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Validated Lead Expert

Generic Skills

B.1. Understanding of integrated and sustainable urban development: 
I have worked in local government for Lewisham Council in Inner London for the past 15 years, 13 of those developing and managing European projects and networks. Over this time there have been significant changes to the local landscape and demographics leading to a strategic policy focus on sustainable and integrated development. My role has been to link funding and partnership opportunities to the physical changes ensuring that the borough is best placed to learn from the resulting exchange of knowledge and experience. This has been achieved in a number of different, and sometimes surprising, ways; I managed the EU LIFE funded QUERCUS Project which addressed the issue of crime in urban green open space often along river corridors, concluding that landscape design can be integrated with flood protection in order to provide a safer more community focused asset. In addition the results of the QUERCUS project has been used as an example of a successful Intercultural Public Space by the Council of Europe’s Intercultural Cities Network for which I have been Lewisham’s representative over the past 5 years. The network promotes the value of the Diversity Advantage, exploring how migration and the addition of new nationalities can be promoted as a positive addition to the life and identity of an urban area. This shows how the integration of diversity, the environment and access to public space can be implemented through linking a number of local strategic plans.
B.2. Understanding of exchange and learning processes at transnational level: 
I have over 13 years’ experience of working on transnational exchange and learning projects partnering with local authorities and public organisations from 20 of the EU member states and from a number of other countries across the world. I have worked on projects ranging from developing policies for urban rivers to engaging young people in the plans and designs for their city; from economic development for minority communities to the physical restoration of public space; linking staff and experts, practitioners, policy makers and the local community to deliver results owned by all. Through all of these actions my priority has been to ensure an equality of exchange. For a project to be successful all partners must be engaged and feel they are both gaining and giving something to the partnership - a one way supply of knowledge does not bring lasting results or empowerment for the participants. I have learnt the importance of finding what each partner brings to the mix and spotting links that they may not have seen themselves. I have also understood that individuals and organisations learn in different ways. Some require first-hand practical experience, others research driven arguments and the key is to find room for both methods in developing the project results. I’ve also found it important to ensure there clear communication, providing a platform where questions can be asked, fulfilling the technical requirements while providing space to explore.
B.3. Proficiency in English: 
As a born and bred Londoner, English is my mother tongue. However, I’m aware that this doesn’t always translate to others as clearly as I might think, therefore listening and reflecting are important parts of being a good communicator. I am proficient at giving presentations on a wide variety of subjects to a wide variety of audiences and will always look to structure the content to suit. This means that I can deliver a technical talk on planning constraints to a group of water professionals and also explain the concepts behind decisions to local community groups. I am comfortable chairing meetings and always work to ensure that everyone is able to participate. I can compile information in different ways for reports, presentations, websites, brochures and social media. I am able to unpack texts and presentations written by someone where English is not their first language and where necessary edit and amend them without losing the flavour or content of the original author. Most importantly I have found that the majority of issues faced by local government are accentuated by the inability of organisations and individuals to communicate with each other. Often good ideas are wrapped up in jargon or official speak making them inaccessible to the audience and so alienating them from the very processes that they are trying to be part of. Presentation Video Example: Formal Report Example:

Expertise for the design and delivery of transnational exchange and learning activities:

Summary Expertise for the design and delivery of transnational exchange and learning activities: 
I have managed European transnational partnerships worth at least €5million over 13 years, including the EU LIFE Funded QUERCUS Project (2005-08), the Interreg IVC ERCIP Project (2010-12), youth exchange projects through GRUNDTVIG and Erasmus (2002 to date) and business support projects through EQUAL 1&2 (2001-06). I have also been a partner on many other projects. Transnational Partnerships should be interesting and exciting with partners engaged and empowered through clear direction that allows the possibility to experiment and shape outputs to local demands. This is enhanced through my engaged and empathetic management style, empowering and developing participants. My ethos for running any activity is “Would I enjoy it? Do I feel included? Do I understand why this is relevant to me?” With these preceding questions, the requirements of partner and stakeholder participation are central. For ERCIP I’ve developed positive Peer Review mechanisms to ensure the real exchange of good practice. For QUERCUS I’ve encouraged the involvement of children through on site lessons which has led to a wider public participation. I’ve seen partners gain in knowledge, confidence and project management skills to the point where they are able to lead partnerships. I work on the principle that I should be able to explain the concept behind any project to my friends and family. In this regard presentations, reports, brochures and websites need to be accessible to a wide range of readers.

Thematic expertise:

Theme / Policy: 
Environmental Issues
Summary Thematic expertise: 
My key skill is in linking the worlds of local government to specialists engaged in water policy and management. There is currently a fragmented approach to river management which too often does not include the skills and enthusiasm of those at the local level. Through my management of two high profile European Projects, EU LIFE (2005-08) dealing with river restoration and Designing Out Crime, and the Interreg IVC (2012-14) focusing on River Corridor Improvement Plans, I have been able to provide practical evidenced examples of the benefits of local authority engagement with the river corridors in their jurisdiction. This evidence and the model of local authority engagement remain unique in the UK and are often used by national organisations as good practice examples. Through this work I’ve been invited to join the Catchment Based Approach Working Group on Urban Rivers in the UK and the European Innovation Partnership on Water through membership of the Smart River Network Action Group. I’ve worked with local, regional and national authorities across Europe, with politicians and staff at all levels with the aim of engaging and empowering everyone involved in the project. Because of this I am able to compile, write and produce reports for a variety of audiences but still ensure that they are accessible by all. This is particularly important where the scientific language of rivers can often be a mystery to local government.
Theme / Policy: 
Active Inclusion of Target Groups
Summary Thematic expertise: 
I can offer expert advice and practical local government focused experience in two of the key URBACT themes; Environmental Issues and the Active Inclusion of Target Groups. Within Environmental Issues my focus is on the role local government could play in both developing and protecting river corridors within their jurisdiction, particularly in urban areas. The fragmented European and National top down approach of legislation and decision making through the Water Framework Directive has ignored the involvement of local actors. Through 10 years direct experience overseeing river restoration projects implementation and promoting the value of linking river protection to local development strategies, I have seen spin off on initial investment well beyond expectations. In developing new river focused policy for local government I have also been able to link the successes of the approach to national and transnational water specialist and governance groups. In terms of the Inclusion of Target Groups my expertise is in Promoting the Diversity Advantage, a subject developed and enhanced through involvement in the Council of Europe’s Intercultural Cities Network (2010-date). Living and working in one of the most diverse Inner London boroughs has ensured that equality and the particular issues of identity, ethnic diversity and migration has given me a practical insight into the importance of clear leadership, distinct policies and practical applications.

Expertise support to local authorities and other stakeholders in designing & delivering integrated and participatory policies

E.1. Knowledge on participatory methods and tools for co-production and implementation of local polices : 
Through delivering both the QUERCUS and ERCIP projects I have worked closely with Lewisham’s Planning Policy Team to develop two unique local policies. The Ravensbourne Corridor Improvement Plan was developed by the Council in conjunction with the key national stakeholder the Environment Agency. I negotiated between the organisations to find shared objectives which reflected their strategic objectives. In practice this involved joint walk-through site visits and development sessions using an area map to highlight the key areas of concern and opportunity along the river corridor, leading to a priority list of specific sites. I developed and participated in wider public consultation events including on site displays and questionnaire sessions often organised alongside existing events in order to avoid ‘consultation fatigue’. I ensured that the opportunity was used to publicise the RCIP with the results highlighting specific stakeholder groups missing from the exercise who were then contacted individually. All of this meant that the local Park User Groups and River Stakeholder Groups were fully engaged in what still is a unique piece of local government legislation. I was then able to use the ERCIP project to develop this further into the first UK example of Supplementary Planning Guidance (URL) focused on the projection and enhancement of the river corridors in the area building utilising the relationships and stakeholder contacts built up over the process.
E.2. Knowledge on integrated approach for the design, delivering, monitoring and evaluation of urban strategies/policies: 
In managing the EU LIFE QUERCUS project I explored the potential of transferring the urban policy of Designing Out Crime from the hard edges of housing estates to the softer green space environment. This involved adapting existing policy and practice by taking the most appropriate parts and testing them in the redesign of a public park. It was important to evaluate the impact of these changes particularly when there was no existing example of the practice even in the Metropolitan Police Crime Prevention handbook. This meant designing questionnaires that looked at people’s perceptions of crime and personal safety and measure these against reported crime figures before and after the landscaping works were carried out. In addition, I was concerned about the impact on the biodiversity of what had been a relatively undisturbed area, alongside one of the projects stated aims of increasing public use. This involved commissioning expert led wildlife surveys to monitor biodiversity and basic headcounts at set times of day over a predetermined period to record usage. The information gathered was collated into a report containing easy to follow data presentations, before and after photos and anecdotal supporting evidence alongside clear explanations of the process used and results achieved. Park usage increased by 250% (a figure that national agencies still quote today), biodiversity increased and most importantly people’s perception of their safety increased from 42 to 78%.
E.3. Awareness of the main policy and funding schemes for sustainable urban development at EU and national level: 
As a European Projects Manager I currently have a cross Council role which has involved working on projects ranging from Youth Democracy to local River Management. This means I have to be prepared to respond to requests on a wide variety of topics and know where the best places are to look for the most appropriate funding opportunities. I have signed up for email, Twitter, Linked In and Facebook updates and newsletters from most of the relevant EU funds and I attend conferences and events at UK and European level. I make use of EU funding briefing notes provided by EU support organisations, and regularly visit websites for updates, funding calls and general information. I am a member of the Smart Rivers Network Action Group part of the European Innovation Partnership on Water and act as their communications person. This provides the opportunity to be in the middle of relevant discussions and funding opportunities directly linked to water and particularly rivers and river management. I am often invited to speak at conferences and take up this opportunity whenever possible as this allows me to hear from experts in the field and often pick up knowledge and contacts I would not have otherwise gained. This has led to partnerships with the private sector and the joint delivery of specialist training to planning authorities across London.
E.4. Ability to understand specific local situations and adapt tools and content to different local realities: 
In writing the original application and then managing the Interreg IVC ERCIP Project I designed a delivery model that was able to be adapted to the specifics of local situations across the five partner countries involved. The three stage River Corridor Improvement Plans allowed each partner to join the process at the stage most relevant to them and also complement existing national and regional river management structures. Locally this meant I had to work closely with Lewisham’s Planning Policy Team to ensure that the original application idea was deliverable and relevant to them and their systems and at the same time fit with the Catchment Based Approach of the national Environment Agency. While both parties had different responsibilities and delivery methods, it became clear that their objectives had a number of similarities and that a closer working relationship would be mutually beneficial. I was therefore able to adapt existing good practice tools from both developing a local planning tool to ensure the work and relationships were placed on a more formal footing and included ongoing participatory input from various stakeholders and professionals. This approach transferred successfully across the project partners and has been picked up by national and transnational river focused organisations leading to my participation in the European River Restoration Conferences of 2013 & 14 presenting an example of successful and transferable integrated local management plans.
Summary Expertise: 
Through my 15 years of local authority experience focusing on community engagement and through working with different levels of institutions across the UK and Europe I have insight into different approaches to stakeholder engagement and in particular the benefits of their wider input to the aims and objective of project delivery. Primarily stakeholder engagement should be seen as a central part of a successful project. I have worked closely with the Planning Policy Team in Lewisham on managing the statutory processes of stakeholder engagement and consultation by using the project funding to think more creatively. Through the project (2012-14) I used theatre events to engage local people in visiting their local rivers and through this opened up access to an audience of local people previous missing from the consultation exercise. Through (2005-08) I used a planned visit of Archbishop Desmond Tutu to the project area to provide a platform for publicising the restoration of the local river, gaining engagement and publicity way beyond our initial expectations. I have also been involved with internal Council stakeholders in promoting the Intercultural Cities network and its relevance to the Equalities Policies of the Council, ensuring that both are able to learn practically from the exchange of knowledge and experience in a way that has a tangible impact on continued policy development and implement


Residence location:
United Kingdom
English - Mother tongue

Area of expertise