CityLogo partners believe city brand management will be central to urban policies in the years to come
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18 May 2015"Efficiency in the way core European cities brand and communicate themselves internationally will have a direct impact in the positioning of Europe and the European Union worldwide. Consequently, we should expect wider backing from the European Commission to those strategies following the way of innovative city brand management, as conscious urban policies nowadays".
CityLogo has been an unusual experience for ten European cities who have interacted intensively over a period of three years to improve how they brand and market themselves in an integrated manner.
After the CityLogo project the ten partners, along with the lead expert, are in a unique position to share with other cities their vision on the real meaning and scope of the so-called city brand strategies, as well as the value of strategic communication to those cities dealing with issues like positioning, attractiveness, reputation and global image. To that aim, the CityLogo partners and their lead expert, have unpacked their knowledge and experience into ten key finding and principles. During the final conference of URBACT-CityLogo this strategic policy statement was signed by all 10 CityLogo partner cities and the URBACT-CityLogo lead expert.
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