development. I have significant experience of supporting transnational learning and exchange in the area of local economic development, regularly designing, organising and contributing to events, seminars, action planning and the preparation of written material.
Theme / Policy: 
Active Inclusion of Target Groups
Summary Thematic expertise: 
I have significant experience of working with national and sub-national governments to identify successful policies and practices for the active inclusion of people into the labour market. My expertise includes: putting in place effective approaches for job creation, active inclusion of women, migrants, those distanced from the labour market, and the contribution of the social economy/social enterprises to active inclusion. The complex barriers that individuals confront in accessing the labour market, demand multi-faceted responses that cross different social and economic policy areas and a joined up approach to supporting individuals into the labour market. My work in countries across Europe and in Asia has focused on enabling partners to learn from each other and to highlight and emphasise the potential of such transnational exchange and learning processes. Indeed, throughout my career, I have utilised a wide-range of transnational learning and exchange methods, including peer reviews, study visits, action planning, and seminars and events, to provide the support needed to national and sub-national governments in identifying successful policies and practices.
Theme / Policy: 
Employment, Human Capital and Labour Mobility
Summary Thematic expertise: 
Throughout my professional career I have developed in-depth knowledge and experience of the challenges that cities confront in addressing employment issues and human capital development. My expertise focuses on areas including job creation and the labour market, active inclusion measures, human capital development/skills and lifelong learning, and the interconnections between these. Working at the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development in the Local Economic and Employment Development Programme provided me with a wide-range of opportunities to assist sub-national and national governments across Europe and in Asia to learn from each other and to identify policies and practices to support employment and human capital development. I have significant experience of transnational learning and exchange, and the way in which associated activities can generate more effective responses for cities. My work in countries across Europe and in Asia has focused on enabling partners to learn from each other and to highlight and emphasise the potential of such transnational exchange and learning processes.

Expertise support to local authorities and other stakeholders in designing & delivering integrated and participatory policies

E.1. Knowledge on participatory methods and tools for co-production and implementation of local polices : 
I have regularly organised and facilitated transnational exchange and learning processes with both EU and non-EU countries. Such exchanges and learning processes were done utilising a range of participatory methods and tools, including peer reviews, study visits, action plan development, capacity building seminars, and conferences. Such activities were organised as single day and multi-day events. These activities, accompanied by a strong awareness of the needs of partners and participants and the ability to manage differing views and perspectives, have enabled me to successfully support the development of effective local policies. At the OECD I was involved in the design and delivery of many transnational meetings, from single to multi-day events. For example, during a capacity building seminar on tackling long-term unemployment, I facilitated a session using a ‘cafe style’ format to explore key questions with policymakers and stakeholders. I have used other tools, such as participatory discussions and fishbowls, at various events, including at sessions of the OECD LEED Forum on Partnerships on Local Governance. I have also been able to contribute to Urbact activities, including through participation at the 2013 Urbact Summer University, two workstreams, a network conference and the 2015 City Festival. This has enabled me to further deepen my knowledge and experience of participatory methods and tools for local policy co-production and implementation.
E.2. Knowledge on integrated approach for the design, delivering, monitoring and evaluation of urban strategies/policies: 
With seven years experience working for the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Local Employment and Economic Development Programme I have acquired significant knowledge of how to support integrated, sustainable urban development. In particular, I have worked on a number of different components of successful urban development strategies, including job creation, the active inclusion of vulnerable groups into employment, social innovation, social exclusion, the social economy, social enterprise support and the emerging sharing economy. Quantitative and qualitative monitoring and evaluation tools used throughout my work have been identified with partners, with specific consideration of project needs and requirements, alongside the resources and skills available. My experience has been acquired in a wide-range of OECD member and non-member countries, in Europe, Asia and elsewhere. I have also participated in Urbact work, including: Cities of Tomorrow – Action Today: URBACT II Capitalisation – Supporting urban youth through social innovation: stronger together (2012/2013), the Urbact Summer University in Dublin (2013), and Urbact’s work on New urban economies: How can cities foster economic development and develop ‘new urban economies’ (2014/15). More recent work has been undertaken on the sharing economy, including presenting a Master Class at Urbact’s City Festival in Riga (2015).
E.3. Awareness of the main policy and funding schemes for sustainable urban development at EU and national level: 
Keeping up to date in the areas I work across requires regular reading of a wide range of material, including reports, academic papers, and blogs. This is accompanied by the use of social media to inform me of recently released material relevant to my areas of interest and expertise. Regular attendance and participation at meetings, conferences, seminars and other events are also an important way of learning about new policies, trends and ideas in a range of different fields to do with urban development at the EU, national and subnational levels.
E.4. Ability to understand specific local situations and adapt tools and content to different local realities: 
Throughout my career I have acquired significant experience of responding to local needs such as by the provision of greater information to ensure a shared understanding, adaptations to site visits and an exploration of how good practices are relevant beyond their cultural settings. It is important to ensure that understanding are shared and this can involve the creation of early opportunities to identify similarities and differences together with partners, and to make regular use of various forms of both online and offline communication tools to ensure that shared understanding are co-created. Such adaptations improve the effectiveness of transnational exchanges by ensuring that all partners feel able to fully participate and learn from the process. The types of projects I have been involved in that have required a recognition of local realities include: • peer review projects on local job creation in countries including the UK, Italy and Korea; • peer review projects for a European Social Fund Co-operation Network; • the design and implementation of the social inclusion element of a local development capacity assessment in EU candidate countries and potential candidates in the Western Balkans; • the co-design and implementation of an international assessment on how the social economy can create quality employment opportunities; • The co-design/organisation of a capacity building seminar on tackling long-term unemployment amongst vulnerable groups.
Summary Expertise: 
I have significant experience across a wide range of different elements of local economic development, including labour markets, job creation, active inclusion, the social economy and social entrepreneurship, and the emerging ‘sharing economy’. Whilst employed at the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, my work as a policy analyst was to support national and sub-national governments to learn from each other and to develop policies and programmes for sustainable, inclusive local economic development. Such work required working at a transnational level with a wide-range of partners, identifying good practices and disseminating work widely and supporting partners to understand local specificities and how to adapt and respond to different local realities. My experience has been acquired in a wide-range of OECD member and non-member countries, in Europe, Asia and elsewhere. I have also participated in Urbact work, including: Cities of Tomorrow – Action Today: URBACT II Capitalisation – Supporting urban youth through social innovation: stronger together (2012/2013), the Urbact Summer University in Dublin (2013), and Urbact’s work on New urban economies: How can cities foster economic development and develop ‘new urban economies’ (2014/15). More recent work has been undertaken on the sharing economy, including presenting a Master Class at Urbact’s City Festival in Riga (2015).


Residence location:
United Kingdom
English - Mother tongue
Foreign Languages level: 
Foreign languages: 

Area of expertise